lesson 95: hold on to your friends

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Guys I have a surprise in the next chapter. You either will love or hate it.

I'm so scared of screwing up the story. But I planned out the next 5 chapters. Yes, we will have finale in the 100th chapter. I truly hope everyone will be satisfied with it because we've come a long way and it would be a shame if the ending sucked. I'm scared but let's fucking see what happens.

Many people are dividing
And a world apart With just one heart
Is bound to keel and fade away
None of us will be deciding

(Black Smoke Rising- Greta Van Fleet)


"You should've seen it." Thomas said laughing. "She really fucked her up. I never would've thought Isabella would actually be offended of something."

It had been two days since the funeral. Because it had been couple of days, it was easy to talk about it.

Everyone was at my house. Thomas was telling the same story for the millionth time. Victoria and Miruna had curled up in the big couch. They were laughing at Thomas.

Thomas was sitting alone in the armchair, talking and laughing. Damiano and I were on the other couch. 

I realized Damiano was a little off. He was here physically but it was certain he had a lot on his mind. I couldn't find the right time to talk to him about the funeral because since then he was staying at Victoria's place and Miruna was staying with me. This was the first time I saw him since that day.

We also had one more person in the room.

Marlena was sitting on the floor. She was playing with the toys Damiano brought for her. It had been a while since I last saw her and it was appearent she had grown up a lot. She was almost one year by now. Time had passed so quickly and she was at a time she would grow up more each day. She had started to crawl and she was proud of herself for doing that. She was crawling around the living room, going back and forth between each of us and giving us laughters. She also started to communicate. Not verbal of course but she would show us her toys and expect us to comment on it.

"You know what," Victoria said looking at me. "I didn't like you at first."

I looked at her. It didn't take long for me to laugh loudly.

Miruna talked after she did. "No I liked her at first. She became a bitch afterwards."

"Yes Vic," I said. "I could tell." I was still laughing. "Oh and Miruna dear our bitchiness was mutual. No offense though."

They both laughed too. I liked that we were comfortable enough to talk about this. 

"But as of now, you are my new favorite person. I met Isabella for a few times and I can say she scared me. Me. Fucking Victoria De Angelis. But you put her to place. Congrats love."

I laughed. "I did nothing." I said.

We were laughing, making jokes. We were pretending like nothing was wrong. Ethan's absence in the room was being felt by each of us though I was certain it hurt me the most. 

We spent the day talking and joking about stuff. Stuff that didn't matter. I was glad that they were here. It helped me get through. But I couldn't help but think. These people here were the only people Ethan had in his life.

If they were here for me now, who was Ethan with?

If he cared about our relationship as much as I did -which I think he had-  than it meant he was also carrying this unbearable ache in his heart which only hurt deeper with each breath. Dami, Vic, Miruna and Thomas was making me forget from time to time. 

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now