Chapter 16

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     "Is he ok in there???" Yoongi grumbled, his leg shaking. The six alphas were all inside Seokjin and Jungkook's apartment, their alphas all tense. Jimin hasn't been back for two hours, and they were all worried. "He hasn't be active in a while..."
     "I hope he's ok in there...." Taehyung bit his bottom lip nervously. "He smelled sad earlier and I hope he's happy..."
     "They won't hurt him." Jungkook reassured them, "They're his old friends...he cares about them a lot."
      "Fuck we should just go over there ans protect him...!" Seokjin growled, impatiently cutting up fruits inside of a bowl to give to Jimin later on.
      "We need to give him space right now so he can talk to them in private. This isn't our business." Hoseok frowned. "He needs to catch up with his friends guys....we can't rush him."
     "Hobi is right unfortunately." Namjoon sighed, rubbing his temples. "But my alpha is thrashing inside. I'm really worried...."
      "We all are Joon hyung...this sucks so much." Jungkook pouted, leaning back into the couch. "I really consider him to be one of us now...I miss him."
"What do you mean 'consider'? He is one of us!" Taehyung hissed. "He is our omega!"
      "Well....I've been looking into this...thing the seven of us got with Jiminie. And I think we should form a pack."  Namjoon muttered, and it got quiet.
     ".....A pack?" Seokjin hummed, rubbing his chin. "With Jimin? I.....I would actually like that. But who would be pack alpha? There is literally six alphas!"
      "Well I suggest Joonie hyung." Taehyung crossed his arms with a cheeky smile. "He has leader material. And we all respect him a lot."
     "Yea I agree with Tae surprisingly." Yoongi laid his head in Jungkook's lap with a tired sigh, allowing for the youngest to run his hand through his dull mint hair.
"We all act like a pack anyways. We might as well become one just to make it official or whatever." Hoseok grinned. "And I also agree with the Namjoon becoming pack alpha~" and the five alphas looked to the tallest, who gulped. "So? Will you be our pack alpha Joonie?"
"Yea." Namjoon finally smiled, running a hand through his grey hair. "I'll be pack alpha~" and everyone cheered.
     Now we just have to convince Jimin to be in our pack...!

      Soon, Taemin, Sungwoon, and Kai were all sleeping in his bed together, and Jimin was thinking on the couch eating a tub of matcha ice cream all by himself.
At first, he was all alone; no one to talk to. And now, he has six amazing alphas and his three friends back with him.
"So many people huh Hwanie~" Jimin cooed, rubbing his stomach with a fond smile. "Those alphas I protective..." he missed them. But he knew they were right across from him, but his omega still whined and yearned for them. Then, he wondered why he was so connected to them in the first place.
He was connected to Jungkook's big doe eyes and bunny smile, Taehyung's sweet boxy smile and his hugs, Namjoon's beautifully smart brain and adorable dimples, Hoseok's cheerful laughter and heart smile, Yoongi's soft deposition and kitten smile, and Seokjin's way of making everything feel better. And his cooking of fucking course. These six alphas changed his small, lonely world into a bright, colorful world filled with colors and love.
And that's when the orange haired omega realized: he was in love with six alphas. At the same time. He shuddered and his eyes widened, his face pale. His omega preened and pranced around; it was happy that Jimin finally realized his feelings.
But how would they feel if Jimin suddenly says that he's in love with all six of them; how would they even react to that...? The omega would completely lose it if they were to reject him, so Jimin knew he couldn't tell them about his developing feelings. Not yet. Plus, he could never choose between them; the omega would be unhappy with any of his choices.
     Jimin was almost startled to death by a sudden knock on the door, and he slowly got up with a groan. The orange haired man walked over to the door and opened it, surprised to see Hoseok and Yoongi at the door.
"Oh hi hyungs." Jimin gulped, his cheeks pink. "What are you doing here?"
"We wanted to see you and maybe talk to you for a bit." Hoseok replied back with a smile, subtly looking around Jimin's apartment from where he stood. "Your 'friends' still here?"
"Yea. They're sleeping in my bed right now; they've been pretty stressed. We've all decided that they'll stay here with me in Seoul. And I'll help them find jobs and soon get homes for themselves. I've been kinda meaning to talk to you about Taemin Hobi hyung..." Jimin fiddled with his fingers, pouting at the two alphas. Who secretly cooed in the inside.
"You can talk to him later. Right now, we need you to come with us." Yoongi smiled gently, and Jimin gulped.
What do they need to talk about....? Do they know...?!

"Jiminie hyung!" Jungkook grinned in relief as the omega stepped inside of his and Jin's apartment, standing up to hug the older man. "Missed you."
     "Hi Kookie I wasn't gone for long~" Jimin giggled nervously, rubbing the taller's back.
      "Still, we missed you a lot." Taehyung fondly smiled from the couch, his head in Yoongi's lap. He waved to the omega, who waved back with a small smile.
      "What did you guys need to talk to me about?" Jimin asked as Jungkook lead him to the couch, sitting him between Hoseok and Yoongi. "Is it bad???"
      "No of course not!" Seokjin protested with wide eyes. "We've all just decided on something recently..."
      "Decided what?" and the six alphas all glanced at each other.
       "We've all decided to become a pack, and Namjoon becoming our pack leader!" Taehyung grinned, and they all looked to Jimin, who was paler than a sheet of paper. "Jimin? You ok?"
      No, Jimin wasn't ok. He was happy for them; he really was! But....that left Jimin all alone. The six alphas he's in love with are all work each other, and Jimin isn't included. It hurts; a lot. His omega was whining and crying; upset that they've disappointed their alphas.
      "But Jimin are you listening??" Yoongi gulped, the six men looking to the smaller. Jimin now knew; he wasn't included in their bubble. It was just Jimin and Jihwan; a lonely duo. "We wanted to tell you that-" and there was sudden knocking at the door, and the seven of them jumped up. Jimin quickly stood up and waddled over to the door, praying that they didn't see his tears.
     The omega opened the door to see Sungwoon and Taemin standing there with worried expressions on their faces. They both sighed in relief once they saw Jimin and tightly hugged him.
     "We were looking for you!!!" Taemin huffed, gently scenting the younger omega. "When we saw that you were gone, we got scared. Wait are you crying?" and Jimin sniffed.
      "I gotta go guys." Jimin murmured to the alpha behind him, turning around to show them the most heartbreaking smile that they've ever seen in their lives. "I'll see you later." and he left with his friends, a dull feeling in his chest.

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