S5 EP 7 ! "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired"

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"No." K-Ci, JoJo, and DeVante said simultaneously.

"You were just fine the other day," JoJo stated. "What got you sick?"

"Ion even know. I must've caught it from somebody when I went out to the bak—"

The ginger ale that Dalvin dogged down suddenly came back up, causing him to hurdle over and vomit all over K-Ci's shoes.

"God, please kill me now before I kill him."

Dalvin wasted no time on running around the room as DeVante chased after him with a bottle of nasal spray.

"Donald Earle DeGrate Jr, so help me if you don't get the hell outta my face, I will kill you."

"You keep sniffin' and won't blow it out so you clearly need this!"

The boys stood across from each other on opposite sides of the bed. Without warning, DeVante reached over and pushed Dalvin downward on the mattress, hovering over him so he could spray inside his nose.

"You ain't even getting my nose!" Dalvin tried to push him off. "You got it in my eye and now it's burning!"

Tanai stifled her laughs, passing Dalvin a hot mug. "Don't let him get on your nerves while you're sick, Dal. Drink this tea."

"He's the one who's been getting on our nerves!" K-Ci yelled. "Gon' have the audacity to throw up on my shoes, he glad I ain't throw 'em at him."

Dalvin grabbed one of his used tissues and threw it aiming for K-Ci, but his aim was off to where the snotty tissue ended up going JoJo's way.


"Oh, my bad. That was for K. Do me a favor and throw it at him for me?" Dalvin asked, carefully taking a small sip from the mug.

"The fifteenth amendment really messed up when they gave black people rights cause some of us don't deserve it," K-Ci recklessly insulted, looking straight at Dalvin who casually sniffed unbothered.

"And you still sniffin' and ain't doin' nothin' about it," DeVante threw the nasal spray his way.

"I don't need this!" Dalvin denied, sneezing without covering his mouth as his snot landed on Tanai.

"I say fight him," K-Ci crossed his arms.

"Sorry," Dalvin apologized. "Nobody gon' say 'bless you' though?"

"I can't take this. I'm about to pull a Donny Hathaway," Tanai sniffled.

JoJo turned to her. "And I'm 'bout to pull a Paul Williams, you with me?"

Not only was Dalvin sick but he had also passed it onto Tanai and JoJo, who now had to suffer with them. This left K-Ci and DeVante being the only ones who weren't ill, so they'd have to take care of the three.

"Stop being dramatic," K-Ci mugged them, turning off the stove. "I made soup for y'all."

Dalvin, Tanai, and JoJo sluggishly went up to get their soup and once they took one taste, they automatically scrunched their faces up and spit the liquid back into their bowls.

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