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Adrianna pov

I like my room. A lot. I could tell Adrien did it because he was so nervous about it.

I unpacked the small amount of clothes I have and put them into my closet until the rest of my things come. I called my assistant, Adie giving her the address of the house so my things can be shipped here by tomorrow.

I go to the bathroom and hide my bag of weed in one of the cupboards behind a bunch of my soaps. I will be using my substances soon, but first I need a nap. I pop a pain killer and jump on my bed face first, and slowly fall asleep.


I'm running home after I got a detention at school.  I really hope Jack isn't home yet, he'd beat me if I got home late.

I turn the corner and see the familiar car parked in the driveway. I want to break down right there but I don't. I can't. Before I could even open the front door it swings open and and Jack appears. He drags me by my hair into the lounge room.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU, YOU DIRTY SLUT!!?" he shouted in my face. His breath reeks of alcohol.

"I had a detention." I calmly stated.

"Don't lie to me, you were with a boy, whoring around. You want to be a whore? I'll treat you like a whore, but punishment first." he says smirking.

He slaps me across the face and shoves me to the ground. He turns me around so my back is on the cold floor and he takes my shirt off.

I know what's about to happen.

While living with the Russians I was taught not to feel pain, and I'm really thanking those lessons right now.

I know I'm going to be okay.

"You were 27 minutes late so you will be getting 27 whips, and you will count each one otherwise I will start again, is that clear you little cunt?" he asks while grabbing the back of my neck.

"Yes" I croak out.

"Good girl, now count. "

I turn it all off and he starts. And I make sure not to count just to piss him off but I'll be alright. I did this to myself, I deserve it, he shouldn't stop at 27 whips. It's not enough. I deserve the pain. I need the pain. I was trained to endure this. I need more.

He whips my back. Hard.

I count the first few but then I stop.

"Count you slag!" he yells as he whips me harder in the same spot

My mouth curves into a small smile as I close my eyes and angle my head upwards.

"Don't stop" I whisper.

He stops for a moment. He gives one of the cameras in the corner of the room a look that seemed like concern, but I ignore it. I'm not really sure why there are cameras in our house, it's not like there's anything valuable here. Maybe he's just a paranoid guy.

He chicks his belt somewhere across the room and hovers over me. He grabs my breasts as my shirt is still off and I'm left in a bra.

"Show me what you do to the other boys you sleep with."

"I haven't slept with anyone." I lie.

He doesn't seem to like my answer because he backhands me on the cheek and squeezes my breast harder until it hurts.

I grunt in return.

"Shut up you lying whore."

He starts to unzip my jeans and at this moment I know nobody is here to help. I start thrashing around trying to get out of my grip.

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