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I let my mind fall into the ever ending dark abyss in my head as I take my fighting stance.

I forget about Xander. I forget about Diego. I forget about everyone and everything. All I can focus on is my opponent.

She decides to make the first move, charging at me then dropping to the floor to try and swipe my legs. Unfortunately for her, that was child's play for me.

I grab her hair as she is still below me and I yank her head back so I can stare directly into her eyes as I punch her in her nose.

I hear the familiar crunch and I let go of her hair, throwing her back so she's laying on her back, one hand holding her nose, the other balancing her weight as she gets up.

I stand there, with a bored look on my face as I wait for her to take her time. Anger shines in her eyes as she stares at me, clearly annoyed about how easily I'm beating her.

I roll my eyes as she charges at me again. I step aside and she runs right into the ropes. I hold in a laugh as I see her struggling to get up.

And she's meant to be the best female fighter here?


I decide to end her humiliation. I turn around to face her. I calmly walk towards her, earning a confused look from her. I take a hold of her head so gently. I can feel all the confused gazes on me. That was until I smashed her head down and connected it with my knee. I drop and spin a 360, swiping my leg underneath her. As she falls I elbow her hard in her temple causing her to pass out.

I punch her a few times in the face to make sure. I take the knife out of her pants and throw it on the floor away from us. I slowly stand up and stare at the announcer, waiting for him to announce that I am the winner.

But he doesn't do that. Instead, 2 paramedics come in the ring and start doing CPR on her.


I must of killed her. I didn't realise I elbowed her so hard. How will I explain this one to the boys?

I stare at the dead body of my opponent for a few more moments before I jump out of the ring and walk up to Xander and Diego.

I take my jumper off Xander and slide it over my slim body. I walk up to the announcer and take my earnings. 35k. Nice.

When I return to the boys, they're staring at me. Both have worry and fear in their eyes.

I roll my eyes at them and walk past. At least I try to. Someone grabs my arm. I reflexively grab their hand and turn it, ready to break their hand if necessary. That's when I realise it's just some horny teenage dude probably trying to get into my pants.

I let go of his wrist and spin him around. I don't apologise. I just stare at him. I stare at him longer than I realise because he looks familiar. Am I supposed to know him? Maybe I've seen him at school before. No he looks too old for school.

Or maybe at another fight?

His eyes. The brown eyes. They're so familiar.

We continue to stare at each other. For an unusual amount of time. That is until Diego steps in between us and glares at me. He nods his head towards the exit.

Why does he always get in the way of me and men?

I follow him and Xander out of the exit and towards my car. Just as I'm opening the door, someone closes it.

I sigh heavily before facing my brother. And then he hugs me. Tightly.

My whole body tenses and I look at Diego for an explanation. He continues to observe, not doing anything. As if this encounter is interesting.

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