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“Emily, come on you’re half an hour late for school!” my mom yelled from downstairs for the fifth time.

“I’m coming! I still have to brush my hair!” I yelled backl.

It was a hot summer in Orlando Florida, and there was still one more month until school was over. I was constantly late for school, to the point where it became a daily routine for me.

For the past half hour my mom kept on yelling, ordering for me to go downstairs. Naturally I’d listen right away, but it’s not my fault I have to stay half an hour everyday  brushing my hair so it wouldn’t look like a huge puff ball.

By the way, my name is Emily Pillar, and I’m 15 years old (turning 16). And I just may be the typical crazy girl that likes to take risks during any task. A lot of people admired me for my unique and outgoing personality. I didn’t move much, well I never really moved before. I’m still in the same old house since I was young, and my mom redecorates every year so you don’t really feel like you live in a museum rather than a normal house. I also have the same friends since I was young which makes things even better.

 I’m so stoked for prom, which will occur in more than a month and a half. But I only had one teensy weensy problem: I kind of don’t have a date. But that won’t hold me back to going to prom! It’s the highlight of the year and no way would I blow it off! Sure all my other friends have dates, but that doesn’t mean I can’t dance alone. Either way things will be better this way. At least I wouldn’t have anyone to tell me what to do; it’s nice to be self-preserved once in a while, I would dance alone, have fun alone, be crazy alone...Who am I kidding! I’ll probably get kicked out of prom for “Saddest Most Dreadful High School Moment at Carleton High School”. I could imagine myself getting bored by the time I step foot into the school gym.

I really don’t know why any guy hasn’t asked me yet.

I looked at the mirror. Well I have long black hair, bright green eyes, and a round pale white face. I guess I was “pretty”. But I knew the reason why no guy has asked me, it’s because they probably haven’t seen me much since I’m always hiding in my sweater’s hood 99.99% of the time. And most of my clothes aren’t so feminine, so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone mistakes me for a boy. So I don’t blame any of them.

I pulled a halter top and a mini skirt from my drawer I remembered my mom bought me a couple of months ago hoping for me to wear something more feminine. I decided to dress for a change. My usual style is casual, and tomboyish. So I would expect for every person in 10th grade to be jaw-dropped by the time they see me step foot into the school. But what the hell it was for a good cause. I knew I wasn’t acting myself, but it was all worth it. I put my hair up and put some lip gloss on. I can totally get caught for being a snobby and uptight popular girl.

“Emily!” my mom yelled for the last time, and I could tell she got tired since her voice was fading away.

So I rushed downstairs and slid into the car and we were off.

“What do you think the principal will say when he sees you late...again?”My mom said sarcastically.

“Well he’ll probably throw a fit, and then tell me to be a hall monitor,” I joked. “Or he’ll  just tell me to go to class, since he already got used to my daily routine.”

“He probably got used to it the first week of school,” my mom teased.

And yes, my mom likes to joke around and have fun. She’s the mom anyone would want to have or shall I say any friend anyone would want to have. She’s not the strict kind of parent, but she still has limits.

I laughed then said, “No one can get used to my crazy habits.”

My mom laughed back and replied curiously, “Speaking of crazy, what’s with the hot outfit?”

I giggled from the word “hot” and said, “Well as you know prom is only a few weeks away, and I thought I’d dress for a change.”

My mom wiggled her eyebrows, and then chuckled so loud that I’d have to tell my neighbours later on that she’s not really my mom, just...another person. But obviously I decided against it.

“I totally get it,” my mom managed to say after she calmed down. Then she winked at me from the rear view mirror.

I just rolled my eyes playfully, and I realized that we finally made it to school. I kissed my mom goodbye and she wished me good luck about the whole “Prom Story”. I dashed into the school and “surprise” “surprise”, the principal was waiting for me.

The principal sighed and said, “Just go to class please, you probably broke the record for taking the largest number of tardy slips. I’ll have to print some more since you have all of them, then I’ll send it to your class.”

“Okay Principal Newton,” I said smiling, just because I know anyone would get fooled by my alluring smile.

I can naturally hear my class from all the way across the hall. I hoped for the chaos to cover me up, so no one can realize my humongous change. I stood in front of my class's door nervously. I took a deep breath and pushed the door knob downward.

“Hey guys!” I said optimistically.

Then without a warning, the chaos turned into a long awkward silence. I found myself looking into twenty four shocked faces.



Picture of Emily Pillar on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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