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Colourful balloons on the auditorium’s walls, fancy ribbons hanging beautifully from the ceiling, refreshments at the back, snacks in the corner, red curtains closed, seats folded, and performers getting ready. This is the official 19th Carleton High School Spring Fling Talent Show. I was more excited and thrilled than ever.

Everybody was getting ready backstage and things were supposed to be ready in 10 minutes. People began to fill the auditorium seats as time passed. I got excited by every passing minute. And I could tell the director was getting anxious by the second.

“Ow!” wailed a girl I recognized from Spanish class.

I ran to her and asked worriedly, “What’s wrong??”

“I broke my heel and I don’t have a spare!” she moaned.

“I think there’s some in the school’s costume room,” I said concerned. “Wait here and I’ll get you another pair.”

She waited patiently until I got her another pair. I handed them over to her and she thanked me gratefully.

“The show must go on...” I winked. “...Or else.”

“Or else what?” she looked confused.

“Or else we’ll be the laughing stock at school throughout junior and senior year,” I pointed out jokingly.

She giggled and I moved on to see if anyone else needed help and thankfully everybody was all set.

“Come on people let’s get this show on the road,” the director announced. “Emily get yourself ready to say the introduction.”

I went to the very end of the stage behind the curtains, and the director signalled me to start the show.

I walked out on stage, taking slow even steps. When I regarded the audience that was facing me, I suddenly got nervous, and felt my hands shaking. I tried to stay calm and just imagine that the auditorium was empty and I was the only one standing.

Remember stage fright is an illusion to you. I thought.

I remember the director telling us at the beginning of each practice, “You pip-squeaks might get stage fright, but don’t worry much about that. What I did was just imagine everybody in the audience wearing underwears, that way if I mess up I wouldn’t feel like the only fool in the room. But usually when you think of that you wouldn’t be able to do anything rational anymore.”

I strangely and disturbingly had no choice but to do what the director taught us, and began, “Good evening everybody and welcome to our official 19th Carleton High School Spring Fling Talent show!” I said wholeheartedly with a grin. “You’ll watch dances and skits, and singers and starlets. You’ll laugh with a little comedy, and listen to bands excitedly. You’ll get amazed by some magic and illusion, this show is an inspiring and entertaining fusion.”

The crowd let out whistles and clapped ear splittingly. Strangely enough, the director’s advice actually helped for once, because I was no longer nervous. I introduced the next 3 acts (jazz dance piece, the “Maniacs” band, and a country singer). So far the show was moving on perfectly.

“For our fourth act we have a duo that enjoyed dancing and singing since they were only 7 years old,” I announced in amazement. “Every talent show they’ve blown people away with their unique and out of this world style. Dancing a hip hop and contemporary piece and singing “Apologize” with a little twist; give a warm welcome to “M squared”!”

The crowd cheered loudly. I was rooting for them since they’re probably the best act in this show without a doubt. How they’re able to keep up with every note and dance move is crazy. Melissa and Matt came out waving their hands then they got in position. I signalled the DJ to play the instrumental song of “Apologize” that the duo gave him before the show. 

The song at the beginning started out softly and I assumed that was the contemporary part of the dance routine. Matt started singing the first part of the song and Melissa was dancing beautifully to the tune and words. The way Matt sang was really expressing which made Melissa dance more meaningfully, and she never missed a beat. 

In the middle of the song she stood up, then a hip hop beat burst from the speakers. She snatched the microphone from Matt’s hands, and what was special about that moment was that the time she grabbed it he did two back flips in a row and when he reached the ground he instantly did a back roll on the ground. The audience was fascinated by how fast it was, and so was I. Melissa sang the other part of the song but in a harsher but soft tone. I can tell they did a remix to the other part of the song making it match with the hip hop dance moves. 

At the end of the routine Melissa said the last line but left out the last word. She threw the mike so high in the air across the room. At the same time she did that, Matt did a back flip, then a cart wheel, and at last three back flips repeatedly, and caught the mike in time to say the last word in the song softly.

My eyes widened in disbelief and amazement. How in the world did he do that?! The routine was so perfect! It had no mishaps what so ever.

The crowd applauded loudly and whistled ear deafening whistles. It was without a doubt the best act yet, and probably the loudest cheer we’ve ever heard at this school.

The duo went behind the curtains, and I introduced the next ten acts. Every act was done and preformed perfectly. We had one more act left to go.

“I’m sure everyone loves to laugh their heart out here and there, and we have the perfect medicine for you tonight. Lastly but not least give it up for the comedian Justin McLain!” I heard a series of whoops, and girls screaming and clapping.

Typical...  I rolled my eyes.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter is linked to this one so make sure to check it out !


Thanks all!

Check out the picture on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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