Chapter 6

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Namjoon walked back into his apartment, jumping when someone cleared their throat. He slowly turned around with a gulp, seeing Yoongi sitting on their couch with a deadpan expression on his face. He was not amused.
"Yoongi hyung." Namjoon gulped. "Heyyyyyy..."
"Hey to yourself Namjoon." Yoongi replied, "Mind telling me why you look so nervous?"
"N-No reason. None at all!"
"Don't lie to me Joon. We've known each other for ten years so I know your tells whenever you lie. So spill."
"Fine! I...I gave Jimin a song off of my mixtape...the hidden one."
"Oh wow. The one that you always say will never see the light of day?"
"Yea....that one. And I'm really nervous that he won't like it..." the taller alpha pouted and went over to the older, sitting down and laying his head on Yoongi's lap. "Run your hands in my hair please."
"Aw poor Joonie. Come on big boy let's put you to sleep~" Yoongi chuckled, running his tattooed hand through Namjoon's short grey hair. Namjoon nodded and got up, with the shorter following after. Yoongi smiled and Namjoon back hugged him, laying his chin on his shoulder.
     "Thank you hyung..." Namjoon sighed. "I really hope he likes it..."
     "You're welcome. Now come on." and the two walked off.

     Jimin hummed to himself as he waddled to his room, the CD case in his hands. The omega opened his door and closed it behind him, putting the CD down on his desk and started to get dressed.
      He put on a large, simple white shirt and cotton shorts. He then put on his white cat slippered and went back to his desk, taking out his CD player.
The orange haired man sat down with a sleepy grunt and took the CD out of its case. He then put it in the CD player, clicking it on and clicking the play button. He crossed his arms and laid on them on his desk, closing his eyes as a soft voice sung out, following a soft piano. The beat built up, following a chorus of velvet singing.

지나가 언젠가
분명히 확실히
지나가 언젠가
분명히 확실히
지나가 지나가
지나가 지나가
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)
(Everything, everything, everything goes)

밤이 가고 아침이 오듯이
봄이 가고 여름이 오나
꽃이 지고 열매가 익듯이
모든 것은 아파야만

세상을 안고 숨을 들이마셔
안에 가득 들어찬 따가운 공기가 모든 말해
그래 수없이 도망치고 싶었던
아파하고 무뎌지던 오랜 시간들
바로 아래

Everyday I pray
내가 나은 어른이 있게
And everyday I stay
사람도 아픔도 언젠가는 죽기에
무뎌지려면 바람을 맞아야 하잖아
속에서는 영원할 수가 없잖아
힘내란 뿌연 대신
그렇다는 거짓말 대신
그저 모든 바람 바람처럼 지나가길 I pray

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