lesson 81: don't sing if you can't

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Heyyy!!! Am I being consistent again omg???

Guys apparently Maneskin members (Vic lol) reads fan fictions. Now I'm scared for my life. SOHB is acceptable to a certain point but I'll consider myself dead if any of them comes across to Be My Slave.

If I don't upload, that might be why.

mutlimedia second slide is mentioned in the chapter. It's so funny go watch it. 



My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
(Where did you sleep last night- Nirvana)


After spending a day at the beach, everyone had settled in to their rooms. Damiano still hadn't given us an explanation on how he'd managed to book 3 rooms without paying. Nonetheless, we had a  fair idea. Seeing the girl who worked at the reception drooling over him was the answer. 

"I think my back got sunburnt." I heard Ethan complain in the bathroom as I was putting on a black dress for the night. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see.

"I'm not gonna rub your back with antibitoic ointment Ethan. Go cry to someone else." 

We weren't under direct sunlight at all. He was just being over dramatic as always. He was seeking affection. But we were late and I couldn't give it to him.

He came in to the bedroom. He had curled his lips. "How will you have fun at ease, knowing your boyfriend is hurt."

I leaned on him and gave him a kiss. "I'll take care of you when we come back baby." I said. His eyes sparkled. "You will?" he asked.

I nodded and pulled him to the door to leave. "Yeah, but we've gotta go."

He obeyed me and we left the hotel room. I was wearing a simple black dress. He was wearing black pants and a black button up. He had tied his hair up in a bun but mine was completely freed.

We reached to the hotel garden. Bar tables were put up. I could see on all of them, there were treats. Also there was a small stage thing.

We walked towards the rest of us. Everyone besides us had already arrived. Of course we were late to come.

"When will the both of you stop looking like you just left a funeral?" Victoria asked as we reached the table. She was wearing a light blue dress. It looked great with her eyes. I looked at Miruna . She was wearing white shorts and a beige cropped top. Damiano was wearing band shirt and black shorts. Thomas was wearing brown shorts and a colorful, tropical themed casual button up. We were the only ones lacking color.

"I wear colors!" Ethan objected. Damiano was the one to reply. "Yeah. Purple or red. When you wear red you look like a vampire. When you wear purple you look like a pimp."

I laughed loudly. "I'm not sure if wearing purple makes you a pimp Dilf."

"My point is, your wardrobes need a change." 

"Yeah, sure," I said in order to shut him up. 

As I was eating few of the treats, Damiano talked and grabbed my attention. "Oh by the way, I wrote all of our names on the karaoke list."

Thomas talked for the first time since we arrived there. "You did what?" he asked.

"I wrote them in pairs of two." he blew a kiss to Thomas. "I'm your date take it or leave it."

Thomas laughed at first but then he put on a disgusted face. "I'll leave it thanks," he said, trying not to laugh. Damiano shrugged. "That's not an actual option and you know that," he said.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now