Chapter 28

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      "My apartment!" Jimin cried, trying to step inside. But Namjoon stopped him, glaring inside. "Hyung??"
"We can't let you in. Not right now." Namjoon grunted, and tears pooled the omega's doe eyes.
      "Jiminie there's glass everywhere, we don't want you to step in it. Ok??" Seokjin frowned, and Jimin reluctantly nodded, wiping his tears. The other alphas stepped inside however; Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. Jungkook, Sungwoon, Taemin, and Hoseok stayed with Jimin and consoled the omega, who was now sobbing uncontrollably.
      "Holy shit...." Yoongi hissed, looking around in utter shock. "They destroyed the fuck out of this place...!"
     The apartment was completely trashed inside, with broken dishes on the ground, trash was thrown everywhere, and his couch was overturned and battered.
"Is the living room and kitchen the only place that was trashed??" Namjoon yelled to Sungwoon and Taemin, and Sungwoon replied,
"They got Jimin's room and it's worse than the living room and the kitchen..."
"They just broke Jiminie's utensils and dishes.." Taemin yelled as well, and Jimin shuddered.
"Fuck..." the four older alphas walked towards Jimin's room, and Jin slowly opened the door of the orange haired wolf's room. And they gasped.
The omega's room was basically turned inside out, with holes in the walls, his bed was broken, and his clothes were thrown everywhere. His dresser was on the ground, and there were broken pictures on the ground as well.
"What will we tell Jimin...?"

Once the alphas were gone, Jimin turned to Sungwoon and Taemin in utter sadness.
"How did this even happen???" the young man sobbed, and Taehyung brought his soon-to-be mate into a tight hug. "We weren't gone for long! How did they have the time for this??"
Taehyung shushed the distressed omega, tucking his face in the alpha's neck and allowing Jimin to cry on his shoulder and scent him.
"Can you guys explain?" Jungkook asked, his muscles tense and his eyebrows furrowed. Jimin's sad scent was making his alpha agitated, so Jungkook was agitated as well. Which wasn't a good look on the young alpha.
"Me and Taemin hyung were just sitting down on the couch watching this random drama that I found..." Sungwoon explained shakily, his usual calm scent strong and distressed, "And then someone suddenly burst through Minie's door, even though Taemin hyung locked it earlier. It was a bunch of men in black gear! And they grabbed us and threw us out! And your mom and Ravi were outside waiting on us. They told us to cut off contact with Jimin and they'll leave us alone to let us live our lives...and they wouldn't tell our parents what we did..."
"But we didn't care and told her no." Taemin crossed his arms. "We told them we would tell Jimin what they did and they'll pay for what they done."
"Your mom and Ravi then left, and the men ran out. We went in and it was completely destroyed in there...Jimin I'm so sorry..."
"Fuck this is horrible..." Jungkook growled. They all looked to the opening of Jimin's apartment once they seen Namjoon and the others coming back, all looking angry and distressed. "How bad is it hyungs??"
"It's bad everywhere..." Hoseok sighed, rubbing his face and groaning. "Everything is basically destroyed."
"Well we know who did it." Taehyung scoffed. "It was Jimin's mom and Ravi. They were here trying to bribe Taemin hyung and Sungwoon hyung."
"Wait...this can be good. Guys, go take some pictures of the apartment and everything that is destroyed in there." Namjoon pointed to the apartment, much to everyone's confusion. "We can send the pictures over to Jinyoung hyung and see what he says. This can be good for our case against Jimin's mom!"
"But what about Jimin and his friends??" Yoongi pointed out. "They have nowhere to live now. Their apartment is fucking destroyed."
"Let's go to the cops with this first. But for now, get some pictures for Jinyoung and see what he says." Seokjin crossed his arms. "Some of us should stay back and take them, and some of us should go to the police station and explain."
"Me and Jungkookie will stay back with Jiminie." Taehyung hummed. "We can grab some stuff for him that isn't destroyed and take him to one of our apartments."
"I need to lay down anyways.." Jimin huffed, holding his lower back. "And I really need to fucking pee..."
"We can take him to mine and Jin hyung's apartment so he can chill." Jungkook suggested. "He really needs to relax; all of this is pretty stressful on him and the baby."
"Yea Jungkookie is right." Namjoon crossed his arms. "Me and Jin hyung can go to the police station. And Hoseok and Yoongi hyung can take some pics."
"What about me and Sungwoon?" Taemin asked, alerting the alphas and omega. "We want to help Jimin too..."
"Call Jimin's mom and tell her that we'll get her ass; no matter what." Yoongi snarled, and Taemin nodded. "For now, let's go to the police and deal with that."

Jungkook took Taehyung and the others to his and Jin's apartment, closing the door behind him.
      "What will I do...?" Jimin whimpered. "We have nowhere to stay now..!"
     "Jiminie it's ok." Taemin hugged his friend, and Sungwoon rubbed his back. "We can find another place."
     "Guess we can really look for houses now.." Taehyung sighed, scratching the back of his head.
" guys are looking for houses??" Sungwoon gasped, and Taemin looked to Jimin. Who blushed and nodded. "So you guys are moving in together??"
"You're finally mating?!" Taemin squealed, and Jimin giggled. "Jiminie I'm so proud of you!"
"It took a lot to get here, but I'm happy. Thank you hyungs for pushing me." Jimin smiled at the beta and omega, who grinned back. "I'm grateful to you both. You'll still stay with us until you get on your feet!"
"Are you sure?" Sungwoon gulped, fiddling with his fingers. "We don't want to be a bother. You know, with you being pregnant and all..."
"Of course not! We don't mind. As long as none of you aren't secretly in love with Jimin or anything like that." Taehyung grinned, and Jungkook nodded. "For now, Jimin, you can sleep in Jinnie hyung's bed. And Taemin hyung and Sungwoon hyung, you guys can sleep in my bed if you want.
"I'm going outside to try and call Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung." Taehyung grabbed his phone and wakes outside.
"I'll cook some stuff real quick for you guys." Jungkook walked into the kitchen, leaving Jimin alone with his friends.

Once they were alone, both Taemin and Sungwoon both basically pounced onto Jimin, bombarding the omega with questions.
"When did this happen??" Taemin asked.
"When they came over when my mother first came over.." Jimin smiled shyly.
      "You finally cleared the air with them. I'm glad." Sungwoon smiled, and Jimin nodded. "So you guys are really moving in together?"
      "Yep. We still have to talk about the basics though. Like what city, how many rooms, and all of that. We just decided this today, so I'm a little wary. I would like to live somewhere stable before Jihwan is born. But unfortunately my batshit crazy mother destroyed my fucking apartment, so we're out of luck for now."
       "Hopefully you guys find can quickly something before then." Taemin smiled, and Jimin nodded with a tired sigh.
     Meanwhile, Taehyung was on the phone with Namjoon.
      "How is everything?" the young alpha asked, gnawing on his fingernails.
      "Good for now. We're telling a cop that we want a restraining order against Jimin's mother. But we do need to bring Jiminie in, and the evidence." Namjoon sighed. "Call Jinyoung. Now."
       "Alright hyung. Bye." Taehyung quickly hung up the phone, sighing heavily and leaning his head on the wall outside. But when he heard heels clicking against the ground, and two familiar, disgusting scents coming towards him, he saw red.
     How dare they show up here?!

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