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I get ready for bed after Xavier leaves my room. I look at the clock and it read 12:34am. Hopefully I can get in a few hours of sleep.

When I was living with Jack I would wake up regularly incase he or his friends came and tried to hurt me. I don't know if anyone here will hurt me or not but I'm not taking any chances.

I make sure to take my sleep pills which prevent me from having nightmares or flashbacks while I'm sleeping. I pop a few pills for my ribs, and knees which were beaten 16 days ago. They're still bruised but I can now walk normally.

I fell asleep soon after.


I wake up randomly and check the time. 3:28am.
Not too bad. I know I'm not going to be going back to sleep so I hop in the shower.

After showering I get dressed making sure everything is covered and head downstairs for some coffee.

Somehow not getting lost, I make my way towards the kitchen when I notice the kitchen light is on. I furrow my brows. Who the hell is awake at this time?

As I walk into the kitchen I see Gio sitting on a stool sitting on his phone probably working. I've noticed this guy works more than he breathes.

When he notices my presence he seems shocked.

"Hey Ad, what are you doing up?" he asks, not showing anything on his face.

I ignore the nickname.

"I could ask you the same thing." I reply nonchalantly.

He seems struck by my attitude. 

"Work." he says brushing off my bluntness.

But what is he doing leaving work at 3:30am? Did something happen with the mafia? Why do I even care, one less man in the house.

I just nod, making my way towards the coffee machine. I start looking for where the mugs are. I sigh heavily and turn around facing a smirking Gio. I raise my eyebrow at him. I refuse to ask him for help. He points towards one of the tall cupboards. Great. Curse my height.

Gio stands, expecting me to ask him for help, but my ego is too proud for that. I easily climb onto the counter to reach the mug before skilfully jumping down, not making a noise.

He raises his eyebrow at me. I shrug in response.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he asks suspiciously

I roll my eyes already thinking of a lie.

"I've been short my whole life, I've had to reach things somehow." I deadpan.

He rolls his eyes and makes himself a bowl of cereal. I decide to make myself one too because I have no clue where shit is.

He glares at me as soon as I touch the box. I raise my eyebrow in question.

"That's my cereal."

I give him a sheepish smile and when I realise what I'm doing I wipe my face of any emotion. What the fuck am I doing? Smiling? Especially at a man I've just met.

I start thinking of techniques the Russians used on me so I didn't have any feelings. I could get a pet and kill it when I get attached to it. But I wouldn't get attached to it in the first place. Next idea..

I could just detach my mind and body but I'd go psycho, so that's not an option.

Next thing that comes to my mind is going to a fighting ring and fight to death. This gets me excited. It always puts me back to normal.

I realise I've been mindlessly eating Gio's cereal while he continues to stare at me. I stop mid-chew and stare back at him.

He raises his eyebrow as if expecting me to stop eating it. Get over it bitch.

Before I can have another spoon full, the bowl is taken. I glare at him, while he eats the cereal. He ignores me so I decide to look up nearby rings for a few fights tonight. Once I finish, I put my phone away and stare ahead.

Wait where did Gio go? I turn a full 360 and don't see him anywhere. I would of heard him walk away. What was I doing? He didn't see my phone did he?

Adrianna, get yourself together. You haven't even been here for a day.

My hand mindlessly hovers over the carvings on my stomach as I think about everything that has happened in the past week. Talk about a change of lifestyle.

I decide to go back to my room, still having no idea where Gio went. As I enter my room, my body was craving some bud, so of course me being an idiot, I go in my bathroom to have some. But of course as I have it all ready someone walks into my room without knocking.

I quickly lock my bathroom door, have the cone then put everything back as fast as I can.  Who the fuck is barging in my room at 4 fucking am anyway?

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to put all my
stuff back before the door opens. I'm met with a very concerned looking Xander whose holding a set of keys.

Uh oh.

"What are you doing Adrianna?" he asks worriedly. He seems a little tense.

"Well what does it look like I'm doing?"  I think it's starting to take effect.

His bright blue eyes pierce into mine. I have a quick leak in the mirror and see my eyes are dilated. Oh shot. I don't think I can lie my way out of this one.

"Why?" his voice sounds slightly....broken?

I stare at him. Why do I do it? I could give up if I wanted to. I'd go through the withdrawals but I've been through so much worse, so what's stopping me from giving it up? It's not like I need drugs to live. They just help relax me and give my body some release.

"I don't know." and that was the truth.

He was searching my eyes for a lie but they show nothing. Just lifeless, dull eyes staring back at his protective ones.

"I think I should tell Gio about this. This stuff is really bad for you Adri. It can mess you up."

I glare at him. " You won't be telling Gio anything. " I state forcefully.

He looks conflicted.

"Adrianna you need help, Xavier told me about bags of pot he found in your bathroom. He also told me if I ever see you doing any drugs I should tell him or Gio."

I don't know what to say. He knew I had drugs because Xavier told him. Xavier knew I wasn't selling them but still tried to give me a chance.

"I'm planning on stopping-"

"That's what all drug addicts say. You all say 'one more' or 'this is the last time' and never follow through with your words. Don't make me empty promises Adrianna. Don't do that to yourself."

I can't look away from him. His eyes are full of disappointment, and a bit of understanding was in there too? How could anyone understand how I feel? How drugs are one of the only things that help me cope.

"I'm not a drug addict. Take it all, take everything in here and I'll be fine. You watch." I say, glaring at him.

"Okay, and either me or Xavier will be doing a room check later when everyone is out just incase."

"Fine with me."

I open the cupboard in my bathroom and give him all my drugs and lighters. I give him the papers I use to roll joints and the grinder I use to chop the weed.  He seems to be a bit uncomfortable while holding all this stuff.

Before anything could be done with the drugs Xavier decided to barge into the bathroom with us. He sees Xander holding my drugs and stares at him as if waiting for something to happen. He takes all of my drugs off Xander and throws them into the toilet. Nobody says anything as the flush of the toilet fills the silence.

Xavier then continues to head to my door, taking the other items with him. Xander leaves with him. I decide to go back to bed.

I'm going to need as much sleep as I can get. This is going to be an eventful day.

Word count: 1411

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