But for now, I am content with ubeing that homebody couple. As long as I get to call her my girlfriend, I couldn't be happier. I still have no idea why the black widow wanted to be with me. I don't question it though; I just enjoy it.

Yelena must have been out all day because when I get home, the house is empty; barely looking lived in.

I had a good day at work, giving several people new art to show off and even drawing up a new one I want for myself, which Alexei agreed to do for me tomorrow after our last customers. It was a Saturday, so it was an early day for the both of us.

I turn on my cooking playlist and get lost in making dinner for Yelena and I. A song comes on that makes me think of Nat, so I decide to send her a little video.

I set the food in the oven and set my phone up to take a video.

I start the music again and start singing and dancing my heart out to Dancing Queen by Abba. Don't question me on this. I know if Nat was here I would be able to get her to dance with me. And since she's not, I have to settle for the next best thing; pretending she's here to dance with me.

Once I finish the video, I don't even check to see how it turned out. I feel completely comfortable being my full goofy self with Nat and know she'll love this.

I send the video with a message, 'I hope you dance to this like I did.' With a few kissing faces and dancing emojis. I smile like an idiot thinking of how she'll react.

Moments later, Yelena walks in the door.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"About damn time. Where the hell have you been?" I yell out in a fake angry voice.

"None of your damn business."

"If you want to call me honey and come into my house, it most certainly is my business." We both just look at each other before bursting into laughter. This has become a usual fretting for us when we come home. Usually coming up with something different every time one of us comes home and announces themselves like that. It's something to keep us on our toes.

"Oo it smells amazing. What are you making?" Yelena asks me excitedly.

"Might be your favorite. Might not be."

"Oh, but I haven't kissed you like my sister? Does this mean I have to now?"

I narrow my eyes at her, but play along, "yes. It does. If you want to eat any of what I made, anyway."

"Okay, come here then, babe." She starts walking toward me, lips puckered.

Oh if she thinks I'm going to cave first, she is so wrong. I also start walking toward her, a small smirk on my face. We reach other and I start leaning in.

And this is where I win. "Okay, fine. I won't kiss you like that. But you still love me and I love your cooking so I should.."

I raise my eyebrows at her attempting to convince me she should have some of this food because she's failing.

"Uh, I mean I love you, obviously. And your food. But I love you more."

"Uh yeah, nice try at a save. You're lucky I do love you. And I made way too much for just me to eat. Should be done in like ten minutes."

She hugs me tightly before shuffling off to her room to change.

I laugh at her antics and get the plates and drinks set on the table, ready for the food.

Yelena comes back out.. dressed in my sweatpants?


"Shut up. Nat was right. Your clothes are comfy."

I hold my hands up in surrender, not needing to argue that one.

"Oh! Hey. So Fury called me earlier and wants me to go on a mission tomorrow. You want to come with?"

"I don't know.. Nat could be home any day and I want to be able to be there when she.."

"Don't finish that sentence. Look at what you've  become; the girlfriend that waits around everyday for her girlfriend to call and let her know she's home. You're better than that Spencer," Yelena calls me out on that one.

I have been kind of bored waiting for her to call.. and I would like to get back out there.. and it would be nice to fight by Yelena again.. I'll make sure to have my phone on me. I can always reschedule the tattoo with Alexei too.

"Okay. What is the mission?"

Yelena squeals in excitement. "Yes! I knew you'd cave."


"Should be a quick one but bring your A game," she completely ignores my complaint.

"I always do!"


Yelena's POV

I don't know what happened. This was suppose to be a simple in and out gathering information mission. I don't know why there are so many damn people here to protect a little bit of information.

Spencer has been killing it for me. If it weren't for her, I'm not even sure how I would have made it in here, let alone make it out of here. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Fury without leaving out 90% of what has happened. And we still need to make it out.

I'm finally able to make it through the last few guys and out of this damn room. I was able to get the information we needed, once again, largely thanks to Spencer and her keeping these bozos off my ass.

Once I'm out, Spencer isn't fairing much better. I have no idea how she's been fighting all of these people, but there's no way she has much energy left. I need to get to her and get the hell out of this mess.

Then I'm going to have a few choice words with Fury. I don't know who was doing the recon on this mission, but this is bullshit and they may want to rethink careers.

Time to get to work.

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