Hide and Break

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The girls had a knack for cheating every time they requested you play a game of Hide and Seek with them. Whenever they sensed you nearby, they'd transform into a swarm of flies and fly down the halls to find a new area to conceal themselves. It was starting to get on your nerves as you hadn't yet found Cassandra, Bela, or Daniela.

When you peered down one of the halls, you heard Bela's gleeful laughter coming from the left wing. You rushed toward the sound of her laughter, which was growing fainter by the moment. If only you could catch her in time. Just as you made your way around a corner, Cassandra decided to scare you from behind one of the hall's curtains.

"Yeraaww!" she roared.

You tripped over the carpet and stumbled straight into a small table, knocking over a Romanian, porcelain vase. The only sound you heard apart from Cassandra's delighted giggle was the vase shattering into a dozen pieces. Cassandra's playful smile and joking attitude immediately dropped once she saw the mess all over the floor.

"So, Cassandra, did you—" Bela turned the corner to see if her and her sister's plan to scare you had worked until she noticed your alarmed facial expressions.  Awkwardly, she glanced between you and Cassandra. "Uh, who broke that?"

"It doesn't matter who did it, the real problem is that Mother is going to find out, and she won't be happy about it," Cassandra remarked.

"Oh yeah, you remember what she did to that one maid who broke her—" Cassandra cut Bela off with a glare to shut her up before she could finish her storytelling. If you weren't already stressed out enough, this only added considerably more stress.

You wanted to know the story. "What happened to that maid?"

Cassandra sent Bela another glare and decided to answer your question for her. "A maid once dropped and cracked one of Mother's favorite handheld mirrors. Let's just say that Mother was irate. She sent the maid to the dungeons and had her flogged. She almost died of her wounds."

You felt a knot form in your stomach as you listened to Cassandra's account. If that maid was brutally flogged for merely cracking the Lady's mirror, what on earth was going to happen to you for breaking a whole vase? The very thought made you sick to your stomach. Just then, a cheerful voice came bounding up the stairs. All of you watched Daniela blithely skipping in your direction.

"Does this mean I win? None of you found me in time, ha!" Daniela grinned victoriously and twirled around, completely oblivious to the disastrous situation.

As Bela was about to inform Daniela of the situation, all of you heard the sound of heavy footsteps ascending the staircase, slowly getting closer and closer. Panic shot through your body as you brushed off your apron and looked at the three daughters. You silently wished you could transform into a swarm of flies and vanish from this scene.

"There you all are. I heard a commotion from downstairs and came to see what caused such a loud noise," Lady Dimitrescu said, noting Cassandra's nervous behavior. She then turned toward you and read the anxious expression written all over your face. Bela stared dumbly at her mother, all the while Daniela remained clueless as to what was going on.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and once she noticed the shards scattered all over the carpet, anger flared in the giantess's eyes. "Who broke my vase?" The cold, brusque tone of the caste was more horrifying than watching the vase fall to its demise.

Fear sealed your throat. Before you could say anything, Cassandra beat you to it. "Mother, it wasn't her fault. She was just playing Hide and Seek with us. I jumped out from behind the curtains to scare her and she accidentally knocked it over. Please don't be mad?"

It was so sweet how Cassandra and the girls were always swift to defend you. Upon your arrival, they attached to you rather fast, feeling quite comfortable with you. They wouldn't admit it, but you were unlike any other maid they had; they loved your sense of humor and willingness to listen to them. You genuinely cared about them and didn't view them as atrocious monsters that deserved to be cast out from society. Truthfully, they'd only grown fonder of you with time, and they'd do just about anything to keep you.

You gathered the courage to speak up, even if you were fated to a brutal flog. "It was indeed my fault." Casting an apologetic glance at your Mistress, you continued. "It wasn't their fault. I take full responsibility for my actions, as I shouldn't have been playing while on duty. Please forgive me, M'Lady. It won't happen again."

The anger in Alcina's golden eyes faded. Although she frowned at you, she understood. "Do ensure that it won't happen again." Sighing deeply, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. A tense silence permeated the atmosphere; you and the girls held your breath as Alcina reopened them. But instead of finding an irate expression, a mischievous grin cracked across her face. "Did you find the girls? Who won?"

Daniela bubbled with childlike delight. "Me!" She pointed at herself in an enthusiastic manner. Her mother turned her head and nodded her approval. She then set her focus on you.

"It's a shame I didn't join in on the fun earlier. You wouldn't have been able to hide from me." Lady Dimitrescu pierced you with a look that went right through you as if she could see your soul.

Your fear of being whipped was replaced with different kinds of emotions. She chuckled as your cheeks took on a shade of redness. Cassandra noticed it, too, and giggled as you mouthed a silent, 'I'm going to smack you!'

"Let's be quick about cleaning up this mess." Alcina clapped her hands together. "Then we will have a picnic in the courtyard." The girls squealed. They flew down the stairs and into the kitchen, arguing about who would choose the snacks.

Once they left, Lady Dimitrescu knelt at your level and brought her face close to yours. She tilted her head at you and then leaned forward, whispering in your left ear, "You better clean up this mess before I make a mess out of you, darling." With that, she turned on her heel and strode away from you, leaving you speechless and markedly flushed.

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