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Adrianna pov

I snuck out and went to the 'White Witch Bar' to find any dealers that could have some weed. I need to feel something again. I promise I won't do anymore after tonight. I just need this for one night. Just to forget everything. To feel alive.

I spot a well known dealer around the area. He's sitting at the bar having a drink with his usual hood covering his face. I sit next to him and face him.

"Bud." I state as I chuck a few 50's in front of him. He seems hesitant at first but then he gives me enough to last me a few days. I give the dealer a small 'thanks' and drive back home.

As I reach the front gate I sneak over the fence and creep around the side of the house. I see all my brothers cars missing. I don't even see bio mum and dads. Everyone must of gone out.

I climb up a tree and along a branch that reaches my bedroom window. I make it into my room without being found. I go to my bathroom and lock the door. I grab some rolling paper from one of my drawers and roll 2 joints. Once I finish, I light one and take a hit. And I keep taking hits until both joints become nothing.

A few minutes later everything starts spinning and going blurry. My mind has gone numb and I can't feel anything. This makes me smile. I use the rest of my weed to roll another 8 joints, ready to light them whenever I want. I start to lose my balance standing so I decide to lay down on the tiles staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours.

"It's been a while Adrianna."

I turn my head and see Andy sitting next to me. This causes my smile to grow.

"Andy! How have you been?"

"I've been good. I can see you're doing fine."

I giggle. "Andy, you know the only reason I'm fine right now is because I'm high."

He smiles. "Have another one, it won't hurt."

I think about this for a moment. I don't want to use all this up in one night and I don't want to risk a possible overdose. But one more can't hurt right?


It's been a few hours and Andy and I have been talking for ages. I think I've smoked about 8 joints and I'm really dizzy and a headache has started to form. Andy left a few minutes ago, he didn't say where he needed to go though. He kept telling me to smoke another joint but now I don't think I should of had as much as I did. It makes me a little excited. 

I walk out of the bathroom after trying to clean up the evidence of the weed and I walk into my closet.

I feel like going to the club since it's only 10pm and I haven't had sex in a while so hopefully I'll find someone to fulfil my needs.

I change into a matching pink sparkly skirt and small tank top. I make sure enough cleavage is showing and my skirt is short enough. I put on a limited amount of makeup and curl my hair. I put on some black heels and stand in front of the mirror.

I look hot as fuck.

I haven't heard anyone in the house for a few hours so I know they're all still out. I smoke one more joint and make my way out of my room, the sound of my heels clicking on the ground echoing throughout the house.

I take a black tesla from the garage and make my way to a nearby club 'Dark and rich' which is weird because that's what my name means. I don't think anything of it and I arrive at the club.

The security guard takes one look at my breasts and let's me skip the line to go inside. My nose gets hit with the mixed smell of sweat and alcohol.

I stumble slightly while walking towards the bar for a drink. The pot is really fucking with my head right now. I wave a really cute bartender towards me.

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