Chapter 37

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Namjoon and the others, asides from
Jungkook and Jimin, were all sitting down in the living room staring at their phones, waiting for Jungkook to call one of them.
"Will he call?" Seokjin asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "God I am so fucking tense right now. Jungkookie is taking way too long..."
"Of fucking course he'll call us." Yoongi replied with a scoff. "We're all mated except for Jiminie and Jungkookie. He'll call. If not, we'll just show up to the heat and rut facility and get them ourselves."
"I hope it went well." Taehyung hummed, biting his nails. They were all talking, except for Hoseok. Since he had his phone on silent, it was easy for the alpha to grab his vibrating phone and leave the apartment without any of his other mates noticing that he was gone.
"Hi Jungkookie!" Hoseok answered once he was out of the apartment, leaning on the door. "How is Jiminie doing over there?"
"He's fine; he's sleeping it off right now. When he wakes up I'll take him to see you guys, and then we'll talk about the court date." Jungkook replied, his voice hoarse.
       "You sound tired baby alpha~"
      "Jiminie hyung is insatiable I swear....he's scary when he's horny."
       "Poor the others please. They're worrying their heads off over here."
      "I was about to call them, but I knew that they were anxious to know about hyung so I ignored them on purpose and decided to call you instead."
      ".....You're a little demon."
      "Learned from the best-shit Jimin hyung is waking up I gotta go I'll see you guys later!" and the young alpha hung up. Hoseok chuckled fondly at the alpha and stuck his phone in his back pocket, going back into the house. But as soon as he did, it was pure chaos and complete hell. The five alphas were arguing with one another, their scents stronger with each growl. Hoseok sighed and ran a hand through his raven black hair, and he suddenly screamed out,
"JIMIN IS COMING BACK!!!!" and everyone froze. "I just got off of the phone with Jungkookie and he said that Jimin is fine and that they should be on the way soon. We can show him the surprise when he gets here!" they all stared at the black haired alpha, and their yelling transferred over to Hoseok. The young man just sighed fondly and rolled his eyes as they all yelled at him.
These idiots better be grateful that I love them so much.....

Jimin was brought back to Jungkook and Seokjin's apartment, where everyone else was waiting for them. As soon as they saw the pregnant omega, they ran to him and immediately began to scent him vigorously. Jimin giggled as their noses tickled their mating marks, and they let him go once they were satisfied with their scents dripping off of the small orange haired omega.
"Jiminie we have a surprise for you!" Taehyung grinned, and Jimin looked up at the younger.
"What kind of surprise?? Did you guys buy me more baby stuff?" Jimin replied, looking around. "You already gave me enough courting gifts..."
"Not exactly, but we'll get to that point soon." Yoongi snorted with a smile. "We'll have to leave for a little bit. You ok with that?"
"Yea I'm ok. We might have to stop though bladder has been bothering me lately." Jimin flushed in embarrassment, and the other alphas cooed. "We can go now if you guys are ready."
"Yea we're ready Jiminie." Namjoon hummed, ruffling Jimin's hair. "Let's go." they all walked out of the apartment, heading for Jin's car. The seven wolves all got inside of the eldest alpha's car, with Taehyung driving and Jimin being in the passenger seat. Everyone else got in the back seats, and Taehyung drove off.
"Seokjinnie hyung never lets us drive his car." Taehyung grinned, and Jimin asked why. "He's too scared that we'll crash it or something. But I'm an amazing driver if I do say so myself." it took them about thirty minutes to get to where the surprise was. Namjoon had covered Jimin's eyes with a soft black cloth, and Taehyung parked the car. They had all got out, and Seokjin helped Jimin get out.
"Where are we?" Jimin asked, tightly holding onto Jin's hand.
"You'll see." Yoongi drawled. As they got closer and closer, Jimin could sense the excitement coming off of the alphas in waves, and so the omega got excited as well. They stopped in front of something, and someone took off Jimin's blindfold. And he gasped out in complete shock. They were in front of a small two story house, and the omega was in awe. "It's our house. We bought it a little bigger in case we decide to expand our family later on in life if you want to." Jimin walked inside of the house, almost as if he was in a daze. "It's your decision."
When he walked inside, he was inside of the living room. It was decorated with the L-shaped couch from Yoongi and Namjoon's apartment, along with the glass coffee table from Jin and Jungkook's apartment. There was a large T.V. as well, and Jungkook's gaming consoles. There was a bookcase next to the T.V. that houses a lot of Namjoon's books. There was a soft carpet, and Jimin wanted to touch it so badly. The omega turned left and saw a dining table with ten seats, and a baby eating chair. The omega looked to his alphas with wide eyes.
"The extra seats are for your friends when they come to visit." Hoseok explained, "And the baby seat is for when Jihwan starts to eat more solid foods. We'll want him to eat at the table with us~"Jimin sniffed as he looked into the kitchen. It was a large white refrigerator, with sleek white countertops next to it. A chic white microwave on top, and an island counter as well with four stools under it.
"That's not all...." Namjoon hummed, coming from behind the younger and setting his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "Go down that hallway." Jimin looked to the left and saw a long hallway, with stairs at the end. Jimin walked to it and saw the first door, and he opened it. It was a small bathroom, with a toilet, bathroom sink, and a shower. Along with some cabinets. Jimin closed the door and started walking again, and he caught the next door.
It was a bedroom, with a large bed in the middle of it, and a small closet.
"This is one of the guest bedrooms." Jin smiled and Jimin turned around to see his alphas behind him. "There is a guest bedroom next to this one. And there is another door with miscellaneous stuff inside. The real good stuff in upstairs." the orange haired omega grinned and waddled towards the staircase, slowly climbing up with the others behind him. Once Jimin was up, he saw four doors. He walked to the first one and gasped.
It was a baby room, decorated with soft yellow pastels. Pastel yellow walls, with a light carpet. There was a changing station, and a small white bassinet with the letter "J" on it.
"Is this for Jihwan...?" Jimin asked tearily, looking to the six alphas behind him. They nodded and Jimin openly sobbed, crying to his heart's content.
"This isn't all Jiminie..." Taehyung grinned, and Jimin pouted.
"This is all so much! What else do you have for me??"
"You'll see my love. Come on." Namjoon grabbed Jimin's soft hands, taking him out of the room. Next was the next door, and Jimin opened it with anxious eyes. It was another bedroom, this time with a much larger bed. "This bed is for all seven of us. It was specially made for us so we can all sleep comfortably." Jimin cried harder, his tears never ending.
"There is another bedroom, for another pup. But it isn't decorated yet. And a bathroom. We bought this place for us, for our pack." Jin explained, and Jimin ran, or waddled quickly, over to the alphas and hugged Jim as tight as he could. He hugged the other alphas as well, his peach scent rubbing off on them.
"I could never ask for better alphas in my entire life. I didn't think I would ever get here; I thought I would just live my life with me and Jihwan all by myself. But you changed my lonely path and pulled me towards you six. And I could never ask for a more better life for me and for my pup. And future pups. Because I would love to mother your pups....I love you all so much." Hosook burst into tears, and Jungkook and Taehyung weren't too far behind him. Namjoon smiled tearily, and Yoongi wiped a lone tear. Jin had joked that all of them were crybabies with tears pooling in his eyes as well. They all hugged in the middle of their room; of their brand new life with one another.

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