It's crazy how cold it gets so quickly here, in just a week it's going to be the last week of October.

I rub my gloved hands together, trying to make some friction for warmth.

Continuing my way home, thinking about some song I recently heard, I begin to hum along to my thoughts.

"Oooo," my voice enters the wind.

"Aaaa,"  Not used to singing often, I hum out as I get used to the sound, walking down the empty sidewalk with the trees surrounding me.

And then my passion comes out and the small hesitation leaves me as I close my eyes and sing into the silent wind.

"Jerome, oh, get your ass hooommmeee,"

"Hmmmm." I shake my head along to the slow song, feeling whatever it is this song intends as the glow of the sunset touches me. Not really a song I listen to, but for some reason it fits the mood of this cold fall evening.

I continue humming into the quiet chill air, until I'm shocked by another person's voice.

"Wow, you know how to sing." I turn to the side, where the voice came from.

Andrew, walks beside me, a nonchalant swing to his body as he gives me a cheeky grin. His gray hat on, some of his black hair popping out in the front and a casual leather jacket. Of course, a boy like Andrew wears a leather jacket.
It's always gotta be leather.

"Hey." I smile back, looking ahead as I roll my eyes at his sudden surprise,"Whatcha doing?" I ask, a smirk on my lips.

"Ya, know, the usual, walking home," he states.

I shake my head with my smirk still on my face, an amused energy in the air.

"Wait- don't tell me... Wait," Andrew starts, making a hum sound as he thinks, acting so smug.

I roll my eyes as I wait for his humming sound to end.

And when it does, he pauses for extra measure.

"Don't tell me, you live around this corner too?" he exclaimed, his voice acting shocked.

I just continue with my silence, a hidden smirk on my face, shaking my head at his genuine sarcasm as I continue looking forward at the afterglow of the sunset, the sidewalk ahead dark but I can see.

"Or... Maybe you're stalking me?" he suspects.

I scoff.

"What?" he questioned again.

I shake my head yet again.

We continue walking down the sidewalk.
I look ahead, trying to act unfazed by Andrew's presence. I'm covered up by my red hat and I suddenly feel self conscious. I've never worn so many layers in front of him, do I look fat?

I suddenly forget what's going on, ignoring his questions as I ramble on with my thoughts and my recent smirk fades into a worry frown.

Ending with a final conclusion... "I'M UGLY,"

And that's when I'm called back to present reality.

Andrew has stopped moving. I don't know why, but it also makes me stop, looking behind me where he stands on the sidewalk with his eyes wide in shock and mouth open in disbelief.

"What?" I questioned.

"Missy," he tutts, shaking his pointer finger in the air as he acts he doesn't approve of something. He's really acting weird.

I give him another questioned look.

He sighs at that, his finger dropping at his side, looking down as his body slumps down at the impact of my confusion.

He looks me in the eyes, serious now.

"You're not ugly,"

My cheeks redden, feeling hot despite the cold air around us. His words catching me off guard, I'm pretty sure my eyes have widened too.

He walks closer to me, breaking the space between us as his body strides the empty sidewalk until his body is beside me like when we were walking.

I feel his hand on me.

I look down to it, shock still vibrating through my body.

His hand cups mine, and even though I have gloves on, I feel much warmer now.

After a moment, I look back into his eyes, question in them.

"You're not ugly, and you never will be," he breathes out, trying to convince me.

I tilt my head to the side, still confused. He copies me, observing me as his eyes flicker along with mine.

He makes me feel awkward, and I feel exposed.
Ironic how I'm covered from head to toe.

"What?" I finally ask.

"You're beautiful," he states with such ease.
My breath catches.

"Uh- uh, but- t, why- I mean, huh? Why are you telling me this?" After I finally am able to get control over my own mouth, I ask the question I've been meaning to.

He chuckles in response.

I wait for him to truly answer.

"You screamed out, ' I'M UGLY'," he mocks, his voice in the wind, echoing through the empty streets.

I looked down embarrassed, a smile creeping up my lips as I subsided a chuckle.

"God, did I say that out loud?" I breathe out in shame, trying to avoid his gaze.

He chuckles, his gloved hands finding their way to my chin, lifting my head up. My eyes look up to his.

"Yep, you did." he smiles.

"Ugh," I groan, looking back down.
Our proximity is so close, he's practically holding me. That's when I look down and my head is leaning on his chest. And, I can't make myself move.
At first, I'm afraid that what I'm doing is wrong, but he's still laughing.
His arms wrap around my shoulders as I stand in his arms, listening to his chuckle rumble through his body and vibrating into mine.
At peace.

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