Chapter Sixty One

Start from the beginning

    Hell, she could be in the shower. Mm now that's an idea I like..

    I quickly get myself refocused on something else. I'll watch a movie? Yeah that sounds relaxing. I have some time before lunch so I'll just chill until Spencer calls me back.

     Last second I send a quick text so she knows I'm home safe and that I'm free anytime, just awaiting her call.

     With that done, I focus my attention to the tv, picking out some comedy I've never heard of. I can't help but think Spencer would be a bit proud I'm expanding my movie horizons, although she may be a bit hurt I'm doing it without her.

     I shake my head of the thoughts and get lost in the movie. Not once did my phone go off, but that didn't stop me from checking.

     I might be about halfway through the movie when my eyes start getting heavy and I let myself get claimed by dreamland.


I'm not sure how long I actually slept for but as I open my eyes to a knocking sound, I realize the movie has probably been over for awhile.

"Hey, Nat. Are you coming down for lunch with us?" Wanda asks me from the other side of the door.

"Uh, yeah." I try to wake myself up more with a stretch. "I'll be down in a couple minutes."

"Okay, see you down there." I can hear her footsteps recede so I get up and quickly prep myself for lunch.

It doesn't take much, I just fix my hair a bit. I'm staying in my sweats, not really caring that it's the middle of the day.

Then my foggy brain finally catches up with me and I realize I might have slept through a call from Spencer. With a new found energy, I pounce on my bed so I can grab my phone.

Still no new notification. And I see that it's now been three hours. Still not too weird, she could be tattooing someone, those can take awhile.

I'm just going to have lunch with friends and hope she gets back to me soon.


Lunch is pretty good, Wanda made it thankfully. I talked to Thor and Peter a little bit but wasn't fully in the conversation.

I shouldn't be worried about Spencer. I know that I sometimes go a while without being able to answer her. Usually we say something so we know the other won't be around.

Right, maybe I actually missed a message from her? Before I get the chance to check, Wanda confronts me.

"You okay, Nat?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm good," I only say half believably.

"Mhm. Right. Well I won't make you talk about it, but I'm here if you want to," Wanda let's me know. I should confide in her. We did get pretty close and I kind of miss that.

"Well, just promise to not get too mad that I haven't mentioned this before," I start. This grabs her attention away from the dishes and towards me.

"Okay, you have me intrigued, do continue." She leaves the dishes and takes a seat across from me.

"So.. I've been seeing someone."

Wanda squeals a bit in response. "Yes, Nat! Tell me more."

"Well, I met her when I went to my parents, and yes, that's why I stayed there longer. She is actually friends with my sister and she came to dinner at my parents. As cheesy as it sounds, she had me from the first moment I saw her."

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