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Adrianna pov

When Adrien and Marco left to continue their conversation in the kitchen, I was planning.

Planning how I could get away with being raped.

It should be the other way right? The victim shouldn't have to be the one hiding anything. They should be allowed to tell anyone what they want.

But I guess I'm not the average victim.

The first step in my plan is to make sure Adrien and Marco don't tell anyone.

The next step is a little harder. I have to hide the bruises on my neck. I can use make up, but I'm going to have to wear a hoodie and have my hair down for the next few weeks.

I'm also going to have to limit my talking. Which is good anyway, I'm getting too close to these people. I know they're my family, and I think I'm starting to understand what love is, but that's not good.

I can't love and I can't be loved.

It's not who I am. It's not what I deserve. It's not what I was made for.

I think after what Mr Barack did to me made me realise how stupid I'm being. I can't get close with my family, I'm only putting them in danger. I have too many enemies.

The Russians; my captors; whoever they even are.

'Sinners' underground enemies. If they found out my true identity my family will start to get many death treats.

Other gang members. Other mafias who I've manages to mess with.

It's not like my family is defenceless, I know they know how to fight and take care of themselves. I just don't want them to because of me and my problems.

I'm over being a burden to everyone.

The last step in my plan is by far my favourite. My coping mechanism. Drugs. Now, I don't want to be stupid like last time and get caught whilst high on cocaine, so I'm thinking of sticking to weed. I can hide it so much easier and it's so much cheaper. And it's not that bad if I get addicted. Not that I will.

Dad also talked to me in his office last week about the extended family. His brothers, their wives, their kids and his parents. My mum was apparently disowned from her family so they don't talk to them anymore.

The rest of the family are coming Saturday. As in tomorrow. I'm not scared. It's just a group of people with labels. I have no reason to be worried.

I'm still going to that street race, it just means I'm going to have to put more effort into sneaking out since there's more people around.

It shouldn't be too hard, considering I was trained for 8 years to be stealthy.

Since I have nothing to do I plan on going to the White Witch Bar and getting some pot. While I'm there why not fight a few people? I'll buy enough to weed to last me the weekend and on Monday I'll buy some off Jason.

Adie hired a few people to drive some of my cars from my house to the family mansion. I'm going to take my bike though, since it's what Sinner is usually seen riding.

I go into my room and change out of my brothers clothes. I change into a lace top that tucks into some black cargo pants. I put a belt on to secure the pants and I put on my combat boots.

I chuck an oversized black hoodie on to cover myself until I reach the bar.

I make sure to text dad to let him know I'm going out so nobody panics like last time.

Going out for a few hours.

Old man
Where to? And I'd like one of your brothers to go with you.

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