lesson 60: hot girls cry at prom night

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it's here. prom is here.
It'll be a long as chapter 😀 I could divide it into parts but i didn't feel like it so here you go, a complete prom chapter.

When the sun goes down, we all get lonely
Watch me as I disappear
These empty sounds and endless stories
So tell me what I wanna hear
Thin white lies
(Thin White Lies- 5SOS)

Miruna had invited us to get prepared together. I had accepted, Victoria hadn't. She were going to get ready in Damiano's house with him. We were at Miruna's house, Ethan and Thomas were going to come pick us up. We were all going to drive there in Ethan'z red car.

I hated this plan but I didn't say anything about it. I wore my sage green dress. Everything about today was suffocating me. Not seeing Ethan was too much already, knowing that I was going to see him today as Miruna's date was making me die inside. My all body was rotting without anyone realising.

Despite this all, I tried my best to smile when Miruna asked me to. She was applying blush to my cheeks. I let her do my hair and makeup. I would rather doing it myself for my taste but I didnt have the strength to do so. I didn't feel like putting efort into anything about this night.

Before losing contact, Ethan and I had decided to tell them the day after prom. Which was tomorrow. This night was supposed to be our last peaceful night but I was way too far away from peace.

I looked myself in the mirror when she was done with it all.

She had applied a nude eyeshadow to my eyes and a mascara. She had done my skin makeup pretty natural as well. Brick colored lipstick was on my lips. I appreciated she had kept it simple.

She had curled my hair with a curling iron. She had taken two piece from the front and attached them together with a butterfly hair clip. I wore my golden heels and put on my golden butterfly earrings. I was ready after that.

I looked at Miruna. Her dream was to be a disney princess. She had nailed the assignment.

She looked like the brunette cinderella. Her hair was also curled but she had made her hair run through her right shoulder. She had wore a silver chain earring with a star on it in her left ear.

She was wearing a very slight blue eye makeup. All of her accessory were in silver. She looked gorgeous. I smiled brokenly. I was happy that she was happy and she looked happy.

When the doorbell rang I held my breath. I wasn't ready to face this.

"They're here." Miruna said. "How do I look?" she sighed nervously.

"You look goregousy your highness," I said. She smiled brightly. I heard the door close. Miruna's mom must've let them in.

We both walked downstairs. I couldn't carry the weight of my body anymore. I was trembling with every step. When we reached downstairs, I tried my best to not look at the silhouettes I was seeing with the side of my eye. Miruna's mom broke the silence.

"Oh my dear. Look at my lovely girls all grown up. Time goes by so fast," she said with a shakey voice.

She kissed both of our cheeks. She said she was going to go get her phone to take our picture so she left us alone with the two guys.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora