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Adrianna pov

"I don't want to talk about it, but I'll pay for the wall repairs." I say as I stare at the bullet holes now decorating the wall.

"It's already been taken care of. What's important is what just happened Adrianna. Please talk to us, you can trust us." Roberto says.

Nikolai always told him I could trust him and look where that got me. I can't trust anybody.

"Maybe another day." I reply with a small smile.

I turn to walk off but a strong arm shoots in-front of me, blocking me from being able to walk away. I glare at the owner of that arm.

"You're going to sit the fuck down and tell us what the fuck just happened. You can't just act as if everything is normal. You can't hold everything in."

I glare at Xavier. Can he just not be a dick for a few hours?

"Yeah...I don't think I will." Xander walks towards us and gently grabs Xavier's arm.

"Lascia che sia Xavier, non ne ho parlato subito neanche con voi ragazzi. Aspetta che sia pronta." Xavier drops his arm and let's me go to my room.
(Let her be Xavier, I didn't want to talk to you guys about it straight away either. Wait until she's ready.)

What is Xander taking about? Straight after what? I don't waste anytime and run up to my room, ready to have a shower. I haven't showered since last night and I still have dried blood in my hair and on my skin.

I jump in the shower and turn the heat all the way up. The water scorches my skin, but its a reminder that I'm human. That I'm living. That I'll be okay.


Time Skip
2 Weeks
In this time Adrianna spent a lot of time bonding with her brothers. Mostly Adrien. I'm kind of bad at writing family scenes cause I'm not close with my family but basically, she's closer with all her brothers now!


Adrianna pov

I chase Adrien into the kitchen. I glare at him and he looks scared for his life. He hides behind Marco whose watching us with an amused face.

"Give. Them. Back."

He takes one out of the punnet and slowly takes a bite. My poor berries.

I won't forgive him for this. He woke me up this morning and saw my berries on my bed side table and decided to take them. Nobody touches my berries and gets away with it.

I smirk and run up to his room. A panicked look takes over my twins face.

I open his drawer and find his chip stash. This bitch really has a whole motherfucking drawer full of chips. I take 2 bags and strut back downstairs, proud of myself.

I open one and start chomping on them. He hears the crunch and runs back into the kitchen. He looks as if I just killed his puppy.

"Adri, please not the chips. I will do anything just please don't eat any more. Your fatass will end up eating them all." he says sounding like he's about to cry.

I smirk at him.

"Give my berries back then."

He quickly puts them on the bench infront of me and takes his chips back, patting the packets.

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