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Xavier pov

When I found out Russians used to give Adrianna several different drugs, it made sense as to why she was so hooked onto them.

But it made me so angry. The Russians took so much from us. They took my twin, my baby sister, and my baby brother. I can't begin to imagine what they went through.

I wasn't there to protect them and I'm sure all my brothers feel the same right now. Dad and mum the worst. I can't believe I have another brother out there somewhere. I just hope he's in a better place now.

I wonder how living with these Jack and Maria people was for Adrianna. I hope they spoiled her, knowing what the Russians are capable of, I'm not surprised if she has really bad PTSD.

What am I thinking? Of course she would, she was with them for 8 years.

8 years of her life, suffering while I was living here with my family, complaining about things that didn't even matter.

We still haven't found any identity matches to that man Adrianna saw at the mall but we're still looking. We were going to ask Adrianna about him but after everything that has happened recently, we want her to tell us on her own terms.

Dad also can't find the nurse that knew about Andrew's birth. It's been 16 years so for all we know she could be dead.

All we know is we are going to find Andrew and we are going to bring him home.

It surprised me when Adri asked for us all to have a movie night together. My brothers and I used to have them when we were younger but we eventually all stopped.

Adrianna said she had to run an errand before we could start a movie, I just hope whatever she's up to, she's okay.

Gio pov

I never used to go to the movie nights my brothers had, I was usually with dad, working on something with the mafia but since Adrianna requested the movie night I'll be going. So will mum and dad. We all want to try to get to know Adrianna better. She's been very closed off the time she's been living here. She's been spending most of her time in her room, but since school has started she seems to be a bit more rebellious. As if she doesn't know what to do.

She has been to school before right? There's nothing to be worried about since the twins and their friends as well as Adrien go there. She's protected and has nothing to be worried about.

Although, I don't think she would be scared since she's a world known assassin and street fighter. If anything, I thought school would bore her. I'm surprised to hear she hasn't gotten into any fights yet, but she has been angry at us all lately. Especially Xavier.

When he told her to move out I was so angry. But I knew if I argued with him in front of her it would of gotten a lot more violent and I didn't want her to be scared. I think her having some time away from us helped her sort some things out.

She's only known about us for a little less than a month, and now she's just started school, as well having trouble with drugs apparently. She's still adjusting.

I had no idea she had a drug problem but the twins clearly did. When she came home high that one night, Xander said she promised him something. I'm assuming that promise was for her to quit drugs. Then I heard the Russians gave her their own drugs, which made even more sense. I've never heard of this seventh heaven drug, but I can imagine it's not good.

I don't think she's fully addicted to the drugs she's been taking at the moment which I'm so grateful for, and I will do anything I can to not let her get addicted.

The twins told me she hangs out with Jason Baros at school. He's the Greek mafia Don's son, but was adopted when he was around 2 years old. Apparently he was a mistake and his dad didn't want him, so adoption it was. He killed the mother after she gave birth, not wanting any 'complications'.

Whatever that meant.

We've been keeping a close eye on Jason, incase his father is trying to trick us into believing Jason is innocent. I'm a bit worried with Adrianna hanging out with him, due to that reason but also because he's a drug user.

I just hope she stays safe.

Adrianna pov

My mind has been running wild the whole time I've been driving home. I keep glancing at Azrael, wondering what the hell I just did. This time will be different. I'm not living with the Russians, and my family won't make me kill him. They aren't like that. The most they would do is make me take him back, which I'm obviously not doing.

I pull up to the house and carry the bags full of dogs upstairs into my room. I run into Adrien on the way there and he gives me a strange look but I just give a small smile in response. I then bolt back downstairs and pick Az up. I creep through the house, hoping to not run into anyone this time.

I was too preoccupied staring into Azrael's eyes I didn't realise I walked into a wall. Since when was there a wall in the middle of the hallway? I look up and see a wall made of muscle. I drag my eyes up and I'm met with blue eyes. The blue eyes of Diego.

I keep my face void of emotion, but inside I'm restless. He's walking around the house with no shirt on, his tanned 8 pack on display. I force my eyes to stay on his face, fighting the temptation to have another peak of him. Being this hot should be illegal.

He has a smirk on his face as he stares down at me.

"Cute puppy."

I don't think Azreael appreciated being called 'cute', or a 'puppy' as he starts growling at Diego.

Diego starts backing away with his hands up, the smirk still on his face.

"My bad."

Az yaps in content.

I shove past Diego and into my room to find Adrien laying on my bed going through my shopping. When he hears me approach he whips his head around, a giant grin on his face.

"You got a puppy!"

I nod in response with a smile on my face as I set Az down on my bed while I set up his things in my room. I make a note to put a bowl for his food and water in the kitchen.

Az slowly approaches Adrien and sniffs his shoes. He then yaps in content and sits on Adrien's foot. This dog just like feet or something. Adrien picks a wagging Azrael up and they start...bonding.

"Whose a clever dog? You are! Yes you are!" He says in a disturbing baby voice.

I'm not hiding him from my family, I just don't want them to find out yet. I want to have my own time with him before everyone else does. It's not like I have anything to worry about though.

I shove all the thoughts of Azrael out of my head. He is different. It won't matter if I get attached, I'm safe here.


Word count: 1259

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