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       There’s three more days, and the Spring Fling talent show will take place. I was super stoked to be the MC, and I was excited to see all the acts. We’re almost done with decorations and we still have to do the final run through before we perform our acts live in front of the audience.

          I was in class, bored to death. The teacher was going on and on and on (I know you get it, but that’s how it truly was) about global warming. Didn’t we study this like a million times? We get it, we’re dying on Earth and sadly no one is doing anything about it, and I’m sure if my class tried to do anything they would probably make it worse. Frankly my class weren’t neat freaks; they’re the total opposite. If anyone enters our class they’ll probably slip on a banana peel or run away since the class felt like you’re living in a pig sty. But bluntly, every other person in class got used to it; including me.

          “That’s it for today my lovely students about ‘Global Warming’,” she finally said. “Does anyone have any questions?”

          Everyone sighed a sigh of relief as if they were thinking exactly what I was thinking at that moment.

Finally! Thank you God for making her stop her Global warming fantasy. I’d thought she would never stop.

          “I guess no one has any questions so moving on to pollution,” she said with a grin.         


Everyone groaned, and slumped back into their seat.     

          How can I endure another lecture about pollution?! I’m serious none of us even pollute this planet, well asides from our class. Orlando was pretty clean thank God. I’m sure after this half an hour lecture about pollution every one of us will start littering and will probably make earth at one point inhabitable. That’s what we call reverse psychology.

          I had to get out of class before I get severe and permanent brain cell damage. So I said politely, “Teacher, may I go to the washroom?”

          “Emily dear when we’re done with the lecture,” she said nicely.

          “But I don’t think I can make it,” I lied. “I don’t think I can make it for the next minute.” I did a puppy dog face.

          “Okay but quickly dear, you wouldn’t want to miss the remarkable world of ‘No Pollution’,” she said enthusiastically.

          Yes I would, I really would want to miss it. And by “remarkable” you mean “boring” then you’re absolutely right.

          “Wow sounds fun and informative,” I faked my anticipation. “I better hurry.”

          I ran out of class happier than ever. I never felt this happy since I got my very first ipod touch and that day was truly heaven (about 2 years ago). I can finally see the light of day! I was about to get tears in my eyes. Well no not really, but that’s how much I felt free and happy.

          I went to the very end of the hall where the girl’s washroom was. I looked into the mirror as if to see once more how much I changed these past 2 weeks. I never thought a tomboy can change into a fashionista in so little time.

I did it for the best, but now I realize all the guys at my school aren’t really my type.  My type is a guy that isn’t like any other guy. A guy that acts older than his age. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean for a guy to be fake, but for a guy to act naturally older and mature just because that’s how he is. Once I get to know a guy, I genuinely forget how he looks. In my eyes, I would see that guy as the most beautiful person on Earth, just because he’s beautiful from the inside as well. I want a guy that understands me right away, without me explaining what I truly mean within. Surely, we have to have gazillion things in common, and that includes wearing the most fashionable clothes (or at least clothes that are decent and that are not from the 80s). He has to be obviously kind, caring, loyal, sacrificing, untypical, rare, honest, non-gossiper, unselfish, not a show off, cute (of course), funny... and much more. That’s why it’s pretty hard to find my guy type at this school. The closest person that applies to my guy type description is frankly Justin. But just like I said I don’t want to ruin our friendship over a relationship.

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