Chapter Ninety One

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Spencer. Could you come down to the lab tomorrow?"

"Uh, sure. Can I ask what it's for?"

"Well, we were thinking that maybe we could see how the stone reacts when you're near it? We noticed how it seemed to recognize when you walked into the room the other day. We figure maybe it'll give us some answers?"

"Yeah, I can do that. I'd like to have some answers and this doesn't seem like it should hurt. As long as you're going to be okay? I don't fully know what will happen."

"Yeah, we'll stand back and observe. I'm sure if something goes haywire, you'll step in," Bruce says with his small smile. It's good to know they trust her.

"Well alright, I'll be there. Was there a time you wanted me to be there?"

"Sometime tomorrow morning would work. There's no rush."

"I can do that," she gives them a smile before eating some more of her pizza.

I put my hand on her thigh to get her attention and when I have it, I lean in to kiss her, which she reciprocated.

"What was that for?" She asks with that same incredible smile.

"Because I wanted to. And because I love you," I match her big smile with my own.

"I love you too," she then kisses my nose.

"Hold the fuck up. Did you two just say 'I love you' to each other?" Yelena almost shouts.

    Shit. Forgot people could hear us.

"Uh, yeah. We did," Spencer answers as she scratches the back of her neck, a cute habit I've noticed she does when she's feeling a bit awkward.

"Yes!" Yelena definitely shouts this time as she raises both of her fists.

"Awe. I knew it," Wanda says, giving us a smile.

"So happy for the both of you," Bucky inputs.

"I'm glad you both finally said it," Tony says like he knows stuff.

This was followed by a bunch of 'awes' and 'congrats' and 'that's cute' all around the table.

We took this as well as we possibly could, saying thank you to everyone.

I find Carol in the midst of everyone, looking at her food. I do kind of feel bad. Not that we were trying to make our 'I love yous' heard by everyone, but I'm sure this hurts like a bitch.

I'm not sure how long she'll stay now, but I'll be careful to make sure we aren't all mushy when she's in the room. I know it's not something we have to do, but I do care about the girl as I know Spencer does. We don't want her to suffer any more.

Thankfully everyone went back to eating their food and having their side conversations soon enough.

Carol finally looked up from her food and we made eye contact. I mouth 'I'm sorry' and she gives me half a smile in return.

Fair enough. Like I said, this must suck.

Luckily Thor starts talking to her, offering up a distraction.

Wanda pulls my attention to her and we start talking about Australia and how beautiful it was, even though we barely got to see it.

"I want to take you there," Spencers voice has me turning my head to face her.


"To Australia. We should go there. We should go everywhere together. I've been to a lot of places, as I know you have. But neither of us had the chance to really explore the places and enjoy the scenery. And I'd love it if we could do it together," Spencer says, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers.

"Awe," Wanda says, making us a look at her.

I give her a bit of a glare so she says 'sorry' while Spencer just chuckles.

"It's okay Wanda. You don't have to apologize," she tells her.

"You guys are just so cute. I love you two together. Makes me wish.." she mumbles the last part to her sentence, and I miss it. I don't think she wanted me to hear it, which makes me want to know what she said even more.

Before I can question her on it, Spencer speaks up, apparently oblivious to the last part of what Wanda said.

"You'll find someone, Wanda. You're an amazing person. They're out there for you. And I'll be here to tell them they don't deserve you," Spencer sends her a reassuring smile and Wanda beams at her words.

Hmm. I really want to know what she was saying..

"So is that a no to the traveling together? Because I know a very cheap way to travel," she wiggles her eyebrows comically.

I, of course, chuckle. This girl.

"Mm you know, I think I might have to take you up on that offer. I'll think about it," I tease.

"Mm okay. Well if you don't want to, I'm sure Yelena or Wanda would love to go.."

"No. We'll travel. We'll explore. We'll do it all. Together," I say very sure.

"Mm that's what I thought, love." She kisses me again. "I can't wait," she whispers into my ear this time, sending shivers all over.

She then turns to talk to Peter, like she didn't just do that.

I also try to pretend she didn't just do that. I can do that. I just have to talk to people.

So I do. I talk to people as we continue on into the night, spending most of the hours sitting at the dinner table, not leaving our spots.

It's great getting the chance to talk to everyone in a chill, easy setting where a mission isn't our main focus.

But I still have Spencer on my mind.

And this girl knows how to mess with me.

It seems like forever, but we finally find ourselves back in my bedroom. I am overjoyed when she initiates a heated kiss, leading me to the bed as each clothing item finds a place across the room.

Our hands roaming every inch possible, our lips dancing perfectly.

We fall onto the bed, but we do very little sleeping.

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