Chapter 15

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      "Jimin let's go." Namjoon huffed, and Kai rolled his eyes.
      "So you have another alpha now?" the alpha scoffed, and Jimin trembled behind the alphas. "Doesn't look to be all that."
      "We just want to be friends again Jimin.." Sungwoon frowned. "I've missed you a lot." a strong sense of jealousy ran through Namjoon and the others, and Jungkook gulped.
      "Let's just go inside for now." Jimin finally relented, and his friends grinned in triumph. "So we can all talk without an audience."
      "Do you want us to come with you Jimin??" Hoseok fretted, but Jimin shook his head. "What?? Why not???"
      "I'll be ok. Just...give me time to talk to them ok? And I'll explain it to you guys later..." the six alphas nodded solemnly, and Jimin left with his friends.
      As soon as Jimin left with his friends, everyone quickly turned to Jungkook.
      "You used to go to school with Jimin right??" Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded. "So who are they to Jimin?? You must know!"
     Shit they already somewhat figured it out. I'll have to tell them now...damnit..
       "Yes. And I have something to tell you guys..." and the five alphas glanced at each other. "Come on let's go inside. I'll tell you everything."

            ⚠️tw: homophobia and derogatory language⚠️

      "What's going on???" Seokjin huffed as they were all pushed inside of his and Jungkook's apartment. "Kook??"
      "Sit down and be quiet." the youngest alpha gulped, gently pushing them all down on the couch.
"Wow rude." Hoseok pouted.
"Anyways, I'm sorry. I lied to you guys about a lot of things."
      "Sorry about what??" Yoongi scoffed with his arms crossed. "You're starting to worry us Jungkook."
      "Ok. Let me explain first before Yoongi hyung blows his lid. So, I lied about being poor. I'm not actually an orphan; I'm from the Jeon Corporation. Like Jeon Jungsoon and Jeon Kyunghwan. They're my biological parents, but I don't consider them my parents like they don't consider me their son. They kicked me out at the age of seventeen because they caught me kissing another alpha in my room during my senior year. They called me a disgusting abomination and told me that I wasn't their son."
      "Oh Jungkook." Namjoon paled, but the youngest alpha shook his head.
      "Let me continue, then I'll let you throw me a pity party. Anyways, before they kicked me out, I went to Busan International High School, along with Jimin hyung. One of the most prestigious schools in Busan; not a lot of people were allowed there. I didn't lie about us being somewhat in the same friend group however; we shared a mutual friend. Well, we used to. His name was Eunwoo, and he was the alpha that I was caught kissing in my room, and his parents didn't do anything to him. He blamed it all on me, saying that I came onto him and took advantage of him when he was feeling vulnerable. But that's not the point. Jimin went there too, and his mother were unknown. I've never seen her before, but I heard that she was a scary chaebol."
      "Wait." Namjoon interrupted Jungkook, who huffed. "So you're saying that Jimin is rich???"
      "Was. He disappeared from school long before me, along with another one of his old friends. I forgot his name, but he was an asshole. Always thought he was entitled to every single omega who looked at him for more than a second. I hated him so much; a lot of people did. So...yea I think that's it. We're from rich families and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was ashamed of myself, but now I know that it's ok to like other sub-genders asides from omegas."
      "Jungkook." Taehyung suddenly sobbed out, running to hug their youngest. "You sweet baby!! You went through so much..."
"I'm so proud of you." Seokjin smiled fondly as the older alphas circled their younger, holding him in their arms.
       "Thank you, but I feel as though Jimin has it worse than me. The ways his friends were talking about his mother....she wants him for something. And I'm scared to know what..."

      "Would you guys like anything to eat?" Jimin asked as he slowly walked over to his kitchen.
      "So...that's Ravi's baby right?" Taemin spoke up, making Jimin freeze. "And that's why you and him disappeared our senior year?"
"I disappeared because I didn't want to be associated with my family anymore, but I don't know why he left. But yes, this is his baby. But to me, I'm the only parent for Jihwan." Jimin replied, taking out a pot of Samgyeopsal. "I'm
happier now, I have other people in my life."
"You know, I'm kind of glad that Ravi left. He was an asshole." Kai scoffed, "This is a nice place you have here Jimin. It must be nice to be away from obsessive parents..."
"You guys could be like this too! I ran off; you can too! Seoul is such a pretty place..and there's so may nice people! Like my Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung, Jungkookie, Tae Tae, and Yoongi hyung. They've been here for me since I moved here. They are all my rocks...something that my mother would never understand!"
      "We understand Jimin..." Taemin sighed, "But this isn't up to us...our own parents are working for your mother. So we have to follow their wishes, even if we don't want to do it."
       "You can stay here with me until you leave the clutches of our parents! Even if they cut you off, you can just get a job! I work as a kindergarten teacher, and it's amazing. We're even hiring another teacher since one of ours quit! Sungwoon hyung, you love children!"
      "That's true..." the beta sighed miserably, "I'm scared. But this sounds...nice! Alright, I'll do it! I'll stay here with you!"
       "Taemin hyung. You've always wanted to be a dancer, but your father wouldn't let you. Saying that it was too feminine to dance. But my Hoseokie hyung works as a dancer; he'll be able to help you become one yourself! Like you've always wanted...." Jimin looked to the older omega, who gulped.
       "I-I....I don't know how my mothers are. They'll skin me alive!"
       "They won't know. You guys look so miserable like this....I can't stand it. I was miserable look at me! I'm here by myself, with Jihwan. And I've never been happier. I've even....fell in love. You guys can be like that too!" but the orange haired omega was interrupted by Kai, who growled lowly.
      "You think you have it so easy Jimin. My parents are monsters! They'll never let their money making son go! I'm stuck, and I'll have no one. Busan has been my only home for ages! If they find out that I left, they'll blacklist me from every single job! Why would I leave it for false freedom???" he hissed, and Jimin just sighed fondly.
      "Jongin....I'm not talking about false freedom. Even if your parents blacklist you, they don't have leverage in Seoul. Their company is in Busan; they won't be able to hurt you anymore. Seoul has so many opportunities for you....I want to help you guys. Even though it'll be hard, I'll be here for you guys. And I know that I wasn't here for these past years, but I'm here now. And I want you guys to be happy...." Jimin was looking at his feet, but he looked up when he heard sniffles. The three wolves were crying, and Taemin ran to Jimin. Tackling him into a tight hug.
      "Park Jimin you are an amazing person..." he sobbed, and Sungwoon and Kai soon joined the two on the ground.
      "Thank you but please do not squish my unborn child. I would like to see him before he turns into a flat little pancake~" Jimin giggled, and his friends quickly got off of him and helped him back up. "So? Will you join me in Seoul?" the three older men glanced at each other, then to Jimin.
       "Yea." Taemin smiled. "I'll join you as well~"
       "There's nothing better for me to do in Busan." Kai scoffed with a smirk. "So yea. I'll
join you."
       "Yay I'm so proud!" Jimin giggled.
       "But Jimin what did you mean when you said you fell in love?"

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