Chapter 26

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      A couple of days, and Jimin and the other alphas were on their way to meet Park Jinyoung, a powerful omega lawyer that was a close friend of Taehyung.
"I've never heard of omegas being lawyers before..." Jimin murmured, and Taehyung nodded.
"Jinyoung is a ruthless lawyer. I got in a bad wreck a couple of years ago and he helped me sue the people. I got a lot of money from that whole ordeal. He's a good person; him and his mate, who is a beta."
"We've never met Jinyoung before..." Namjoon hummed from the back seat, and Jimin looked back to stare at the alpha. "But we've heard of him a couple of times. You're in good hands with him Jiminie."
"I hope you're right hyung.." Jimin gulped, wringing his hands together. "I don't want my mother showing up to my house banging on the door threatening me's really starting to stress me and my hyungs out.."
"Jiminie you know you can stay with any of us right?" Hoseok looked to the omega, who nodded.
"Yea I know that, but I don't want to leave Taemin hyung and Sungwoon hyung alone over there in case their parents show up as well since they work for my mother. I need to protect them in any way I can."
"Your parent instincts are really kicking in now Jiminie." Seokjin chuckled. "You're like a mother hen taking care of her chicks~"
"Aw hyung that's so cute!" Taehyung cooed, and Jimin flushed in embarrassment. "Wait turn this corner Yoongi hyung. This is it!"
"Oh wow this place is really big Tae..." Jimin gulped, suddenly intimidated. Yoongi parked the car and the others got out, and Hoseok helped the orange haired omega out of the car. The scene men all walked towards the building, unknowing of the eyes staring at them from above the building.

       They all walked inside, and an alpha woman was behind a desk frantically texting on her phone.
      "Hello there." Namjoon cleared his throat, and the woman looked up in surprise.
      "Oh shit sorry I didn't see you there sirs." she apologized, flicking her long blonde hair behind her back. "Now do you have an appointment here? Mr. Jinyoung won't be able to see you without one."
      "It's ok." a voice came from in front of them, and they all turned towards the elevators. "They're friends of mine." A man with short cut dark brown hair walked towards them, a small smile on his face. Taehyung broke apart from them and walked towards the man, bringing him into a tight hug.
      "Hey Jinyoung hyung its been a while hasn't it." Taehyung chuckled, and Jimin's mouth gaped open.
"It has." the other man smiled, and Taehyung gasped.
"Oh! Hyung, these are my hyungs and Jungkookie. And the orange haired beauty in the middle is the omega you are representing; Park Jimin!"
      "It's nice to meet you Jimin." Jinyoung walked over to Jimin, but a sudden growl stopped him. They all turned to Jungkook, who was blushing madly. "Oh?"
      "I-I'm so sorry...!" Jungkook immediately bowed, and Jinyoung cracked a small smile.
      "It's fine. He's pregnant, so I know how stressed and protective your alpha is when someone new is approaching him. I'm surprised no one else growled at me." the omega smirked a bit, making the other alphas blush pink.
     "Jungkookie is the youngest, so he's not really in control of his alpha sometimes." Taehyung cackled, and Jungkookie glared at him. Jimin ruffled the younger's hair and walked up to Jinyoung, the two omegas shaking hands.
      "Somi." Jinyoung turned to the blonde alpha, who looked up from her phone with wide eyes. "Are you ok? You smell distressed."

     "Sir my mate is in the hospital I-I need to go

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     "Sir my mate is in the hospital I-I need to go.." she pleaded, and Jinyoung nodded. She bowed towards him and quickly grabbed her things, running out of the building.
     "Now," Jinyoung dusted off his suit, "You seven, follow me."

      The eight men got inside of the elevator, slightly cramped up. Jimin was stuck between Jungkook and Namjoon, who were more on the built side from the other alphas. And it was making Jimin feel things; slick-inducing things. So he called himself down, breathing in and out before any of the wolves could smell his heightened peaches and cream scent.
But when he felt a wandering hand on his hips and an insistent nose on his scent gland, he knew he was caught.
      "You ok?" Jungkook whispered on his neck, and Jimin bit back a whimper.
      "Y-Yea I'm ok....just a tad bit overwhelmed." the omega replied with a gulp, and the younger alpha started to rub his hips comfortingly.
      "You smell different."
      "I know...I'm trying to reign it in." and the two suddenly jumped up in surprise when the elevator dinged and the double doors opened. Jinyoung walked out first, and the others walked out after him.
      "You two aren't subtle at all." Yoongi hissed, making both Jimin and Jungkook flush in embarrassment.
      "Sorry hyung..." Jimin pouted. "It's a lot of alpha pheromones in that small elevator."
       "We understand Jimin don't worry." Namjoon smiled reassuringly, and Jimin smiled back. "You're pregnant, so you're going through a lot. Our scents can be a lot, we know."
      "I almost leaked slick." Jimin giggled, walking ahead with a smile, making the other alphas freeze. When the orange haired man realized he was walking alone, he looked back to see the alpha staring him down, flickering red eyes making Jimin gulp. "A-Are you guys coming...?" they broke themselves out of their stupor and walked towards their omega, and the seven quickly caught up with Jinyoung.
      "Took you guys long enough." he muttered, and turned a corner. "Thought you would jump poor Jimin in that elevator." Jimin immediately blushed, his peach scent spiking up. "Looks like we're here in my office. Come in and hurry, we don't know who's listening in." they all quickly walked inside, and Jinyoung locked the door behind him.
     "So how would this work?" Jimin asked, sitting down in the chair across from the older omega's desk. "I want this woman permanently removed from my life and my son's life."
      "Have you thought of a restraining order?" Jinyoung asked, turning on his computer. "That could have her rights revoked from you and your pup."
      "I thought about that, but we would have no probable cause." Namjoon replied, and Jimin looked up at him in surprise. "His mother didn't do anything threatening yet; at least not to my knowledge. She's been doing vocal threats, but nothing else. Would a cop even go for that?"
     "True. So you really want to take this to court? That can be a lot of stress on you and your baby. And it may be possible for you to lose that fight. A grandparent must have a very strong case to succeed in taking custody of a grandpup, but your baby isn't in the world yet. Unless the parents consent to give up their custody rights to the grandparent, a grandparent may need to show that both parents are unfit to have custody of a child."
      "That makes sense." Hoseok muttered, rubbing his chin in thought.
      "Grandparents can also lose visitation rights, just to let you know. Both parents of the child have the right to revoke a grandparent's visitation rights simply because they do not want their child around the grandparent, and you do not want your pup around your mother. This can put a lot of strain on the family however. Jimin, I strongly advise you not going through with this. I've heard of your mother, she is a strong woman. But I'm not scared of you; I'm more scared for you. So, what I would do is to go to court and to get an restraining order on her. After a full court hearing, a judge can issue a protective order for you and your pack, as long as you are claimed in a pack. A protective order can generally last up to eighteen months, and can later be renewed after another hearing in front of a judge. The parts of the protective order that tell the abuser to not abuse, harass, or interfere with you can last forever."
      "So I would still need to go to court.." Jimin sighed.
      "Your case would go easier if you were in a pack, and I heard that Namjoon and the others accepted you in their pack. You would need to have visible mating marks on you, because an unmated omega might have trouble in this."
      "Wait what do you mean??" Jungkook asked, and Jinyoung sighed.
      "Jimin is a visible unmated omega. His mother can see that and could say that he is unfit to have custody over his pup since he has no alpha to take care of it."

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