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Adrianna pov

When dad said we can all have a movie night I got a little excited. I've never done anything like this before but I needed to do one thing before. Get a dog.

Just because I'm not living alone anymore doesn't mean I don't want to get one. I guess it will be for emotional support.

I tell everyone I'll be home in around an hour since I have an important errand to run.

I get in my car and drive to the mall. Once I get there I find an adoption shop for pets. I take a few minutes to look around. There's so many dogs.

Flashback ⚠️

Ivan took me to a pet shop for my birthday. He said I can pick any one I want! I looked around for a few minutes but I saw this small grey cat sitting on a cushion sleeping. He reminded me of Andrew so of course I had to get him. I decided to name him Apollo.

"You are not to get attached to that cat Adrianna, is that clear? It will only end up hurting you in the future. "

I was confused but nodded anyway. Why couldn't I get attached to a cat? What's the worst that could happen?

End of flashback ⚠️

I was the worst that happened. I got attached. I killed him.

"Attachments make you weak Adrianna." Nikolai would always tell me.

Attachments meant vulnerability he said. Attachments made targets.

They get 'caught in the crossfire'. The crossfire that would kill them. I was always that crossfire because I am a monster.

I wasn't treated like one for no reason.

Whenever I start to feel human again, my demons drown me. I feel like I'm pulled under by their rotten hands, except it isn't their hands. It's hopelessness and despair. No matter how fast I try to outrun them, no matter how many times I cry out for help, the hands always pulls me under.

They remind me of who I am.

I am a creature. I am in inhumane. A threat. A thing. I'm dangerous. An animal, caged up, trying to break free. But I can't.

I'm trapped. And I always will be. I want to ask people for help but I can't. Weak people need help. I am not weak. I refuse to be. Weak people feel things, so I do not feel things. Weak people fear everyone. I only fear myself.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by a growl. I look towards a slightly rusted pen and see a singular puppy sitting by himself, growling at anyone who comes close to him. This intrigues me. I look at his information card.

Name: Azrael
Age: 4 months
Price: Free

Has been bought 5 times, all been brought back due to aggressive behaviour. Caution. Keep your hands away from his mouth.

I ignore what's said on the sign. He's perfect for me. He stares into my eyes and tilts his head, but he doesn't growl. I tilt my head back at him. His tail starts wagging, whipping everything in reach.

I walk up to the counter.

"I would like to take Azrael.

She seems taken back by my request.

"Are you sure you want him? He has a past for aggressive behaviour and he tends to bite a lot."

I narrow my eyes at her. No wonder he doesn't get bought, they only talk about the bad side of him. What about his good side?

"I want him."

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Well he's for free so you can take him, there's a pet shop down the road if you need anything for him."

I don't bother thanking her as I make my way over to Azrael's pen. I open the gate and wait for him to approach me. He walks out of try pen and and sniffs my leg. He decides it's good enough for him and sits on my foot.

I glare at him. He gives me an innocent look back. I roll my eyes and pick him up.

"We need to go get you some dog things so you better behave." I tell him as I get into my car.

I place him in the passenger seat and wind his window down so he can stick his head out of the window. I heard dogs like that.

I drive to a dog store a few blocks down. I take Azrael with me, letting him choose what stuff he wants.

I end up getting him 2 beds, food and water bowls, too many toys and some treats when he isn't a little shit.

I'm currently on my way home as I start to think about Apollo. I glance towards Azrael. I won't get attached to him.

I can't. He's just here to make me feel less lonely. That's it. I don't care about him.

I won't.

Adrien pov

I didn't know how to react when dad told me I'm a triplet. Both of my triplets were taken by the same people, they grew up together. They have memories of each other. But without me.

Does Andrew even know he's my brother, or that Adrianna is his sister? Where is he right now? Is he still living with Russians, or is he somewhere safer? Was Adrianna safe when the Russians let her go? But why would they let her go? What was the point of taking her?

Now I think about it, why did they take her? Dad and Ivan made a peace treaty after Ivan's dad died and when grandpa retired. So why would they break that treaty and take Adrianna and Andrew?

All I know is if I see any of the filthy creatures that took my twins, I'm going to kill them. Slowly.

I'm usually peaceful but whenever someone hurts my family my other side comes out. The ruthless one.

Author Note
Word Count: 997

If anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm always here ❤️

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