lesson 1: don't fall for the bad guy

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I can't believe I'm starting to my third fucking fiction at this point. Be My Slave is about to end and Life in Her eyes is so slow. Here I am, with another fiction, yet again pretty different from the others.



Time and Date when u first start to the story:


Not shy of a spark
The knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark
The middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
(505- Arctic Monkeys)

I tried my best to focus on what Miruna was saying but I was pretty distracted. He was distracting me. I watched him buy himself food from the cafeteria. His dirty blonde hair was in this beautiful mullet shape. He looked so unapproachable as the rest of his friends. He was a year younger than me but he sure looked older.

I saw Ethan and Victoria teasing a first year. Thomas laughed when they did too. But when Ethan and Victoria left, I heard Thomas's lip move, saying "I'm sorry." to the kid they were teasing.

He was an angel. He was just a hidden one.

"Are you even listening to me?" I heard Miruna say loudly. I looked at her. She looked tired because of talking too much.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted."

She rolled her hazel eyes. "You are always distracted," she said with complaint but continued to talk. "As I was saying. It's our senior year. We should make the most of it."

I looked at her uninterested. We had different definitions of fun and experience. She was the so-called "little miss perfect." She was popular, the most popular. She was hard to approach but she wasn't a mean girl. Everyone loved her- just distantly. She had good grades compared to rest of the students from our shitty school. She had her influence over everyone. She was beautiful. She had light brown round eyes, little wide full lips, upturned nose which had freckles on it, light olive skin and dark -brown hairs. She had everything she wanted.

Well, maybe not everything. I thought to myself as Ethan was attempting to sit down on our table. His arrival had brought Vic and Thomas to our table too. I felt my breath becoming irregular as Thomas was sitting down too.

"Go away," Miruna rolled her eyes at Ethan. Ethan looked fake hurt.

"Come on baby, you know we are great together. Give me one more chance."

Both Thomas and Victoria looked uninterested. Victoria was now playing with her nails. Miruna shrugged. "I gave you more than once chance you fucker. You lost your last chance when I saw you receiving a head from that girl in the bathroom."

Ethan looked bored by now but he was still persistent. "Come on! One more chance. Damiano is having a party this Friday. Come to that. It'll be a good public image for you. I know you like that."

Damiano was their friend who had graduated last year. He was the lead singer of their band.

Oh yeah. They had a band.

I knew deep down she wanted to go but when Miruna looked at him with anger, he understood it was impossible for him to convince her. He looked at me.

"You are her best friend right?" he asked me emotionlessly. He always had this attitude. He always acted like the world was revolving around him. I didn't reply and he took it as a yes. "What was your name again?" he asked. He was in a on and off relationship with Miruna since first year. How come he didn't know my name. Jerk.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now