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Adrien pov

Andrew and I follow dad into the kitchen to see the rest of the family.

Andrew stands confidently next to me and a swell of pride rushes through me. Andrew and I have gotten really close these past two years, and he's told me some things he's gone through, which were really similar to Adrianna, and I'm so proud of how far he's come.

I couldn't help the relief that I felt when he told me he was never sexually touched. He doesn't know about Adrianna, and it broke my heart to keep that from him, but it's not my thing to tell him.

To be honest, I thought some of the guards would of done things to Andrew considering how filthy they were, but maybe I saw them wrong, unless they were ordered to not touch him.

It makes me wonder, why does Adonis only want to harm Adrianna?

When they were in Russia, Andrew told me that him and Adrianna were never supposed to be harmed. Ivan ordered everyone to not touch them, unless it had to do with training.

However, Nikolai obviously didn't listen, the bastard, and then he told other guards he'll keep it a secret if they did anything to them.

Dad clears his throat and gathers everyone's attention who then sees us. Everyone is in here. My mother, Sophia, who runs up to me and squeezes the life out of me, before doing the same to Andrew. She looks really skinny and pale which makes me frown.

My brothers who are all gaping at us except Xavier who is obviously glaring at the both of us. I meet his gaze and don't break eye contact until he's the first one to look away first. I'm not taking his bullshit and I know Andrew won't either.

My Aunts and Uncles are also here and they're standing back, watching.

Then I see my cousins spread out across the room. Some are watching us unable to hide their happiness and excitement while others are just staring blankly at us.

And lastly, my nonna and nonno. Grandma is silently crying whilst holding a death grip on grandpa's arm whose mumbling things under his breath. However he doesn't show any sort of emotion either.

I have kept my face blank the whole time and so has Andrew. Andrew has given me a bit of a heads up before we came here. The family may think we are enemies now so we wait for them to make the first move.

Dad didn't even seem to care, he was just happy. we came back same with mum, but I don't know about the others.

Then Gio steps forward, making all eyes go to him. I push my shoulders back more and raise my chin, staring into his eyes. If he wants us punished then fine. As long as I have Andrew then I don't care.

And if they kick Andrew out for taking us, then I'll be leaving with him.

Gio stands in front of the two of us and stares for a few moments, face blank. Then a big grin comes onto his face and he ushers us into a hug.

I can't help but to be relieved. I missed my brothers so much and I would of felt so empty if they didn't accept us back into the house.

"It's so good to see you both again." He whispers. I squeeze a little tighter letting him know I missed him just as much.

I look over to Andrew and I see a happiness in his eyes that I've never seen before.

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