Chapter 14

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Once they were all done eating, Hoseok paid for everyone's food. Much to Seokjin's dismay.
"I like to pay for everyone." the black haired alpha shrugged with an easy smile once Jin questioned him. "Plus, I'm pretty sure none of the others brought their wallets, knowing that I pay every time. And I'm kind of like a sugar daddy!"
".....Touché." Seokjin relented with a pout, turning to Jimin to complain. But the small omega was surrounded by Taehyung and Namjoon, who were staring at Jimin's clothed stomach in awe. "What's going on here?" the eldest alpha mused, with him and Hoseok, along with Jungkook and Yoongi, walking over to the three.
      "Jimin just told us that Jihwan is kicking him!" Namjoon grinned with sparkling eyes, and Jimin giggled. "I wanna see it..."
      "I can feel him moving around!" Jimin gushed, "Would you guys like to touch him? Maybe feel him kick?" and the alphas gasped. Then suddenly, everyone was surrounding poor flustered Jimin. Jungkook stormed over to Jimin, a high blush on his defined cheekbones.
      "C-Can I touch your stomach first?" Jungkook asked, blushing up at Jimin as he sat in the chair beside the orange haired beauty. Jimin smiled and nodded serenely, picking up his shirt so his stomach could show. The older alphas glared at the back of Jungkook's head, but they could never really be jealous of their youngest. What Jungkook wanted, he would get. No one could say no to those wide doe eyes.
      The long haired alpha's nose scrunched up adorably as he grinned, his cold hand cautiously touching Jimin's warm stomach. Jimin gasped a bit at the chilly touch, but melted when Jungkook started to rub his stomach.
      "Hi Jihyun! I'm Jungkook; but you can call me Kookie. All of us are waiting for you to come out so we can see you~" Jungkook whispered. Jungkook looked up to Jimin, who had tears in his eyes. "D-Did I do something wrong???" and the omega was quick to interfere. "Why are you crying then??"
      "No of c-course not!" he protested. "I'm just emotional!"
       Jungkook just blushed and grinned, tucking a piece of his long dark brown hair behind his ear, standing up from the chair. Jimin sighed fondly and looked up, seeing the other alphas standing around him with wide eyes, anticipating for his next words.
      "Now...." Jimin started, "Who's next?"

      After they were all done rubbing up on Jimin's swollen stomach, they put down a tip and walked out of the restaurant.
"Where to next? I'm stuffed..." Jimin sighed happily.
"We were going home." Namjoon replied. "Do you wanna come over and watch some movies with us?"
"Sure! I can go!" the omega clapped. " scary movies please."
"Jimin you are talking Hobi hyung's language." Jungkook snorted, making the older alpha gasp. "He's scared shitless of scared movies."
"I am not!" Hoseok protested. "I just don't like them!"
"Yea whatever. Don't cling up all on me next time and I'll be sure to believe you hyung." Taehyung smirked and Hoseok pouted. "Let's go! Me and Jungkookie can pick out a movie huh?" the youngest alpha was about to agree, but Seokjin interrupted them.
"Nope. You two picking out a movie is a recipe for disaster." the oldest alpha scoffed, making the two youngest alphas deflat. "Me and Yoongi will pick the movie. You two aren't to be trusted."
"That's fine with me." Yoongi shrugged. "Now let's go; I'm tired of standing around. Jimin, who are you riding with? Me and Hobi are riding together, Jin hyung and Tae are riding with each other, and Namjoonie and Jungkookie are riding with each other." Jimin hummed as he thought to himself, then pointed to Seokjin and Taehyung.
"I'll ride with them if that's ok." Jimin smiled, making the two alpha whoop and cheer. Namjoon and Jungkook pouted a bit, but shrugged. "Let's go!" and the seven of them left, unknowing of the three people walking up to Jimin's apartment.

      "Are you sure this is where Ms. Park said that Jimin lived? Kinda small..." a voice perked up, looking around. "But homely!"
      "Yea Min, he definitely lives here. I can smell his scent." another voice, a much more deeper voice, replied. "Thankfully Ms. Park told us where Jimin lives. We need to bring him back home. She wants to talk to him again..."
      "Right. We can just wait here for him." a third voice said.
       "Woon is right; we can wait for Jiminie. I just hope that he comes back soon. This place reeks of alphas..."

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