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“Emily, I need to talk to you,” Justin began.

“Yeah I can tell, since you revealed a private secret to the entire school!” I said ironically.

“Well I tried to tell you alone but it never really worked!” He shot back. “You should know why!”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” I asked angrily as I stood up facing him.

“It means that I saw you calling someone when I tried to confess to you at the mall,” he admitted. “It was Holly probably since she was the one who interrupted the moment.”

“Oh jeez,” I sighed. “I didn’t want our friendship to be ruined okay.”

“That’s what I tried to do for the past four years,” he pointed out. “I can no longer lie to you or to myself, and one way or another you would’ve known how I truly felt from my actions. I guess it was meant for the whole school to know, since I never got the chance to tell you one on one.”

“You totally caught me off guard! You started telling everybody how we became friends and what I couldn’t believe the most was how you remembered everything from when we were young.”

He chuckled. “I remember the important parts of my life you know.”

“Do you remember how we would race on the monkey bars when we were 10?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, like the time I fell off the swing and you thought I had a seizure.” He laughed.

“And once you forgot the smallest things I assumed that you got amnesia!” I giggled as I had a flashback of all our wonderful memories.

“But truthfully when I fell off the swing,” he said as he looked around him as if he was nervous. “I was falling for you.”

I looked away then I joked wanting to break that moment, “Well I was about to fall on my face when you were telling everybody our whole friendship throughout these seven years!”

“But in the end you didn’t fall on your face since I was there to catch you,” he said cleverly. Ah there was no avoiding this subject! He always said something that made us go back to what we were saying in the first place.

“Justin do you even know the meaning of love?” I shot at him.

His heart probably stopped beating for a second since he just froze in place due to my sudden and unexpected question. He thought about the question, looking tenser than ever. Then he said, “Well naturally as a kid I wouldn’t have known the meaning of love since it was a new sensation to be felt. But I would say I was in love with you in grade 7 and 8 and part of 9 since I always thought about you, got insanely worried if you didn’t come to school one day, and I sometimes got jealous. For it to last over all those years means that I absolutely considered you more than a crush. Since as you know crushes come and go quickly, but love leaves signs that can’t be taken away.”

“Um well, at least you know the concept of love,” I said in a panicky way. “But your notion will probably change as you grow up.”

“Maybe, but Emily I truly tried to forget you! But as you can see it didn’t really work out,” he declared. “That might mean something.”

“Justin...” I thought of what to say, because usually I try to avoid such moments with all guys. I usually start to panic or do or say something irrational. “When did you even decide on calling me Emily instead of Em??”

I knew he could sense how nervy and uneasy I felt in front of him so he said, “Em there’s no need to act this way, we’ve known each other for years and we’re bound to get used to each other by now! Don’t you think?”

“Maybe,” is all I could say.

“Look act however you want, but at least try not to avoid this subject since we will at some point talk thoroughly about it,” he said.

I guess he had a point so I retorted, “Okay fine, whatever.”

“Emily you know at one point or another I would’ve brought up this subject, so will you please just smile,” he begged.

I gave him the fakest smile and he just laughed which made me do the same.

“I honestly couldn’t get one thing, is how you had feelings for me and were a player at the same time,” I said deviously as if catching him in a lie.

“Ah yeah, I didn’t mention that in the story just so everybody wouldn’t remember the old me.” He stated. “The only reason I was a player was kind of my way to forget you, but ‘my plan’ failed me. I’m somehow glad Katie made me forget you, and forget how my old habits were. She ended up making a good impact after all.

“But I’m still inquisitive about one thing.” He put in. “Did you ever have a crush on me in grade 8? Because I suspected only one day that you had a crush on me because you showed me you were jealous about something, but my suspicions faded. But as I know I have a smart best friend so she would purposefully not show me how she truly felt just for the sake of our friendship.”

This was the question I was avoiding the most! I didn’t want to make any confessions now, but I guess now I didn’t really have a choice. I finally confessed, “I had a crush on you since grade 7, but when I started going out with Eric, I managed to forget you. And yeah, you’re right; I tried my best not to show that I had feelings for you, for the sake of our friendship.”

At that moment, we accomplished the world record for the longest awkward moment between two crazy yet talkative best friends. We never had awkward and silent moments but I guess this was an exception.

We were both looking at different directions, and I truly wondered what was going through his mind at that split second.

As if he read my mind he asked me in a whisper, “Do you want to give it a shot?”

I knew exactly what he meant, and all I could do was whisper in the same tone he did, “Why not.”

“Come here,” he said gesturing me into a hug.

We stood there in silence wanting to say “stop” and “it’s meant to be” at the same time...


Author's note:

Hope you guys enjoyed that! Please VOTE...FAN...COMMENT. 

I finallyyy reached 100 votess! I'm so grateful, thank you so much :)

~How do you think Justin and Emily's relationship will turn out to be? 

The only think holding me back to update is the shortage of readers. :( I'll be more motivated to update when I get more readers :)

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