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Adrianna pov

I walk towards the door, needle in my hand and after a few minutes of fiddling, I unlock the door.

A cloud of smoke rushes into the room, straight into my mouth. I start coughing, trying to see through the smoke but it's too foggy.

I find the stairs by memory and go onto the main level of the house. I hear the coughs of Nik and Jack ahead of me. I look towards the kitchen and see they left the stove off.

Dumb mother fuckers.

I grab my bag full of emergency supplies in my room, then I run towards the front door. I hold in my next cough until I exit the house so Nik and Jack are unaware of my presence.

They were probably going to leave me in there until the whole house burned down, stupid cunts. I wait outside for the 2 of them to come out of the house, with a smug look on my face.

Do they really think I can die so easily? I'm practically a cockroach. I somehow avoid death at all costs.

I've been waiting for 5 minutes and they still haven't come out. I decide to call 911 for a fire truck to come, I can't have them dying on me. Not when I haven't had my fun yet.

The fire truck shows up and starts taking care of the burning house. I stand in front of it staring at nothing. I can't help but hear the mantra echoing in my head.

Obey. Fight. Kill

What the fuck. Not the time.

I snap out of it. Forget Jack. Forget Nik. I'm okay.

But what's going to happen to me? Where do I go from here?

The cops soon show up. I hope it's Officer Ryder and Officer Parker. They're definitely my favourite. And before you say anything, yes I have run ins with the cops more times than necessary.

Ryder and Parker are kinda like father figures to me. They don't know about the abuse or anything at home, they just think I'm a troubled teen or something.


I turn around and see Parker standing there, eyes wide. I smile at him.

"Hey Parker! Haven't seen you in a few days. I think that's a new record." I say casually, smirking at him.

He looks at me as if I've got 2 heads.

I tilt my head at him in confusion, before I remember about the fire and my dead 'dad'.

"What happened Adrianna ?"

I could either do the innocent act, or the 'I don't give a fuck' act, AKA my normal self.

I decide to be myself because let's be honest. I'm not a liar.


"I think Jack left the stove on and the house caught fire.  I just got home and rung 911 as soon as I could." I lie while looking at my nails.

Parker gives me a look of pity.

I hate pity.

"Adrianna, they found 2 bodies in the house, we identified them as Jack Walker and Nikolai Johnson." Parker says after getting a report from his radio.

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