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adrianna pov

I subtly watch as the Greek guards slowly make their ways closer to the ring. I know I haven't knocked Andrew out because I didn't hit him hard enough to do so.

However, they don't know that. And now they're planning on ganging up on me as a shit attempt to capture me.

Wrong move.

I could easily beat all of them at once, but I feel like playing with them.

Letting them think they have a chance of getting me, before I willingly hand myself over to Andrew to take.

No way I'm letting any of the guards grotty hands on me. I haven't have a good reputation with guards. Ever.

There is always one who is too horny for their own good and can never keep it in their pants. And guess who they go to for their release?!

If you said me then ding ding ding. Correct. Most guards see me as an object with a vagina that they can use to pleasure themselves.

Unfortunately for them however, I am not an object with a vagina. I am a monster with a monster vagina.

It really is a monster. It works wonders for the men that seem to insist on inserting themselves into it because they always end up coming in it.

Very rude if you ask me.

I'm surprised I haven't fallen pregnant with baby number two yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if I have been, but it got killed from all the beatings.

Adonis has taken so many things from me, and now when I return to him, it's going to be my turn to take from him.

He's going to think that he's slowly breaking me, but really I will be the one breaking him. I will take everything he's ever known, and I will ruin his life.

I just need time with Adonis, and knowing him, I will have plenty of it.

All the guards are now surrounding the ring. I look past them and towards my family. They all look at me worriedly but it's grandpa who I focus on.

I give him a small nod. He knows what to do.

It needs to work. I must not be wrong.

They just follow the plan.

It's weird because I only had such a short time to spend with my family. My head was full of hate and hopelessness, but they were helping me make room for other things like happiness and maybe even love.

I had escaped from my nightmare for a month only to walk right back into it.

But I have to do it for Andrew. For my family. It doesn't matter what I want or not. As long as I can keep making other people happy then I'll be okay.

Besides, what are they going to do that they haven't already done before?

I have to be honest. I'm a little offended Adonis thought he could send some men to capture. He clearly underestimates me, but I could use this to my advantage.

6 men make their way into ring, now standing in front of Andrew's body.

I arch a brow at them, daring them to attack, and of course, they do.

They all point their guns at me, but at that moment, all the lights in the room go out.

I'm surrounded by complete darkness.

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. Then I attack.

I sense every person in the room. I run towards two men standing in the ring and I grab their guns while running behind them, bending their arms ways they aren't meant to be bent.

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