You and Fleur started chatting having a good time in general.

It was time to head back to the dorms after catching up with Draco you went with your friends.

"So Mione, What do you think of the tournament." 

"Honestly n/n a death game perfect to die." Hermione huffed putting her books away.

"But, Don't you think it would have been exiting a new experience?" You swirled your F/D (F/D- Favourite drink) 

"Y/n don't tell me you dream on taking part in this death game." Hermione looked at you, you fell silent and she knew the answer.

"N/n? Why would you want to take part in this? Even if you want I am glad you can't put your name. Dumbeldore already made it clear in the great hall..No potion charm can help you N/n And I am glad it is that away." Hermione said.

"It has been my dream since I was Three! To take part and win who knows if I will ever get a chance like this." You said dreamily.

"I see N/n but is really loosing your friends and family making everyone worried sick off you worth it?" Hermione did have a point.

"No, But.." You trailed of.

"It is not worth it n/n good night." Hermione blew the Candles and with with a spell all the lights were turned of. You heard as Hermione ruffled against the covers.

"Good night" You sighed and got in to your night gown

However that night you could not get the feeling an overly strong wish to take part in the tournament you closed your eyes focusing on the light breeze and the sound of the rain pouring and let the darkness consume you

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However that night you could not get the feeling an overly strong wish to take part in the tournament you closed your eyes focusing on the light breeze and the sound of the rain pouring and let the darkness consume you.


You woke up the next morning the weather was gloomy and it rained you went out to the balcony you loved this weather it calmed your nerves Mione was still sleeping and it was pretty early you got dresses early to your robes and took out your books might as well study for the classes Luckily to your delight you had only a couple of classes Potions, Transfiguration, Dada and History of magic. You had studied almost for an hour when Hermione woke up.

"Oh hi Y/n good morning" She replied cheerfully.

"Good morning Mione you look happy." You said smiling.

"Why wouldn't I classes are going to resume what do you have?" Hermione asked eyeing your schedule.

"A couple of classes starting with Potions, Transfiguration, history and Defence What about you?

"I have Ancient ruins, History, Muggle studies and Defence against the dark." 

"We will meet at Dark arts then. Come on let us go outside see what the boys have."

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