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Adrien pov

I lead Andrew through the never ending forest, heading East as Adrianna said. I ignore my shattered heart knowing Andrew and I had been treating her as an enemy when all this time, she has been doing this for us.

She has gained Adonis' trust enough that he even gave her the codes for the security doors. Barely anyone has those codes.

She's been planning this escape for a while. She memorised the patrolling times, when the cameras would turn off for 10 seconds to reset at random intervals, and she somehow memorised the 15 digit code for the very last door.

None of this would of been a quick plan. I don't understand how she got us past the security cameras, knowing they were off, but I'm not surprised. She's always been smart.

When she first told Andrew and I to follow her with our stuff, we thought we were moving facilities again, so we didn't bother bringing much.

I doubted her.

And I will always regret that. Because I don't know when I will ever see her again. She sacrificed her own freedom for ours.

"We're nearly there I can see the street lights." I say, barely out of breath.

Adrianna and Andrew have taught me as much as they could in the 2 years I've been with them. Mostly Andrew though, after Adrianna decided to ignore our existence. I trained with them, I ate with them, I spoke to them and I slept with them.

I can now use any gun with perfect aim. My throwing skills have improved significantly. I can drive so much better and I don't get car sick anymore. I didn't have the chance to learn to fly planes and helicopters because Adonis didn't trust us enough yet.

They also taught me how to be stealthy. How to blend into a shadow. How to hide from someone in plain sight. I tried my best in everything they taught physically.

Mentally however I found more challenging.

Dad taught us to not let our emotions cloud our judgment. He didn't make us soulless monsters, and make us turn everything off. He trained us to think with our heads not with our hearts.

But Andrew and Adrianna's training was different. They weren't trained to not let emotion choose your decisions. No.

They were trained to not have emotions at all. They said it is important to always have a clear head no matter what situation you are in. Even if you are having a harmless meal, you must not feel or show any emotion.

They had to tell me many times, because I wasn't used to it. The dullness. The emptiness that grew inside of me, yet darkness filled that emptiness shortly after.

It comforted me. Whenever I made a decision that it liked it would purr in my head. Encouraging me.

And then I started craving it's approval. And that is when I let go of emotions completely. Especially after Adrianna stopped talking to either of us.

She spoke to us for maybe a week, and then when she came back one time after Adonis summoned her, she changed. She looked at us as if we weren't even there.

And that is when we saw her dilated pupils. That was the day Adonis had her back on the drugs. She could function properly with them easily due to her training for it. But she still got addicted.

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