lesson 47: effeuiller la marguerite is not just a game

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New chapterrr because why not?

I originally planned on doing a time lapse but since some people wanted to see Ethan's reaction to Carmen saying I love you, that's what we will be doing.

As always,



And love, it never happens like you think it really should

Deception and perfection are wonderful traits

One will breed love, the other, hate

You'll find me in the lonely hearts

Under 'I'm after a brand new start'

(Homewrecker- MARINA)


"I love you, you idiot."

It was so out of nowhere and unexpected that both Ethan and I were shocked at what I'd said. I could swear I could see his eyes get brighten. He blessed me with a genuine smile before turning it into a grin.

"You do?" he asked playfully. I shrugged. "You said it first Ethan Torchio. No need to get a bighead."

I knew it seemed like we were being unauthentic with all the teasing but in truth, I knew both of our hearts were beating too fast but we were both too arrogant to admit it.

"Just admit that you want to hear it again." He said facetely. I wouldn't mind hearing it again but I would never admit it.

"Oh you wish," I said. We both laughed as we were walking back to the car.

We argued about it jokingly all the way to home.

When we reached to my house, he pulled over. "Do you know how to drive?" he asked out of nowhere.

"Sorry to disappoint you and fail your cheesy rom-com dreams but I do. Miruna's mom had taught both of us." I looked at him for a second. I only had realized it now that he wasn't 18.

"Do you have your license?" I asked. He looked at me guiltly.

"I'm never getting my ass in that car again," I said, realizing he didn't have his license yet.

"Oh come on! I know how to drive since I'm fucking 14 or something. I grew up in my dad's service. And I know where or when traffic cop is in duty so it's all safe."

I had placed the keys to holder and twirled it. I opened the door as he was following me from my behind.

"You are being irresponsible," I said.

I felt his body getting closer to mine. He hugged me from my back and whispered to my ear. "But you still love me."

I hit his stomach with my elbow, trying to ignore the butterflies I had in mine.

"And you are overreacting," he added. I turned my face to him, his arm was still wrapped around my waist. "But you still love me."

He didn't say he did but he kissed my cheekbone so I knew he did.


Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now