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Roberto pov

We're having a meeting about the mall incident when we hear a weird scream coming from the basement, which should be impossible because I made the basement soundproof myself.

I start to worry because the screaming is loud enough for Adrianna to hear. Before I can reach my office doors, the screaming starts again.

I start to jog through the house and down the 2 sets of stairs to the main level. I then make my way to the basement stairs but I see the door already open.


I run down the stairs, panicking about what she's seen. I know she's probably seen a lot of things in her life but she's still my bambina.

I run past all the cells not seeing her in any of them. I reach the cell at the end with the iron door and I see it's slightly ajar. I open the door fully and see her kneeling on the ground, head in hands, mumbling to herself.

I see a camera and speaker in the corner of the room which has never been there before. I pull out my gun and shoot both before going to my figlia. What happened to her?

I crouch down next to her and lift her in my arms. I carry her to the living room and set her down on one of the couches, all while she keeps mumbling to herself, staring off into nothing. I call my security and make them do a full sweep of the area.

Someone came into the house and placed that camera and speaker in our basement so Adrianna would find them on purpose. We have a rat. I look at Gio and he knows what he has to do.

Gio pov

Dad and I were at one of the warehouses trying to get information out of a Greek when we both got a text from Xander. Apparently Adrianna saw a man at the mall that triggered her to nearly have a panic attack. He got a photo of the man but it was a bit blurry due to him rushing and his hands were slightly shaking.

It's a man standing behind a plant in all black, hands in his pockets as he stares directly at Adrianna. The dullness of his browns eyes make it obvious that he's dangerous. We already have tech guys working on identifying him and as soon as they're done, my brothers and I will be paying him a visit.

We quickly rushed home and while Adrianna was still passed out we decided to have a meeting to decide what we should do about this guy, and why he triggered Adrianna so much. That was when we heard the screaming. Dad seemed to ignore us all and head straight for Adrianna who would of heard the screaming clearer than all of us due to her being closer to the basement.

Of course when we find all the couches empty dad starts to panic and runs into the basement looking for her. He gets to the last cell and we all see her.

She's mumbling shit to herself while holding her head. The screaming was coming from a speaker that's connected to the other speakers in the house and that's why we could hear it. Before dad shot the speaker, three words kept replaying 'Obey. Fight. Kill' before a man's voice came on and said 'He's coming for you.' I look at dad worriedly. The voice had a Russian accent.

Adrianna pov

I wake up and find myself on a couch again. I then remember everything that happened in the basement. My body stills. He's coming for you. Who is he? Is it Nikolai? Jack? Is it my trainers?

I know I saw Nikolai at the mall and it wasn't a hallucination this time. He's really alive. Does that mean Jack is too? Are they both trying to come after me and punish me for leaving them in the house or because I ran away?

Before I could think of any more scenarios a set of footsteps approach me. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

"I know you're awake sorella." came Xanders soft voice.

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