Chapter 4

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     The next morning Jimin woke up feeling like his stomach would explode out of his body and he immediately got up, running to the bathroom. He picked up the toilet seat and threw up the food he has ate last night. Once he was done, he moaned loudly and slowly stood up. The omega then waddled to the kitchen and looked at the clock on the wall, holding his aching back with a pout.
7:30.... he thought. I have to get to the kindergarten soon... and the orange haired omega sighed. He grabbed his kettle pot and put water in it, letting it boil on the stove. He then grabbed a tea packet and set it on the counter next to the stove.
While that was boiling, Jimin went back to his bedroom and got dressed for the day.
A simple pink long sleeved shirt and his white overalls with paint splatters on them. The omega then painted his nails a pretty pale pink color and he slipped on his pink flats while humming. Then Jimin went to the bathroom and put his gold butterfly clip on the side of his hair, parting it to the side.
He put on light makeup; light eyeshadow and pale pink blush on his chubby cheeks with lip balm on his thick lips. Deeming himself ready, he gasped when he heard the kettle squeal.
The omega ran to the kitchen and took the kettle off the heated part of stove. He grabbed a cup and poured the water into cup that says: "#1 best friend". Then he put the tea packet inside of the water, waiting. The pregnant omega happily drank the tea when it was done.
He threw away the tea packet and put the cup in the sink when he was done, washing it. Jimin grabbed his purse hanging on the purse holder, waddling out of the apartment. And that's when he bumped into a familiar face.
"Oh hey Jimin." Yoongi greeted the small man with a small smile. "I didn't expect to see you out here this early~"
"Hi Yoongi hyung!" he replied, hugging the slightly taller alpha. "Where are you going so early in the morning?"
"I can say the same about you Jimin.."
"I am going to school! I teach some adorable kindergarteners at the school around the corner!"
"Oh wow that's cool Jimin. I'm just going to the studio to work on some music."
"That's so cool Yoongi hyungie! Cooler than my job~"
"Both of our jobs are cool. How will you get there? Do you have a car to drive there?"
"I'll take the bus! Like always! I have to save up to get my car!"
"Wha-no! No, I'll drive you to school. It's no problem at all."
"R-Really? You don't have to..."
"I can and I will. Riding the bus while you're pregnant is dangerous Jimin...someone could hurt you."
"W-Well I can't say no to that I guess...little Jihwan would be mad at me if I put his tiny little life in danger." Jimin cooed, rubbing his large stomach with a dreamy smile.
"How far along are you right now Jimin?" Yoongi asked as the two walked towards the elevator. "You look ready to burst.."
"About seven months or so...he'll be popping out of me in a month or two~"
"You keep saying 'he'. Do you already know the gender?"
"No but I have a feeling that he's a boy so I say he. His name will be Jihwan if he's a boy and Jiyoung if she's a girl! Good right? I came up with them by myself!"
"That is good Jimin you did a good job with picking out the names for them." the alpha smiled as he pressed the down button. Jimin blushed and smiled shyly, the two stepping inside of the elevator. They stayed quiet as the elevator went down, yet it was a comfortable silence. When the elevator finally came down to the first floor, the omega and alpha got out and walked outside. Jimin followed Yoongi to his car and he gasped in delight.
"Your car is so cool!" Jimin gushed, staring at the sleek black car. "You must get a lot of money at your job."
"Nah not really. I just didn't spend a lot of my money so I could get this car." Yoongi replied with pink cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck. "But thank you for the compliment Jimin...." the orange haired omega smiled and slipped inside of the car. The mint haired alpha just grinned and got into the driver's side. He started the car and drove off.

Yoongi glanced towards Jimin yet again, smiling when Jimin smiled at him. He parked into the parking lot of the school and unlocked his doors.
"Thanks for taking me yet again Yoongi hyungie. You didn't have to." the omega blushed and slightly opened the door. Jimin thought for a minute, and then quickly leaned over to Yoongi's side and kissed his cheek. Yoongi grunted quietly and stared at Jimin in surprise, making the orange haired man blush profusely. "B-Bye!" and then he quickly got out of the car, waddling to the school. But the alpha pulled down the window and yelled,
"I'll be here when you get off!" and Jimin waved goodbye, going inside of the building. When he was gone, Yoongi quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Namjoon's number.
"Hello?" the younger alpha answered. "Did you need something hyung? What's wrong?"
"Yea I just wanted to tell you that Jimin kissed my cheek and I took him to his job." the alpha bragged with a smug smile. It was quiet for a bit, and then he heard a groan.
"Fuck you hyung!" Namjoon huffed and hung up in his face. Yoongi just cackled with a lopsided smirk and ran a hand through his minty green hair, driving off.

Jimin walked inside and greeted the secretary at the door. He walked to his small classroom and gasped at what he saw.
     "You guys are so early!" he grinned, seeing his fifteen darling students diligently waiting for him.
     "Teacher Jimin!" they yelled happily. Jimin giggled and took the key out of his front pocket on his chest. He stuck the key in the keyhole and unlocked his classroom.
     "Ok guys go inside!" and the pups all ran in, giggling madly. The omega just smiled fondly and went inside. The whole time at school, he taught them while they took turns rubbing his large stomach. One of the girls even gasped when the infant kicked his stomach.
     "Teacher Jimin it moved!" she gasped with starry eyes. "It kicked me!" the other students who were doing their work all gasped and ran toward him, trying to get to his stomach.  "Wow!"
     "Wait guys! You're gonna hurt me if you aren't too careful with my tummy!" the orange haired omega gently scolded, the children backing up.
     "Sorry Teacher Jimin." they all said in unison.
     "You can feel the baby kick when you guys are done with your work ok? Minhi only got to touch my tummy because she finished first." the pups all ran back to their worksheets and quickly started to write. "The first three people done gets a sticker! Minhi already has hers! Now come one kids, get to work!"

The Pretty Omega Next Door(Jimin-Centric)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon