" I would like an order of cinnamon french toast with turkey bacon and a water." Jordan orders proudly.

" Anything else?" Matt asks glancing around.

" I'll take a water and a side of fries." Serena adds.

" And we'll take a glass of scotch." Katherine gestures between herself and Selene.

" Do you want anything Finn?" Selene speaks to him softly.

Finn nervously scratches the back of his neck. " I don't know half the things on the menu."

" It's okay, Finnie, just pick something you think sounds good and or we can just pick something we think you'll like." Serena tells him.

Finn smiles between her and Selene gratefully. " You guys pick, I trust you."

" Do you want food or a drink?" Selene asks the still nervous man.

" Both, if that's alright."

" Of course it is, now I think you should get what Jordan's getting, you'll love that." Serena smiles widely trying to get Finn to become less nervous which surprisingly works.

" And we'll get you a water because I know you don't like to drink much." Selene adds.

" So another order of french toast and turkey bacon along with a water?" Matt repeats with a smile.

" Yupp." Serena says happily at the thought of getting food.

" Your food will be out in a moment." Matt says a smile still permanent on his face as he walks away.

" His eyes are gorgeous." Katherine sighs.

" They really are." Serena nods in agreement.

" I believe that's why Rebekah feels attracted to him." Elijah speaks.

" Yeah definitely." The whole table besides Elijah said.

" Hey guys, umm can you tell me exactly why Sage couldn't be normal and just not kill you over Finn." Katherine asks looking between the two next to her.

The two nod. " I'm not aware of the exact date, but back then, I remember Selene and I were walking home from being on a—as you call it date." Finn starts.

Selene chuckles and continues. " Yeah, and as we were walking we saw Sage on the side walk looking all beaten and bruised and with Finn of course being a vampire he had heard her heartbeat slowly fading away."

" I decided to turn the poor girl. Me turning her caused her to fall in love with me. She swore we were destined to be together and that my relationship with Selene shouldn't have never happened. She hated Selene for and I quote, ' coming in between our love.' So she was so blinded by her love and rage that she decided to kill Selene." Finn finishes bringing Selene closer to his side needing her touch to give him comfort.

" Do you know where she is now?" Jordan questions leaning back into his seat.

The newly found couple shake their heads. " Nope and I certainly don't want to because the next time I see her she will be dead by my hand." Finn clutches the table.

" But I want to be the one to kill her." Selene pouts, the others chuckle.

Finn leans forward killing her pouting lips before pulling away. " How about we do it together?"

A smile is instantly brought on to Selene's face. " That sounds perfect."

Just then the food and drinks were brought, one by one the plates were placed on the table. Once they made sure everything was good and correct they set the waiter off.

" Okay, so let's try them." Selene cuts a piece of the french toast for Finn, she brings it up to his lips. He glares at her playfully before taking the piece she gave him.

Everyone watches Finn as he slowly chews on the food like he was expecting it to be bad and want to spit it out, but his face lights up and he sallows. " That was incredible."

" I told you." Serena smiles watching as he goes for another bite.

" I'd like to make a toast." Katherine raises her scotch. " To family and love."

" To family and love." The others bring their glasses up clinking them all together before taking sips out of their drinks.

Suddenly, Elijah and Finn start to cough and choke. As the cough the substance spills on to Selene who hisses at the contact it made with her skin.

" What the hell?" She rubs his arm.

Elijah and Finn with one final cough look to the others. " It's vervain. They put it in our drink."

Serena pushes Jordan to stand. " We need to leave, right now."

The group of six walk toward the exit, Elijah quickly leaving cash on the table as they scurried out the Grill. Together they walk to the side of the GrillC toward the alleyway. As the walk a blur appears behind Katherine, snapping her neck making her body fall.

" Kat!" Serena catches her body picking her struggling a bit. Finn sees her struggle and bends down to help when he does, a red haired women, Sage appears behind him.

Sage swings her arm back going to strike, but Serena notices her and so she sends a huge gust of wind at her sending her flying and the stake to fly out of her hand.

" I'm going after her." Selene says in a hard tone before speeding off.

" Finn, the stake!" Jordan points to where the stake is and since he was closest he should get it.

Finn gives Katherine to Elijah before speeding down the stairs and grabbing the stake. Once he does, he looks up hearing footsteps and sees Serena. Serena takes the stake in her hand before setting it on fire. Finn smiles at her gratefully. Serena smiles running up back to a now awake Katherine.

Finn goes to follow, but the back door to the Grill swings open causing everyone's attention to turn. There was Matt and Elena, Matt shoots Finn in the stomach with a crossbow. Elena gripping a White Oak stake advances towards Finn.

" No!" Serena runs as fast as she can pushing Finn out of the way. Elena had no time to stop. The stake that was meant for Finn, pierces through Serena's stomach a couple inches away from her heart. Serena stumbles into the wall, slowly sliding down the wall as blood rapidly started to flow out.

" Mom! Oh my god!" Jordan cries rushing to his mothers side immediately bitting his wrist trying to feed her blood which didn't work.

" You have to take out the stake." Katherine ran next to Jordan.

Jordan nods pulling out the stake getting a gasp from Serena who clutched on to her stomach. This time it's Katherine who bites into her wrist, feeding her some blood. The wound still doesn't close.

" Let me try." Elijah pushes through them biting his wrist and feeding her the blood. It works only a tiny bit before Serena starts to cough up blood.

" What are we going to do? I can't lose her!" Jordan cries tears rapidly falling down his face.

" And your not. We need to bring her to Klaus, now!" Selene appears with blood all over her clothes.

" I'm tired." Serena mumbles as her eyes slightly close.

" No, no. Mom stay focused on me please, you need to stay awake, okay. Don't close your eyes. I can't lose you, mom. I can't." Jordan kisses her forehead as Finn picks her up and they all speed back to the mansion.

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