lesson 51: promposal is an intimate occasion

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First chapter of the day because I was distracted with something else the whole morning.

Something I'm excited about.

I started a new fan fiction. For our baby Thomas...

Anyways, while I try to figure that out, you don't forget to



Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly

(Blackbird- The Beatles)

"I really don't want to do this," Ethan said. I got closer to him and give his cheek a kiss.

"I know love. But you really got to."

He looked at me hesitantly. We both knew he didn't want to do this.

"It's only for couple of hours." I said. 

"What if she wants to do something more afterwards?"

That was something I was also worried about but he didn't need to listen to my solicitudes as well.

"You'll find a way." I said. "You always do."

He looked at me gratefully and we left my house.

Today he was going to ask Miruna for prom. I didn't want to spent my time alone at home, worrying about what they might be doing so Ethan dropped me to Damiano's place on his way to Miruna's.

We had arranged a dinner for them. It was weird, setting my boyfriend a date. Miruna had already figured out that he was going to ask her for prom and she had told me all about how excited she were and all I could do was to sit there and listen in silence. The guilt was building up each day.

Damiano opened the door for me with Marlena in his arms. She was five months old now. She had started to give laughters and she was a cheerful baby. She reached to me with his little arms when she saw a new face. She was a warm blooded baby and we had kinda gotten used to each other. I took her from Damiano's arms as I was entering his living room. 

"She grows each day." I looked at Damiano. He looked like he was about to cry. "She does," he said with a shaky voice. I laughed. "Don't worry, you'll always be a dilf."

He giggled and we sat down on the couch.

"You good?" he asked me. He knew Ethan's prom thing with Miruna. I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "I trust him."

I did. I really did. But I would've been lying if I told this wasn't making me uncomfortable. Because it was. A lot.

"Prom is in three weeks." he said. "You can reveal the truth after that." 

I looked at him. "Prom only solves Miruna side of the story though." I said. There was still Thomas, whose feelings and thoughts were still an unsolved mystery for us.

"I know everyone is worried about the band," Damiano said, his eyes were connected to Marlena who was still in my arms. "But this is real life. We cannot always have everything we want. We are growing up and our dreams might change. People should understand that not everything goes according to plan all the time."

I could feel this wasn't Thomas, me or Ethan. I looked at him sympathetically, "Is this about Victoria?" I asked. He looked at me.

"I just don't like being like this with her. I know, Marlena was a mistake but she doesn't feel like that anymore. Victoria still acts like I should be getting rid of her." he said. He sounded hurt and angry at the same time. He continued when I didn't say anything. "I know this was unexpected but you know what Vic means to me. Now, maybe for the first time in my life I have something that I love unconditionally and I would want one of the most valuable person in my life to be involved in that. She refuses to see her, can you believe that?"

It was an upsetting situation in deed and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say to that.

"She cares about you Damiano. Your friendship with each other is the most unique thing I have ever seen. She will come to her senses."

He looked at me but he still looked hurt about this all. "I don't get why she can't be supportive like you or Ethan. I know I'm not a proper father figure and I know we are too young to be dealing this shit but I love our moments together. I love seeing my friend cuddle my kid," he was looking at Marlena's little hand touching my cheek, "I love seeing my friend buy gifts to make my daughter happy. I have a daughter, Carmen. Whether we like it or not, we cannot change it. I have Marlena and it's selfish of Victoria to talk about a band."

I sighed. He really looked hurt. I wished I was closer to Victoria so I could talk to her about this because I knew she would soften up if she knew how hurt Damiano was.

"I think she is just scared of all of your futures. You had your plans since years now and things are changing. She is just having a hard time adjusting it. I'm sure she doesn't do any of these things to hurt you."

He smiled a little. I smiled back. We both laughed when Marlena pulled my hair.

"I'm gonna kill Ethan for making me get used to use my hair down." I said. Damiano laughed again. I was glad he had cheered up a little.

We put Marlena to sleep together after that. We had sang her Blackbird by the Beatles and Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift with Damiano. I had rocked her to sleep and Damiano had played along with his guitar. She really had the musical genes. As soon as we started to sing, she had calmed down and fell asleep.

I put her to her crib and went back to the living room whilst checking my phone. I had hoped Ethan had sent me a text or something but there were nothing. Would it be too risky to text him? Or would he think that I wasn't trusting him.

I sighed and asked Damiano's phone to text him. This way, even if Miruna saw the messages, it wouldn't be weird.

"Is everything going fine?" I texted him. He responded in seconds.

I know its you :)

It's going fine. She spurned it first but accepted after a few words.

I'll pick you up in an hour or so.

I smiled at how quickly he got it was me. I was relieved he was going to be home in a short time. We chatted with Damiano for a while. He had told me that Thomas was thinking about asking me for prom but he had found the idea weird because he wasn't a sophomore. In my opinion it was an excuse because Victoria had went to Damiano's last year.

"Don't worry lady," Damiano said. "If Thomas doesn't ask you and Vic insist that she doesn't want to go with me, I'll take you to prom. You'll look cool if you go to prom with a graduate."

I laughed. "Yeah," I said. "Sure. A graduate who graduated by kissing teacher's asses."

He frowned, "How do you know I had sex with Mrs. McMarthy? The American substitute?"

I looked at him with shock. He wasn't serious. Was he? I laughed when I realized he was.

"I cannot believe you David. I was talking metaphorically."

"Oh," he said. "Busted."

We laughed and changed the topic. When he went to use the bathroom I turned my phone on to go on Instagram. Miruna had shared a story. Of course she had. She loved being seen with him.

I opened the story. It was much more intimate than I expected.

They were sitting next to each other on the chairs. His hand was resting in her hands and they were kissing while Miruna was taking the picture.

On the lips.

When two people are meant to be, they find their way back to each other

She had written on the picture.

I immediately turned my phone off.



We cannot stop with the chaos can we

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now