Chapter 2

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Jimin whimpered when his picture fell on the floor and he flipped down onto the floor. He felt the tears coming on and he started to cry. The omega held the broken glass in his hands and sniffled at the lone picture. He jumped in surprise when he heard loud knocking on his door. He stood up slowly and went to his door, his eyes widening when he saw Namjoon and Seokjin on the other side.
"W-What are you doing here hyungs?" Jimin asked with blushed cheeks. "Did something happen with your friend dinner or something??"
"We heard a crash and came to see what happened??" Jin rushed out and Namjoon nodded beside him. They both came in, and two people came in after the alphas. Jimin smelled the scents of mint and cedarwood and knew that the two were alphas.
     "Did you hurt yourself?" Namjoon asked and Jimin shook hair with a smile, his orange hair shaking from side to side. "Then what the hell was that noise?!"
     "It looks like he dropped a fucking picture dipshit." the short alpha with the light green said, his voice raspy and monotone. "And his hand is bleeding." Namjoon and Jin gasped and Jimin blushed, looking down to his hand.
     "It's only my hand though..." the omega murmured and Yoongi scoffed, going over to the orange haired man. He took Jimin's hand and looked at it. "'M not really hurt that bad. I was reaching to put my dancing award on the shelf and the picture of me and my dad fell! It's the last picture I have of him before he died..."
     "We need to rinse it and wrap it." Yoongi said and Jimin blushed at the way that the alpha held his hand. "Before it gets infected." He looked up and raised his eyebrow at the red omega. "Do you know my name? Joon and Jin hyung told me yours."
     "I only know Joonie hyung and Jinnie hyung. You are either Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, or Jeon Jungkook." Jimin smiled. "Hm...I used to know a Jungkook."
     "I'm Yoongi but you can call me hyung." Yoongi smiled and Jimin wanted to pinch the alpha's cheeks, but refrained.
     "I'm Taehyung!" the last alpha with the long dark hair grinned, and Jimin smiled back. "Wow your hair is so fluffy!"
     "Do I call you hyung?" Jimin asked Taehyung and the man shrugged. "A-And thank you..."
"I don't know, how old are you?"
"I am twenty four..."
"No way me too! We must be soulmates!" Taehyung inwardly smirked at the way Jin and Namjoon glared at him. "I was born in December though. What about you?"
"I am older than you then~I was born in October."
"Wooow. Then I have to call you hyung!"
"You don't have to! We're the same age after all, you don't have to call me hyung.." Jimin smiled and the four alphas blushed at the adorable omega. "Anyways...I thought Yoongi hyung was cooking for you guys.."
"I'm done cooking." Yoongi smiled down at the pretty man, making Jimin blush. "We came to check on you."
"Jimin I thought you said that you were unpacking!" Jin huffed. "This is still a lot of boxes!"
"I was unpacking!" Jimin pouted and the alphas cooed. "Then I d-dropped my picture of" Taehyung bent down and picked it up.
"Hyung, you should go and rinse the blood from Jiminie's hand." he said and Yoongi nodded.
"Where is your bathroom?" Yoongi asked the omega. Jimin pointed to the hallway and said,
"I'll show you when we're there." the mint haired alpha nodded and the two left, leaving the others in Jimin's unfinished living room.
"Joon, you pick up the glass and stuff." Jin commanded and Namjoon rolled his eyes, bending down to pick up the broken glass. "Tae, you unpack his stuff. We're gonna help him unpack. He at least deserves it. He's pregnant after all..."

"You guys really didn't have to do this..." Jimin murmured and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I was fine on my own..."
"I didn't have to, though I wanted to do it for you. We want to help you Jimin. Did you forget you're pregnant?" he said with a huff and Jimin flinched. Yoongi immediately regretted his words when Jimin whispered miserably,
"Hard to forget when I'm being told everyday that I'm a whore for not having a mate while pregnant..."
"Jimin I'm sorry..." Yoongi looked down and put Jimin's hand under the warm water, making the omega hiss. "Sorry again."
"It's ok hyungie..." Jimin smiled weakly. "My cut throbs a little though can you be gentle with me..?"
"Of course I can be gentle with you have anything for your cut?"
"I unpacked my bathroom first, so yea. It's
in the cabinet behind the mirror." Jimin was sitting on the bathtub side, with Yoongi on his side. The alpha stood up and went to the sink mirror, opening it to find medicine. Once he found what he was looking for, he turned around and froze. He saw Jimin rubbing his stomach and murmuring something to it. Jimin noticed the alpha staring and stopped talking to his belly, He blushed and stuttered out, "I-I'm sorry...I d-didn't see-"
"Hey it's ok. I find it cute." Yoongi snickered and Jimin sighed out in relief. "You're absolutely adorable Minnie."
"People look at me weird for talking to my stomach..."
"It's not weird. You want to be closer to your pup...I understand and respect that."
"Thank you Yoongi hyung..." Yoongi came to sit back to next to Jimin and put the medicine on his small hand, putting a bandaid
on the cut.
"There we go. Let's go, I'm pretty sure that Jin and the others are going fucking crazy in your living room waiting for us to come
back." Jimin nodded and put out his hands.
"I need help up please..." the omega pouted and Yoongi blushed, helping the tiny man up. "Thanks hyungie~"
"You're welcome. Now let's go." they both walked out and went to the living room. They both gasped at what they saw. "What the hell did you guys do in here??"
"We wanted to help Jiminie with his stuff..." Taehyung pouted and Jimin giggled.
"You didn't have to!" he smiled and the others rolled their eyes. "I could've did it..."
"We wanted to help you Min." Namjoon smiled and Jimin smiled back.
"Well thank you anyways.." he blushed and the four alphas all wanted to devour the small, pregnant omega. "Are you guys done?"
"Basically...all there is to do is your bedroom, but we didn't want to go in there in case you didn't want us invading your privacy." Jin explained and Jimin made a small noise in the back of his throat.
"I wouldn't have minded." he shrugged. "It's just my nest materials. You can just keep it in there; I don't want to make a nest tonight.."
"While we are all in here..." Yoongi started and the four werewolves turned to him. "Jimin, would you like to come and eat with us? Only two more people are coming."
"Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook right?" he asked and the four alphas nodded. "Then I don't mind, they are your friends after all.."
"We want you to be comfortable Jiminie..." Taehyung pouted and Jimin smiled.
"Then I'll love to go~"
"Then let's go!" Jin grinned and the five men all walked out of Jimin's apartment with Taehyung's arm around Jimin's waist. When they were almost to Yoongi and Namjoon's apartment, they noticed someone at the door. The man turned around and widened his eyes at what he saw. Jimin did the same.
"Jiminie hyung?!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"Jungkookie?!" Jimin screeched.

The Pretty Omega Next Door(Jimin-Centric)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin