Chapter 25

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      Namjoon and Jimin soon made it to the others, where they were diligently waiting for the two with waiting smiles.
      "Finally! You two took so long!" Taehyung whined, walking over to Jimin and gently hugging him. "You smell better..happier!"
      "Because I'm finally away from my mother and-" but the omega was interrupted by Jungkook, who took Jimin in his own arms.
      "Don't say that idiot's name." the youngest huffed, gently scenting Jimin. "You'll get sad again..and I don't want you sad.."
      "Ok ok I won't you baby alpha." Jimin relented with a gentle smile, ruffling the taller's hair, which made Jungkookie grin like an idiot. "I won't talk about them today while I'm with you guys. But where are we eating at?"
      "The usual place." Yoongi replied, prying Jungkook off of the shorter. "My turn." Jungkook whined, but relented. Yoongi smirked a bit and dug his nose into Jimin's scent gland, taking in his delectable peaches and cream scent, growling softly. After he was done, Jimin's eyes were glassy. Then, they all took turns on scenting Jimin, and the omega returned the favor by scenting them back. One by one, they all smelled of each other. And Jimin couldn't be any happier.
We smell like a pack now....

All seven men got inside of the van, with Seokjin driving and Jimin in the passenger seat so he could stretch out his feet. The eldest alpha glanced at Jimin in the seat as he drove, and a fond smile came to his plump lips.
"You know..." he started, "We've missed you a lot Jimin." and Jimin blushed all the day up to his ears.
"I missed you guys too..." he replied with a soft smile, rubbing his swollen stomach. "It was hard being away from you guys since my omega is so connected with you six. But I'm happy that I was enough for you guys to want me in your pack.."
"Of course Jimin. We love you and we would do anything for you and each other." Taehyung perked up from the back seat, and Hoseok as well. "I love everyone in this car; even baby Jihwan~"
"Speaking of Jihwan, when is his due date?" Yoongi asked from the back seats, sitting between Namjoon and Jungkook, blushing heavily. Namjoon snickered and Jungkookie smirked, which prompted Yoongi to punch both of their very built shoulders.
     "Yea. I want to know what to get him for his room." Taehyung grinned.
     "Do you have his room ready Minie?" Hoseok asked.
"Ok ok let me answer the other questions first!" Jimin giggled. "My due date is around November." Jimin giggled. "And it's August now...and I haven't built the baby room yet; I didn't want to sprain myself by doing too much..."
"Mine and Namjoonie hyung's birthdays are next month!" Jungkook pointed out, and Jimin gasped.
"Party! Throw a party!" Jimin turned around to grin at the alphas, who smiled fondly at the omega's enthusiasm. "Are you going to throw a combined party?"
"Maybe..." Namjoon shrugged. "Oh we're here." Jin parked the car, and he got up and helped Jimin out. The others got out as well, and they all walked to the restaurant. Mark greeted them at the door again, and Jimin waved at the man.
      "Hey Jimin." he said, "I haven't seen you in a bit~"
"Yea sorry about that." Jimin giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "But I'm here now. And I'm glad that I am."
"Same table as before you guys?" Mark looked to Namjoon, who nodded. "Same food as well?" and they all nodded. "Perfect. You know where it is." Namjoon and the others walked off, and they all sat in their same booth. Then, they became rowdy. Namjoon and Yoongi started talking about a new song they were writing, Taehyung was begging Seokjin to teach him to sew, and Jungkook was playing a game on his phone.
"Hey Jiminie you're wearing my bracelet!" Hoseok pointed out, and Jimin smiled fondly. "It looks nice on your wrist.."
"Yea...thank you for that by the way." Jimin blushed, and Hoseok grinned with flushed cheeks.
      "Hey Jimin can I ask you a question?" Jungkook looked to the older, who nodded. "What are you going to do about your mother? Knowing her, she won't quit bothering you until you go with her...I'm kind of worried.."
      "I'm worried as well. I don't want to go back home with her, but she's a persistent woman, and she gets what she wants by any means necessary. What I don't understand is why she wants me now instead of not kicking me out.."
      "Maybe it's because of Jihwan." Namjoon suggested absentmindedly, making Jimin look to the alpha. "I overheard her asking about if he was to become an alpha or not. Does she have a big business?"
      "Yea. She owns Park Incorporation. A really big thing down in Busan. She wanted me to inherit it from her, but I got pregnant. So she kicked me out."
     "Maybe since Jihwan might or might not be an alpha, she might want him to inherit the business instead of you and that's why she's doing this crap..."
      "You think so hyung..?" Jimin looked to the taller alpha, who nodded seriously. "My mom is a horrible woman; I wouldn't put it past her to try and take my son away from me. But I won't let her. Not at all."
      "You know, she could possibly sue you for custody of Jihwan." Seokjin frowned, and Jimin gasped.
     "People can do that??" the omega gulped. "He isn't even born yet! Plus, if she does, how will I afford to get a lawyer..." Mark soon bought them their food and drinks, and they began to dig in.
       "I know someone." Taehyung said out of the blue, stuffing a bunch of fries in his mouth. "He's a big shot lawyer who owes me a huge favor."
     "But won't that cost money...?" Jimin worried, biting his thumbnail. "I wouldn't have that much money since all I do is teach kids for a living..."
     "No worries Jiminie." Hoseok grinned. "We'll pay for it!"
     "What?? You can't do that! That's too much to ask of you..."
     "Jimin we will do this for you. You're one of us now; our omega." Yoongi explained, and Jimin blushed heavily. "And we take care of our omega..."
      "But you're courting me as well...I worry that this is too much..I'm not even giving you gifts!"
     "You don't have to." Jin shrugged. "We're doing this because we love you."
     "I'll call him now." Taehyung quickly took out his phone, and Jimin pouted a bit.
Will this work...?

     Meanwhile, across the city sat a stoic man typing away on his keyboard, a bored expression on his handsome face. He sat atop the highest floor on his building; since he basically built it with his money keeping the coma up afloat.
     He was typing away on a report when he suddenly got a call. He groaned and reached for his phone, looking at the caller i.d. And he grinned, quickly pulling up the phone.
     " Kim Taehyung. It's been a while." the man said, and the other replied,
     "Too long Park Jinyoung hyung."

     "What's this sudden call about? Calling in on your favor?"      "Actually yes

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     "What's this sudden call about? Calling in on your favor?"
      "Actually yes. My omega needs help."
     "Omega? I thought you were attracted to alphas..?"
     "I love everyone. But anyways, his mother is a horrible woman and we need someone on our side in case she tries to sue him for custody."
      "He has a child??"
      "Yes, and still in his stomach. Me and the others don't know what to do, so I decided to cash in on my favor. You in?"
       "This sounds like a difficult case...I'm in."

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