Serena heard whispers in the back of her head telling herself to do it. To end her life and those were the voices she decided to listen to.

Serena looks at the stake before turning it and pointing it her heart. She started a coins down in her head.




Serena goes to stab herself, when suddenly she was pushed against a tree. She cries out in pain as her back hits the tree. She opens her eyes and she's met with a pair of dark brown eyes.

" I won't allow you to kill yourself." The man speaks sternly.

Serena with her wind power pushes the man off her making the stake fly into the air and land in the ground. " It's not your choice." Serena speeds and picks up the stake going to stave herself again, but the stake is forcefully snatched out of her hand.

" JUST LET ME DIE PLEASE!" Serena pleads.

" No!" The man shouts throwing the far, far away.

" Nooo!" Serena shouts going to go after it, but the man grabs her.

Serena thrashed in his arms until she got tired. " You don't even know me. Why can't you let me die." Serena whispers as her body falls limp into his arms.

" I know what it feels like to want to die because I know what it feels like to be abandoned by family and not feel loved cause of who you are. Let me help...please." The man begs slightly.

" You can't help me. I'm a lost cause." Serena sighs wiggling out of the man's loosen grip as she turns to him.

" Your not a lost cause. If anything me and my family are." The man says getting a slight smile out of Serena.

" I don't want to disappoint you, I've done that most of my life." Serena whispers.

" You won't." The man reassures. " My name is Kol and you." Kol sticks his hand out towards her.

" Serena." Serena shakes his hand.

And that's how they met. Ever since that day Kol and Serena were as close as ever. Serena ended up being able to find her brothers again and was able to make new family and later the love of her life...If it wasn't for Kol stopping her that night. She wouldn't be here.

End of Flash Back

" I don't want to let go." Kol whispers.

" Then don't, Kola." Serena whispers back. Klaus would be jealous, but he can't. Kol saved her. He's the reason the love of his life is still living.

Everyone watches the scene with a happy heart, but Esther. She watches with a glare. With her by their side it was going to be hard to kill her family...


Later that night after Serena took a shower and caught Kol up with everything, she walked into her and Klaus's shared room.

" Hey boy." Serena bends down and pet's a sleepy Milo. Milo lets out a light snore as he falls asleep to her touch. Serena chuckles standing back up.

" I had my family start moving into the other house." Klaus states once he sees that she enters.

" That's good. Did you tell the hybrid about how they would be living here. Since Stefan now knows I'm going to cloak the house so that it's only visible to us." Serena slips into bed

Klaus walks out of the bathroom, shirtless as he slides into bed next to her going in his side to face her. " Do you know how amazing you are?" Klaus pushes a stray hair behind her ear.

" I can only imagine." Serena smiles. Klaus chuckles grabbing her by her waist and placing her in his lap as she now straddles him. Klaus places his hand on the side of her face and gently pulls her towards him, kissing her softly. This was a kiss they both needed.

As the pull away they stare into each other's eyes as their foreheads were pressed against each other's. Klaus could sense something was wrong. " What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Serena sighs laying her head against his chest causing Klaus to wrap his arms securely around her. " The spirits warned me about your mother. There's something wrong with her. She doesn't have pure intentions."

" I know." Klaus sighs tapping lightly on her waist. " I could tell something wasn't right. Whatever she's planning will be big. I promise to keep you and Jordan safe at all cost."

Serena lifts her head placing her chin on his chest so she could look at his face. " Same with me, baby." Serena pecks his lips before setting her head back on his chest.

Klaus brings the covers on to them. He looks down at the girl laying on his chest. It there when Klaus knew that no matter Serena was the one thing keeping his sane. He would do anything and everything for her. He would give up anything in order to make sure she was happy. He knew he was in love with Serena long ago, but he never really took notice of it and over time his feelings grew.

The Klaus Mikealson was utterly in love with Serena Lily Salvatore and he didn't...regret it.


To explain the time line a bit. I know Kol was daggered in 1821 and he was until 1860. Klaus undaggered him because he thought it was safe for his family again. He was then daggered in 1870.

Now a year after Serena and her brothers were turned. They well Damon and her had left Mystic Falls and went to New Orleans, where Serena had gotten kid napped and obviously you know the rest...

I hope that cleared it up🙌🏽!

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