Chapter 35: Jihope🔞

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     After Yoongi was Hoseok, who slipped into the room while the two were sleeping. He walked over to the two, his nose twitching at the scent of slick and come in the room. He put a bag down at the edge of the bed and sat down, staring down at the older alpha.
     "Hyung...." Hoseok whispered, tapping the older alpha's shoulder. Yoongi slowly woke up, his half-lidded eyes staring at Hoseok disgruntled.
     "What is it Hobah...?" Yoongi replied, sitting up and cracking his knuckles.
     "How was it last night?"
     "Amazing....I feel complete now. I have all of your bites, I couldn't ask for anything more. How has it been on the outside? Have you guys been taking care of Jimin's family?"
     "Yep. We have a court date. And Namjoon registered all of us as a pack. We just need your signature and Jiminie's as well when he is done with all of us. I think Jungkookie is last.."
     "Where is Jungkook anyways?" and Hoseok shrugged. "Alright. I'll get up and sign those papers. Make sure Jimin doesn't wake up alone."
     "Alright hyung. Love you." Yoongi blushed and grunted, quickly getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. The black haired alpha chuckled with a fond smile, sitting up and slipping off his clothes. When he was done, he slid under the covers and his fingers wiggled under the blanket in search of Jimin's small, chubby fingers.
He made contact with the omega's fingers and held his hand, scooting closer and wrapping his arm around the younger. And then, that's how he fell asleep.
      I never want this to change...

Namjoon and the others were currently at Namjoon and Yoongi's apartment, looking at houses.
"What about this one?" Jungkook grinned, pointing out a two story house.
"Too big." Seokjin replied.
"Really?" Namjoon looked to the eldest, who nodded.
"I mean, we're all sleeping in a bed together right? We don't need a five-bedroom house. That's too much. And plus, Jihwan will have his own little room next to ours. So I think the best course we could take would be a two-bedroom home or even a three-bedroom."
"Why three? Why not two?" Jungkook asked.
"Well because maybe after a while of Jihwan being born, if Jiminie would want, we could have another pup? To make sure Jihwan doesn't grow up alone..."
"I forget you like big families hyung." Namjoon chuckled, and Jin blushed. The three alphas all turned around once they heard the door being unlocked, and they smiled once they saw Yoongi open the door. "Hi Yoongi hyung!"
"What're you guys doing?" the second oldest alpha questioned, sitting between Jungkook and Seokjin.
"Looking at houses." Namjoon replied, "The three of us settled on a three-bedroom house for us. In case we all decide to add another pup to the pack."
"Hoseok told me you had papers for me to sign?" the grey haired alpha nodded and bent down, searching under the coffee table and pulling out a small stack of papers. "Oh shit."
"It's nothing bad. Just stating that we're a law abiding pack and we're not forcing any of us to be in said pack. And its registering Namjoonie hyung as our pack alpha." Jungkook replied, and the mint haired alpha nodded. "And it's also some papers for that restraining order."
"So we really have a court date huh..." Yoongi chuckled, a proud smile on his face.
"Of course we do." Namjoon snorted. "We're getting that witch and that shitty excuse of an alpha out of our omega and pup's life."
"'re an amazing pack alpha you know?" Jin beamed, ruffling the taller's hair and making him flush pink. "Yoongi yah, just sign those papers and me and Jungkookie will bring them back to the court."
"Where is Taehyung?" Yoongi asked, looking around the apartment for the dark haired alpha.
"He's with Jinyoung sorting out everything for our court date. They sent someone over to Jimin's mom and ex-alpha to give them the papers. They have to show up or else they'll be detained." Namjoon replied. "While Jin hyung and Kook are at the court, me and you can go look at this house!"
"That's a good idea Namjoonie." Yoongi smiled.
"Now that that's all settled with..." Jin started, standing up. "Let me feed you giant pups."
"Hyung we're not giant pups!" Jungkook immediately protested, and the others complained as well. Jin just stared at them with a fond smile.
      My giant pups~

The Pretty Omega Next Door(Jimin-Centric)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz