lesson 9: bury your past

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Hi! How are you all today? I realized I wasn't asking this for a long time.

I'm sad that x factor songs aren't on Spotify anymore. Does anyone know why?

I think there's something wrong with wattpad so it doesn't let you comment... Now I'm sad about it ://


I haven't seen my ex since we broke up
Probably 'cause he didn't wanna grow up
(Guys My Age- Hey Violet)

"I was so pissed at Jeremy for standing me up. I was about to leave the place but I saw Ethan. He said he had seen me sitting alone when he was passing by. Wr ate dinner together. It was fun."

I was such a bad friend for not telling her the truth. That Jeremy hadn't stood her up and it was all planned by Ethan. But what could I say? I know Ethan planned it all out because he told me when he was teaching me how to kiss properly, yeah I kiss the boy you flirt to be able to get together with his best friend.

That wasn't going to happen soon. So I nodded, trying to look happy for her. "That sounds fun."

She smiled shaking her hand. She was holding my arm when we were walking down the hallway. I stayed silent and smiled as she was giving me the every detail about their date. I couldn't speak properly because I couldn't get rid of the heavy feeling that the guilt brought.

We ran into Thomas, Ethan and Victoria as we were headed to the cafeteria. Ethan quickly stood near Miruna. "Yesterday was good wasn't it. We should do that again sometimes." he looked at me and Thomas next. "Maybe we can all go out. Like the day we spent at the shopping center."

Miruna looked very happy with the idea. "It can be like a double date," she realized Victoria when she said that so she felt the need to add , "you can come too of course."

Fortunately, Victoria didn't show the slightest interest to come. "You guys enjoy yourselves, don't count me in." she said carelessly. I looked at Thomas who hadn't say anything. When our eyes met, he shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

So it was settled. Miruna and Ethan started to plan the "double date". Miruna was eager to go see a movie together so they tried to decide on which movie. It was hard for them to agree on something so their argument heated up quickly.

"You always want to choose the movie, it sucks." Miruna said with complaint. Ethan didn't look offended.

"Excuse me for not wanting to watch science-fiction movies. They are unrealistic and dumb." he said. Well if we were to stereotype I would say his favorite genre would be either action or sci-fi. Not everything was about the looks I guess.

"Can we not do this right now?" I asked, sounding pretty bored. I was bored to be honest. They both had strong personalities so it was hard to stand their arguments. Miruna looked at me and nodded. Ethan shrugged. After saying he would text us the time and date, all three of them walked away. I was getting ready to enter the cafeteria before we got stopped by a familiar voice.

"Carmen!" the disgusting voice made my feet get attached to the ground. I didn't turn back but it didn't take long for him to step in front of me, showing himself. I looked at his blue eyes, which were overloading with confidence.

"I see you finally fulfilled your dreams," he talked with an irritating sarcasm on his voice.

"What are you trying to say Carter?" I asked between my teeth. I felt my body tense with anger. I could also feel Miruna was angry too.

"I'm saying that, you are finally talking to the guy of your dreams now that you've gotten rid of me."

I pressed my teeth to each other. I was too angry that my breath had became irregular. Miruna talked when she realized I wasn't.

"She didn't get rid of you, you shithead. You cheated on her. For two fucking years."

"Oh come on," Carter said with a dumb smile on his face. He had pronounced every vowel longer than they were supposed to be. "You would cheat on me with him if you had the chance."

I took a step near him. Our bodies were so close together now. This used to excite me but now, all I could feel was anger. I wanted to slap him but I didn't.

"Fuck off Carter. You should realize that not everyone thinks by their genitals."

I saw him getting angrier. He was about to say something when the class bell rang. He said, "this is not over," as he walked away but I had no idea what was referring to when he said 'this'


"I hate him. I hate him so much," I repeated, walking back and forth in the living room.

"Let it go." Ethan said, he was here to talk and plan for the double date but my mind was occupied with fucking Carter. "He is an asshole and you should let it go."

"You also cheat on your girlfriends too," I said. I was angry at him now too. They were all bunch of idiots.

"First of all, I didn't say I'm not an asshole. Second of all I don't have girlfriends. I never tell anyone that we are in a relationship. They live everything in their head and get angry at me when I don't follow the rules they put, which I never agree in the first place."

"You are still an asshole," I commented, slightly calmed down. I sat near him on the couch.

"I'll take it," he said, nodding. Now that I was calmer, he talked. "Carmen if you want to build a relationship, you should bury your past. Don't give a fuck about what Carter did to you. Carter and Thomas aren't the same person. Screw Carter and focus on who you want to be with now."

I sighed. "How come you're  so good at this in words but you don't have a relationship?"

"It's because I don't want a relationship," he said, shrugging.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You are an asshole."

He giggled. "I'll again, take that."


Is this today's third chapter? Chill anyways--

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