Chapter 9

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"Ok can we go home now?" Seokjin asked with a chuckled, and Jimin nodded with a giggle. "This goose incident has traumatized me a bit and Taehyung and Jungkook are blowing up my phone for some reason. And I'm pretty sure you're tired right?"
     "Oh really? Why are they calling you?"
     "I don't know....guess we'll find out once we get back to the apartments."
"Well then let's go!" the omega stretched out a bit, arching his back. The alpha nodded and crawled back into the driver's seat, taking out his keys and putting them into the ignition. After starting his car, he turned to Jimin.
     "You ready to go Jiminie?" the older asked, and the younger nodded. Seokjin nodded, and he backed away. "Oh you can take another nap by the way. We won't be back for a little while and I know you're tired."
      "Are you sure? I don't want you to be lonely while you drive..."
     "Eh I'll be fine! Go to sleep Jiminie. I'll wake you when we get there." the alpha smiled brightly at the orange haired omega, who blushed madly and shyly nodded. The smaller laid his head down and closed his eyes, sleep overcoming him. Seokjin then drove off, glancing at Jimin.
Does he know how beautiful he is....?

     Jimin was gently shaken out of his deep sleep by Seokjin, and the omega murmured to himself and pouted.
"Jiminie...." the alpha chuckled softly. "We're here. Jungkook and Taehyung are at the door waiting for you with their...gym equipment? Why do they have their gym equipment with them?"
"Equip...?" Jimin pouted, slowly opening his swollen eyes. "Hyungie I'm tired....what time is it? I hope I'm not late to my appointment..."
"Around 2 o'clock. Do you want me to tell them to fuck off so you can get more sleep
before your appointment?"
"No no....I'm getting up. Can you help me up though?" the younger looked up to the older with puppy eyes, and the blond alpha relented with a fond, yet exasperated smile.
"Ok ok..." he sighed and the smaller grinned.
"Thank you!" Jin allowed Jimin to brace himself on his arms, shapely standing up from the car. "Now, I need to go to my doctor's appointment at around 5. So I can hang out with them for a little bit! It won't be a bother~"
     "If you say so Jimin....shit I gotta go cook for tonight. I don't want to hear Jungkook's bitching once he gets back about me never cooking. Do you want me to bring you food when I'm done?"
     "Yea sure! Is tonight friend night?" Jimin asked, ruffling his hair a bit. Seokjin shook his head, and Jimin tilted his head. "Why not? What days are friend nights anyways?"
      "We usually have friend night every..Friday since that's when all of us are off from our jobs. We're doing friend night this upcoming Friday and we will be playing board games! You can come if you want to! We'd all love to see you~"
    "I would love to come hyung! Thank you for inviting me!" the omega smiled, and the two turned around when they suddenly heard upcoming footsteps coming towards them. They saw Jungkook and Taehyung running towards them in full speed, and Jimin blushed heavily. They had their black tank tops on; showing off their arms. Arms that could carry Jimin anywhere, and hold him against a wall.
They also had shorts on, and the orange haired man almost drooled at their strong thighs. Thighs that he could ride and-
     Stop it horny brain! Stupid hormones... Jimin thought with a pout, looking away from the tempting view. I hope they don't smell me getting excited.... the omega was so much into his head that he didn't see how the three alphas stiffened and sniffed the air, staring at Jimin intensely.
      "Hey you two." Seokjin shook himself out of his mind before his own scent spikes up, smiling when the two younger alphas stopped in front of him and Jimin. "You two going to the gym?"
      "Yep and we are here to invite Jiminie here with us." Taehyung grinned and glanced at the orange haired beauty, making Jin gasp out loud.
      "What the hell you two!? He's too pregnant to be going to the gym out of all places!! What if the equipment hurts him???" the oldest of the three fretted. "What are you two even thinking????"
      "He isn't working out with us." Jungkooo scoffed. "So calm down hyung. We are just here to take him with us and get ice cream afterwards."
      "Oh. Well, Jimin do you want to go with them? The gym is a lot to deal with." the three alphas looked to the omega, who gulped. "And there is a lot of equipment around and gross alphas..."
     All of their eyes are on me..... how sexy~ he thought with a smile, confusing the tall alphas surrounding him. He was shaken out of his horny stupor when Taehyung cleared his throat with a smirk.
      "So?" the black haired man raised an eyebrow, and Jungkook sniggered next to him. "Wanna come with us Jimin?"
"I mean....sure! Nothing else for me to do. until my doctor's appointment.." the omega shrugged with a subconscious pout, making the three alphas coo inwardly. "Can I stay in these clothes though? I don't wanna go up and change and come back down..."
"Of course you can!" both Jungkook and Taehyung smiled in unison. "Let's go!"

Jungkook walked to his car, with Taehyung and Jimin walking behind him.
"Are you excited to see us work out Jimin?" the taller alpha asked Jimin, who nodded with a bright smile.
"I've never really been to the gym before; I used to work out at home so I never really needed a reason to go to the gym." the omega shrugged. "So it'll be nice to be in a new environment for Jihwan. But you two have to drop me off at my appointment when you are done!"
"We know Jiminie hyung!" Jungkook yelled, the three stopping at a large black Mercedes. "This is my Mercedes! I bought it last year!"
"Wow!" Jimin gasped out. "It's so cool looking!" and the youngest of the three blushed bashfully.
"Thank you...."
"Taehyungie you can get in the front!" the omega smiled, making the alpha frown.
"The back seat is better for me. It won't be comfortable for you to sit in the back." Taehyung huffed. "I don't mind sitting in the back."
"Are you sure?" Jimin pouted, and Taehyung smiled fondly.
     "Yes I am sure. Ok?"
     "Ok....I'll sit in the front."
     "You make it sound like you don't wanna sit in the front with me hyung." Jungkook mock cried, and Jimin gasped.
      "Oh no that's not it! I'd love to sit with you Kookie!" the older omega whined, and the younger alpha smirked. So Jungkook got into the driver's seat, Jimin got into the passenger seat, and Taehyung got in the back. Jungkook started his car and drove off, driving away from the apartment complex.

Jungkook glanced at Jimin, and the omega was soundly asleep. The three had been driving for a while, because the gyms around Seoul sucked. So they were going to a different gym; one that was a little farther than their apartments.
"He's asleep~" Jungkook cooed, and Taehyung grinned.
"He's so cute when he's sleeping~" Taehyung chuckled, leaning over the seat to stare at the omega. "He's so beautiful..."
"He really you remember our plan hyung?"
"Of fucking course I remember. I'm not stupid and my memory isn't that bad."
"Oh really? Well do you remember when you were cooking at my and Jin hyung's apartment and you left, forgetting that you were cooking for the friend night?"
"........Oh yea I forgot about that."
"Stop yelling you'll wake up Jimin!" Taehyung hissed while Jungkook cursed silently. "Plus that was an accident."
"Shit. Sorry. Is he still sleeping?" the older alpha looked to the omega, who squirmed in his seat a bit.
"Yea he's still sleeping. A little uncomfortable too...we're almost there right?" Taehyung asked the shorter alpha, who nodded. "Good. Now we just need to wake up Jimin when we get there. And maybe the ice cream will make him feel better being around sweaty wolves."
"Knowing our plan, he'll definitely like being around us all sweaty~"

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