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2 Years Ago

Adrianna pov

The bag gets snatched off my head, my eyes squinting, slowly adjusting to the sudden brightness.

My wrists ache from the tightness of the chains wrapped around them.

Once my vision focuses, I look to my left where I see him.


Standing there, with a satisfied smirk on his face as he casually strolls over to me. He runs his thumb under my chin but I yank it away from his touch.

This doesn't please him as he decides to slap me in the face.

"You have forgotten your manners."

I stare at him blankly, not saying anything.

He sighs. "At least your brother can do something right. I ask him to retrieve you, but he returns with you and Adrien!" He says smiling.

Then the smile wipes off his face. Cold eyes and a cruel smirk replacing it. "However, Andrew cannot be trusted anymore. Not now that the two of you are here. "

Andrew doesn't show anything on his face.

Adonis waves his hands at two guards standing in the corner. They approach Andrew, and drag him onto his feet. Then they hit him.

Over and over again. Making Adrien and I watch.

Adrien looks at me, about to say something but I subtly shake my head.

If we beg him to stop, he will only enjoy it more. Showing no reaction is the best thing to do. The safe thing to do.

Adrien struggles to hide his thoughts off his face, but he doesn't open his mouth.

One of the guards knocks Andrew hard in the head, making him pass out. They drop his body to the ground, making a thud echo in the room.

Anger surges through me, but I push it down. I must stay calm.

"Another thing, Adrianna."

I look up to him, and meet his eyes. Something I would of never done. He smiles at me.

Then I hear a familiar yap.

I slide my eyes towards the right of the room, where Azrael trots into the room. He sits next to Adonis' feet. As if he's waiting for orders.

That's when the shattering revelation settles in. He played me.

"This little thing here, has been a great help. I had a tracker and microphone implanted into him, and of course I knew you would get him. I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to get another animal after what happened with Apollo, but I managed to work something out in time.

I knew you would pick him. You saw yourself in him. Broken and lonely." He says with a sinister smile.

I hide the pain from my eyes.

Azrael was the Greek spy I never saw coming.

Adonis clicks his tongue.

"I have your first task for you Adrianna, knowing you are familiar with it."

I frown. I haven't even been here for 20 minutes, what could he possibly want me to do?

He pulls a revolver out of his waistband and orders the guards to undo the chains and bring me to my feet.

He hands my the revolver.

"Shoot the dog."


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