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I heard a pencil clatter to the floor. That was the last noise I heard.

“Um so what did I miss?” I smiled weakly.

“Emily?! Is that you??”My best friend Holly asked shockingly.

“Y-You’re a...Y-You’re a...” my friend Caillie stuttered.

“BABE!”Justin the guy who sits across from me continued in a shocked yet pleased voice.

“Gee thanks Justin, but really I haven’t changed much I’m still Emily Pillar,” I said as a matter-of-factly.

“If by ‘same’ you mean HOT then yes you’re 100% right my friend,” Justin said truthfully.

I was speechless, I knew there was no use in talking if Justin was going to keep on hitting on me in front of the whole class. At least I now see that my experiment actually worked.

All the guys kept on staring at me throughout Chemistry, English, Spanish, Gym, Biology...Well during every period. I was somewhat flattered and annoyed at the same time.

I got about 11 notes begging me to go to prom with them, and Justin made the note extra special. And by special I mean flattering, flirtatious, alluring, loving, caring, smooth, and every other adjective that describes a guy when he’s desperate. One note said (that was a little too straight forward):

Hey beautiful,

Looking especially hot today

Will you go to prom with me after May?

Or can I be your boyfriend everyday?

Whatever you decide, my love for you will stay

I obviously didn’t believe the “love” part. But I don’t really mean to offend any of guys in my class, but they’re all just so PLAIN. I want someone as unique as I am, and besides I think of every guy in my class as just friends, nothing more, and nothing less.

I decided after class I’d settle things once and for all, and “just” reject every guy. It’d probably be really hard since breaking hearts isn’t really my “thing”. I don’t like letting people down, but what choice do I have at a situation like this?!

The bell for the last period rang, and I told everybody that I have to tell the guys something. All the guys sat down obediently in their seats. I felt like such a queen for a second, but I pushed that thought aside.

“Hey guys,” I smiled, and I heard a chorus of hellos. Maybe I can cheer them up before the rejection.

“About prom...” I began.

 “No problem babe I’ll get you the hottest dress in town,” Justin winked at me, interrupting what I was about to say.

“No Justin it’s not that, it’s just...” I continued.

“Oh I get it you’re nervous about the kiss at the end of prom aren’t you?” Justin winked again alluringly.

“JUSTIN! Look dude it’s either you shut up or get out of this class,” I said strictly not recognizing my own tone.

“S-S-Sorry bab...I mean Emily,” Justin said sadly yet surprisingly.

“Look Justin, I didn’t want to use that tone with you, but you kind of forced me to,” I said truthfully. “Anyways, I’ll just get to the point, sorry guys but the answer to all of your notes is simply NO...”

“WHY!??” One guy cried out.

“You guys are all my friends, nothing more, and I know I can never think of you guys more since I think of you as brothers,” I said nervously. “I hope you guys understand.”

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