Chapter 29

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     Taehyung stormed up to Ravi and Jimin's mom, taking the male alpha by his collar and slamming him onto the wall with a menacing snarl.
"What the fuck are you doing here near my apartment?!" the black haired alpha growled, tightening his grip on the other's neck. "I suggest you leave before things get ugly and I fucking rip you both to disgusting shreds."
"We just came here to talk to Jimin tiny alpha." Jiyeon replied a little nervously, glancing back and forth between Taehyung and Ravi. "So let Ravi go and let me talk to my son little boy."
      "No! You two don't deserve Jimin at all! You both are lucky I won't fucking kill you two right here and right now."
       "Let me talk to my son or else." Jiyeon hissed, and Taehyung grabbed Ravi from off of the wall and harshly pushed him onto the ground, his chest heaving up and down. He looked behind him once he heard the door open and close, and he saw Jungkook standing by the door, glaring deeply at Ravi and Jiyeon.
       "Kook..." Taehyung breathed out.
      "You two better leave here now unless you want to get arrested for trespassing. We have a restraining order against you both and you're currently breaking it." Jungkook said calmly, crossing his arms. "So you two better leave before I have to hold Taehyung back from giving you a black eye and broken ribs. Do you understand?"
"It's fine Kookie." they all turned around to see Jimin waddling out of the house with Taemin and Sungwoon in toe. "Let them speak."

"So?" Jimin huffed, walking to stand between Jungkook and Taehyung. "What do you want to talk to me about? I don't have all day for your idiocy."
"Jimin. I simply want you to come home with me." Jiyeon frowned at her son, who rolled his eyes. "I want to rebuild our relationship."
"That's fucking bullshit." Jungkook growled, but Jimin stopped the younger with a frown.
"I'll believe that when pigs fly. The real reason you want me to go home with you is because you hope my son will be born an alpha, and you want to take advantage of that. Since I'm an omega, I can't inherit your business like you want me to, but my son would be able to. And you just want to use me for my son, and I won't allow that. As of right now, my real alphas are at the police station getting a restraining order on you both." Jimin calmly stated, though the glare he sent to his mother and ex was deadly. "I no longer want to affiliate with you or this....'family' you speak of so count me the fuck out."
"You're a selfish little bitch." his mother growled angrily, stepping forward. Jimin stepped back, and both Taehyung and Jungkook stepped forward with menacing snarls. Jiyeon glanced between the two, realizing she was outmatched. "Fine. That little restraining order won't hold as long as you are an unmated omega. Good luck with that endeavor." the female alpha smirked, turning around and walking away.
Once they were gone, Jimin started to sob, and Jungkook held onto the omega.
"Shhhh it's ok." the youngest alpha murmured into the shorter's ear, rubbing his back.
"What'll we go?" Taehyung sighed, crossing his arms. "His mother is too powerful. And she's ruthless."
"What if..." Taemin started, but blushed once everyone's attention went to him. "N-Nevermind..."
"Wait you can say it Taemin hyung." Taehyung smiled reassuringly, and the elder omega gulped.
"What if you guys mate? Like, you guys have already decided to move in together and to mate. Why not do it now? You all love each other, so it wouldn't be much of a problem to do it. And plus, it would help you in your case against Jiyeon."
" actually a good idea..!" Jungkook gasped. "But wouldn't we all have to be in rut and heat for that?"
"Not usually. It usually takes a mark on your neck or other scented places for the mark to adjust onto your body."
"What if we're going too fast and we regret it...?" Jimin worried, looking up at the two alphas.
"We would never regret mating you Jimin." Taehyung grinned, and Jimin blushed.
"You forgot that I had a huge crush on you since highschool." Jungkook chuckled, and Jimin smiled. "So I wouldn't regret it~"
"But we will have to ask the hyungs about this." Taehyung hummed, crossing his arms. "They'll agree, but we do need to check with them."
"Let's call them."

Namjoon and Seokjin walked out of the police station, and Namjoon jumped when his phone suddenly started to ring.
     "Hello?" he said.
     "Hyung!" he heard Jungkook on the other side. "How was the visit to the police station?"
     "Good....relatively." the grey haired alpha hummed, looking down when he felt Jin encase his hand with his own. "We showed them the pictures that Yoongi hyung and Hoseok sent us, but they can't do anything about it unless we know that it was Ravi and Jiyeon that trashed Jiminie's apartment."
"We need to talk to you guys when you get back. Is Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung on their way back here yet?"
"They should be. What do you need to talk about?" and it got quiet on the other side, and then he heard a different voice.
"Hyung?" a much softer voice spoke up and Namjoon smiled.
"Hey Jiminie." the tall alpha grinned, and Seokjin decided to pay attention to the conversation.
"Put it on speaker." Jin said, and Namjoon nodded and pressed the speaker button. "Hey Jiminie!"
"Hi Jin hyung!"
"What's wrong baby?" Namjoon asked.
"How would you guys feel to mating a little early?" Namjoon and Seokjin were rendered speechless.
"Why Minie?" Seokjin asked.
"Because it would help us with our case against my mother. Plus, I wouldn't mind if I get mated with you guys a little earlier than we were supposed to..."
"Jiminie we wouldn't mind that either darling, but I hope we're doing this for the right reasons and not because you want to win against your mother..." Jin hummed.
"I know that hyung." Jimin said petulantly on the other line.
"Taemin hyung suggested it." they heard Jungkook yell.
"Yea we all agreed to it!" Taehyung also spoke up. "We just wanted to ask you guys and see what you say!"
"Well we can talk to Yoongi and Hoseok too then." Seokjin suggested. "Because I would love nothing better than to be mated to the people that I love."
"Hyung that was so cheesy." Namjoon snorted, and the blond alpha hit the taller one with a pout.
"We'll talk to all of you guys when we get back." Seokjin said, and the younger ones agreed and they hung up the phone. "I wonder what Yoongi and Hobi will say...."

"So....." Yoongi started, his chin sitting on his crossed fingers as he started between his future mates. "You all want to get mated earlier?"
"Yes." Namjoon replied, albeit a little nervous as Yoongi's facial expression was unreadable.
"I agree!" Hoseok grinned. "I'm completely fine with moving things a little above schedule!"
"Yoongi hyung...?" Taehyung gulped, and they all stared at the mint haired alpha, who sighed deeply.
      "We didn't even finish courting Jimin." he said, and they all froze. "Me, Namjoon, or Taehyung didn't give our courting gifts yet."
     "Well what are they? You can give them to me now!" Jimin pouted, and Taehyung suddenly stood up and ran off towards the back rooms. The seven wolves were all currently staying in Hoseok and Taehyung's apartment, talking about their future.
     After a while, the young alpha came back with a tiny sweater and Jimin gasped in shock.
     "Is that for Jihwan?" he asked, tears forming in his eyes.
      "Yes..." Taehyung blushed and gave the small green sweater to the omega. "Seokjinnie hyung helped me sew it since I don't know how, and it's green because my favorite color is green and I want Jihwan to be reminded of you like it..?"
      "Taehyungie I love it!" Jimin hugged the sweater, his pleased peach scent filling the room and making the alphas drool. Taemin and Sungwoon were both sleeping at Jin and Jungkook's place for a while, so they weren't there to hear their discussion.
     "I'll give mine to you tomorrow Jiminie." Namjoon smiled fondly, and Yoongi nodded.
      "So do you agree Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked, and they all looked to the second oldest alpha.
     "Yea," he said with a smile, "I'll mate you guys."

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