Chapter 24

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      "So these are the alphas that Jongin told me about." Jimin's mother scoffed, crossing her arms. "He was pretty generous describing you lot."
      "Please leave me alone." Jimin sighed. "I'm not going home with you, and having Ravi here isn't making this better for you or me."
"Jimin are they bothering you?" Taehyung growled out, slightly pushing the omega behind them. "We can take care of them for you."
"And who are you supposed to be? I'm Park Jiyeon of Park Inc. I'm not scared by the looks of you child." the middle aged woman sneered, smirking proudly. "Park Jimin, you are coming home. No exceptions. I have a hand maid and other-"
"If he says he doesn't want to go, he isn't going. End of story." Yoongi glared at the woman, tightly holding onto Jimin's small hand. The omega gasped quietly and looked up, staring at Yoongi's side profile. "So you should leave before it gets physical. We're protective of our omega."
"'Your omega'?" Ravi finally spoke up with a scoff, pointing to Jimin's stomach. "Last time I checked, that's my pup inside Jimin."
"You are not the father of my son; not where it counts that is. He is my son, no one else's. So you have no rights to this baby; you don't either Jiyeon. You are no longer my mother after today, since you disowned me. So you can leave; I can put you at a hotel, but you have to go. I refuse to have you in my safe haven."
"I'll be back tomorrow Park Jimin." Jiyeon growled, looking to Ravi and snapping at him. "Go collect Jongin; we're leaving for now." and the alpha nodded meekly, quickly going inside of the apartment to get the other alpha. "Trust my words Jimin, I am your mother. I am coming back for you tomorrow."

       Jimin watched with narrowed eyes as Jongin walked out of his house, looking to the ground.
      "Kai look at me." Jimin murmured, and the alpha looked up with red rimmed eyes. "After all this, you go back to the people who hurt you? For what? To get hurt again? I'll never understand you..."
      "I have no choice Jimin, please believe me..If I did, I wouldn't have fucked up the only friendship I love so dearly. They would find me no matter where I went, and they would cut me off. I would have no family Jimin..."
      "Kai, we're your family! Me, Sungwoon hyung, and Taemin hyung! We love you, and I'll still have a place for you here if you decide to finally rebel against your family. I'll always have a place for you to stay.." Jongin smiled sadly, and nodded his head sadly. "For now, it's goodbye Jongin." the three finally left, and Jimin slowly walked in his house, sitting on his couch with a deep sigh. "My head hurts.."
"I'll get you some medicine." Taemin murmured absentmindedly, walking to the kitchen with blank eyes.
"I never knew he would do something like this..." Sungwoon sighed sadly, sitting next to the younger omega. "I honestly thought he wanted to get away from his parents, make some money without his parents' influences."
"I kinda knew." Taemin scoffed, giving a cup of water and a bottle of pills to the orange haired man. "He's deathly afraid of his parents; I knew he wouldn't just...disobey them just because we are. He's too terrified of them." Namjoon and the others walked in as well, with Hoseok closing the door behind them. "But what will you do about your mother? She said she's coming back tomorrow, and you have school..!"
"Is she really coming back here?" Seokjin asked worriedly. "She gives me the creeps I swear.."
"I know right??" Taehyung replied quietly. "She's nothing like Jiminie..."
"The real question we need to be asking is if Jimin is ok." Yoongi looked to the omega, who seemed to be pale and disoriented, slowly drinking the water and swallowing the pill down. "Minie are you ok?"
"I'm fine hyung...just a little shaken up from everything. I didn't expect my mother or my ex alpha showing up to my home out of the I'm a little out of it." the pregnant omega replied, slowly rubbing his stomach with a sad pout. "I need to calm down so the stress won't affect Jihwan."
"You wanna go eat?" Namjoon asked, getting Jimin's attention. "Get out of the house for a few?"
"I actually just want some ice cream...don't want to eat anything too heavy before I cook dinner."
"We can go get that!" Jungkook grinned, and the other alpha nodded. "And you can stay here while we get the ingredients and
your ice cream!"
"I actually want to leave and come with you guys if you don't mind. My mother and Ravi's scents are all over my apartment, so I want to get away for a bit to avoid the smell. You guys mind if I ride with you...?" Namjoon smiled fondly and nodded, and Yoongi rubbed the orange haired omega's knuckles tenderly.
      "Of course you can come with us Jimin..." Hoseok chuckled, ruffling the younger's faded orange hair. "You don't have to ask us!"
      "Thanks hyung.." the omega blushed, looking down to the hand engulfing his own.
     "So let's go!" Taehyung grinned and suddenly started to run, "Last one to the van is walking there!"

     They all started to run, leaving Jimin with Namjoon alone.
     "I didn't know you guys bought a van." Jimin pointed out, glancing at the taller.
"Yea, we bought it and sold all of our cars except for one." Namjoon explained, and Jimin hummed.
     "Makes sense..why do you need the other car?"
     "No reason. Anyways, are you ok now?" Namjoon asked the omega once they were alone, and Jimin nodded meekly.
      "Yea just...mentally drained you know? I thought I was going to wake up and confront whoever was sending me gifts, just for my mom and my ex to show up because my best friend basically betrayed me. Not a good way to wake up, especially being pregnant and all..but I'll be fine eventually."
      "Yea I get that. But I'm happy you realized that it was us."
      "What do you mean hyung?"
      "Well to be honest, I'm pretty sure that we would've all chickened out of telling you that it was us secretly courting you; we were that scared of losing you because of our feelings. And we didn't want to add stress onto you, seeing as you're pregnant and all."
      "True...I'm glad it was you guys though. I mean, I kind of knew that the first present was from Jungkook since it smelled like him. But imagine it being a complete stranger; I would've been scared shitless!"
       "That's true...Jungkookie can't really hold in his scent around you. None of us can.." and Jimin blushed and looked away. "So...what will this mean for us Jimin? Do you want to give the six of us a chance? I know that it'll be a lot to deal with six alphas, plus a newborn baby coming soon. So we all decided to wait before officially asking you and Jihwan to be a part of the pack. We don't want to add stress onto you."
     "O-Of course...I understand Joon hyung. I'll have my baby next month, so I'm excited to see his little face.." and Namjoon grinned.
     "As all of us are. We're so exited to see Jihwan~"
     "Me too! He's been in me for so long that I won't know what to do when he comes out..I'm
kind of scared to be honest."
     "We're all right here for you Jiminie; we're not going anywhere. Ok?"
     "Ok.." Namjoon smiled and reached for Jimin's hand, taking it into his own and walking off. Jimin looked up at the alpha with awe in his eyes, and he thought to himself:
     I won't let my mom ruin this for me...I'll come up with a plan...

     IM SO SORRY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT YESTERDAY😩😩BUT HERE IT IS!! it isnt a lot, but its kind of filler for the rest yk? but anyways, bye! ill see you guys next friday🥰🥰

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