Ami was not sure what to think about their conversation. She wondered if they spoke Korean, so she turned to them with a big smile and said in Korean, "Are you excited about the show? Have you seen them in concert before?"

The girls just smiled at her and said back to her in rehearsed broken Korean, "Sorry, I don't speak Korean."

Ami smiled at them, "OK." and gave them the thumbs-up sign.  Just then the light went out, the screams were deafening and BTS took the stage.

Ami found herself constantly smiling and laughing as the concert went on. They were 1000% showmen and amazing, never missing a beat. They knew what their fans wanted and delivered the entire time. Their dance moves, their joking on stage, flirting with fans and with each other, they knew how to deliver and how to drive their fans into a frenzy.

The guys knew where she was sitting and made it a point to make their way towards her, interacting with fans but always ending on her and then moving on. She just laughed at them as they all did this throughout the concert. What she didn't notice was that the girl sitting next to her was catching on as well as the concert went on, and becoming more jealous as the night went on. With the concert about over, Ami decided to head to the bathroom to beat the rush, and then work her way backstage.

The girl next to her turned to her friend and told her she would be right back, and followed her out.

Ami was washing her hands in the bathroom when she heard,

(In Spanish)

"What do you have to make them all look at you?" The Spanish girl was standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, looking completely disgusted at her.

Ami looked up at her through the reflection in the mirror and just continued to wash her hands, not bothered at all, then replied in Korean, "What do you want? Do you think they will want you? You will be greatly disappointed." She turned her back to the girl to walk over to the paper towels when she felt herself being pushed, she hit her head against the wall and she slid down, her ears ringing.

She could hear the girl yelling at her in Spanish, "Who do you think you are!?" and then she felt a kick to her stomach. The wind was knocked out of her as she gasped for air. While Ami was grabbing her stomach her backstage pass became visible.

"Ahhhh..Thank you for these." and Ami felt her pull the passed off from around her neck. She tried to grab them, but the girl pushed her back last time, hitting the wall again.

The concert was just about over, and Namjoon noticed Ami wasn't in her seat. He didn't think too much of it and assumed she was heading backstage.

After what felt like forever, she was able to catch her breath and stand up. Dizzy and grabbing her side, she wandered out into the hall. She needed to find that girl and how to get backstage. Just then the halls filled with people leaving, the show had ended. "Shit." She hugged the wall and just walked until she came to the security checkpoint.

"I need to get backstage!" She felt like she was yelling, but with the noise of thousands of people leaving the venue they could barely hear her.

"You can't go this way!" they pushed her away. "No!" Ami yelled back, "I need to find Mr. Su!"

They weren't having it.

Ami needed to think, her head was spinning. Her pass would get her anywhere. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Mr. Su: "It's a good morning." She leaned herself up against the wall and just waited, hoping he would find her.

The guys were in a big reception room after the show. They were excited and pleased with how smoothly it went. They were supposed to have a 30-minute meet and greet after the show with some special fans. Namjoon was looking for Ami and was surprised she wasn't there yet. He saw Mr. Su take his phone out and looked at it, his face went serious, and he said something into his walkie-talkie while dialing this phone at the same time. The guy on his left took guard at the door when he and the other security team left the room.

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